Before the start of her third year, Ginny spent a lot of time with Hermione while the latter was staying at the Burrow before the 422nd Quidditch World Cup.They shared Ginny's room together and solidified their growing friendship. She is also a notable member of Dumbledore's Army, and co-led the organisation during the 1997-98 school year, while Hogwarts was under Death Eater control. The film actually premiered at the Cannes Film Festival short film corner in May 2012. Seit jeher daran gewöhnt, sich gegen Viele und Stärkere durchsetzen zu müssen, hat sie gelernt, schnell und geschickt zu vermitteln und schlagfertig gute Ausreden zu erfinden. In confiding in the diary her deepest fears and secrets, she became increasingly vulnerable to Riddle's memory, which began to pour a little of his own soul back into her and slowly started to influence her. Following the battle, Ginny recovered in the hospital wing at Hogwarts for the remainder of the year and had her ankle fixed in a trice. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After she, along with Harry, Ron and the amnesic Lockhart left the Chamber with the aid of Dumbledore's pet phoenix Fawkes, the young Weasley was reunited with her parents in Dumbledore's office. Sie ist seit Generationen das erste Mädchen innerhalb des Weasley-Clans. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Leaving the author suffering from his own rebounded Memory Charm at the chamber entrance with Ron, Harry soon found Ginny's unconscious body and went to her defense when Riddle set to set the Basilisk on him. Along with her brothers, Ginny remained at Hogwarts over Christmas instead of going to visit Bill in Egypt with her parents. Ginny traveled with her family to buy her school supplies, and her excitement at finally going was tempered by the fact that, due to the Weasleys' financial situation, she would have to make do with a lot of second-hand products, including her robes and books. During the first Quidditch match of the season against Slytherin, Ginny scored several goals to help the team to victory. Ginny says that the family have been hearing explosions coming from the twins' room for ages, but never thought they were actually making things, just that they liked the noise. Harry Potter Wiki ist eine Fandom-Literatur-Community. Ginny fällt auf die versteckte Magie herein, die sich zunächst als äußerst wohltuend zeigt. is an English actress, film director, screenwriter, model, producer, and activist. 'Harry Potter': J.K. Rowling Has Forbidden THIS Scene, Prince William Reveals Unusual Activity His Kids Did During Half-Term Break Lambing Norfolk, Emma Watson Shares 'Harry Potter Reunion Picture. sessions; Ginny hit Draco Malfoy with the Bat-Bogey Hex, then regrouped with Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge with a group of enraged centaurs. Bonnie Francesca Wright (born 17 February 1991) is an English actress, film director, screenwriter, model, producer, and activist. And while Ginny Weasley has a bunch of brothers, Wright only has one in real life. Goes most often by the name of Ginny. Despite her fears, Dumbledore, who returned to the school at the request of its board of governors (minus Malfoy), did not place the blame on her, saying that older and wiser wizards had been duped by Voldemort once before in their life, and sent her to the hospital wing to recover from her ordeal with a mug of hot chocolate. In ihrem ersten Schuljahr veranstaltet Gilderoy Lockhart eine Valentinsaktion (14.02.1992), indem er kleine "Liebesboten" in Hogwarts herumschickt. But we get to see where Ginny is in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and it … Bonnie Wright: See what "Ginny Weasley" looks like in 2020. When Harry arrived at the Burrow after being rescued from his Muggle aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, by Ron, Fred and George, she became extremely shy in his presence after coming down for breakfast to find him sitting at the table. Anthony Goldstein | Another Order member, Nymphadora Tonks, acted like a big sister towards both Ginny and Hermione, and Ginny often laughed at the faces Tonks made due to the latter witch being a Metamorphmagus (a witch or wizard with the ability to change any physical appearance on their at will). On Platform 9¾ a few days afterwards, Ginny left Harry's side to meet up with Dean Thomas on the Hogwarts Express but was interrupted by classmate Zacharias Smith, who attempted to get information out of her regarding what had happened that night in the Department of Mysteries. ", "Ginny enters the compartment soon after Neville Longbottom, looking for Ron after the Hogwarts Express stops and is plunged into darkness. Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Potter (née Weasley) (born August 11, 1981) is one of the main protagonists from the Harry Potter series. Despite being too young to attend the school, she still begged her mother to let her go with them. Andre Egwu | Ginevra war die mutige und kämpferische Gattin von. She played her second Quidditch game for the Gryffindor team against Ravenclaw shortly afterwards and managed to capture the Golden Snitch, beating Cho Chang and securing the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor. Sie ist seit Generationen das erste Mädchen innerhalb des Weasley-Clans. Ginny visited him in the hospital wing, making a get well card that sang shrilly when opened and presented it to him while blushing furiously. As a member of Dumbledore's Army, she fought in several battles, including the Battle of Hogwarts. Gryffindor Student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (formerly). Despite the majority of her brothers being keen players of broomstick riding wizard sport Quidditch, Ginny was not allowed to play with them as a child. Susan Bones, Order of the Phoenix Penny Haywood | Als Harry sich von seinen Freunden isoliert, weil er fürchtet, von Voldemort besessen zu sein, erinnert sie ihn an ihre eigenen Besessenheitsepisoden 1992 und verhilft ihm zu der Einsicht, dass seine Ängste unbegründet sind. She also appeared in the 2018 movie A Christmas Carol. She attended the World Cup with the majority of her family, with Harry and Hermione tagging along, yet was shaken by the unexpected attack on the camping grounds orchestrated by the group of pardoned Death Eaters under Lucius Malfoy's shortly after the game. Terry Boot | "Ginny prepares to travel to Diagon Alley using Floo powder, along with the rest of her family. Umbridge threatened to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry to make him tell her what he was doing, Hermione faked a breakdown and told a lie about a weapon that Dumbledore told them to make. To her amazement, the hidden sentient memory of the dark wizard's true identity (a former Slytherin prefect later revealed to be the heir of Salazar Slytherin himself named Tom Marvolo Riddle) wrote back, and she started to confide in him, writing about how her brothers teased her, how she had to come to school with second-hand robes and books, and how she thought that Harry would never like her. Bonnie Francesca Wright was born on February 17, 1991 to jewelers Gary Wright and Sheila Teague. As the term started, the young redhead witch rejoined as a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, of which Harry had been made the Captain. To learn Defense Against the Dark Arts with Harry, Ron and Hermion in preparation for their fight against Voldemort's second rise to power (succeeded). She went very pale and shook like mad, eventually sobbing and having to be comforted by Hermione while Lupin drove the Dementor away. Rowena Ravenclaw | Ginny sendet, während dieser Aktion, ein Liebesgedicht an Harry. Dort entzieht ihr die Erinnerungsgestalt Tom so viel Leben, dass er aus dem Tagebuch herauskommen kann. To Ginny's horror, among the items dropped was the diary, and to make matters worse, Draco implied that she must've sent Harry the Singing Valentine in front of everyone. Probably as a result of her being more confident and relaxed in front of Harry, her willingness to stand up to him, and their shared experiences of being a Seeker, Harry and Ginny grew closer. The group name Ginny came up with for the D.A. Angelina Johnson | Ginny returned with her brothers and Harry for her fourth year at Hogwarts, and while on the Hogwarts Express, introduced Harry and Neville to Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw in her year. When Harry was dropped off at the Burrow by Dumbledore at some point when the summer holidays were coming to a close, Ginny was delighted and took a trip and him, Hermione some of the other Weasleys to Diagon Alley to purchase needed school supplies. While at the ball with Neville that Christmas, the young witch met fellow Ravenclaw classmate Micheal Corner, who she began dating by the end of the year, thus taking Hermione's advice to distance herself from Harry. Ginny spent the summer of her fifth year at the Burrow with her brothers and Hermione at the Burrow as the wizarding community was placed in a state vigilance worse than ever in response to Voldemort's and his Death Eaters' re-emergence into the open. While shooting the final two Harry Potter movies, she enrolled at the London College of Communications for studies as a Film and Television Production Manager and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 2012. Lucius Malfoy sneers at the second-hand school items that the Weasleys have bought for Ginny from Diagon Alley. During her time in the D.A, Ginny's talent for defensive magic was shown as she had swift reflexes with the Disarming Charm and considerable power with the Reductor Curse, the latter of which highly impressed Harry (much to Ginny's delight) and made her brothers jealous. She visited various tombs, but her mother would not allow her to go in the last one because of all the mutant skeletons. Ginny vertraut Tom ihre Sorgen an, dieser gibt sich daraufhin mitfühlend und gewinnt dadurch immer mehr Macht über sie. She then also starred in all other seven movies of the Harry Potter franchise, which ended with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 in 2011. Harry confided in her that he needed to his godfather, and she encouraged him to do so, even insisting that she might be able to help. She travels by Portkey to the campsite, landing on the ground when it arrives, unable to stay on her feet. She appears only fleetingly in the first book but makes much more of an impact in the second where her disastrous first year at Hogwarts is the focus of the story, albeit unknown to her siblings and friends. August 1981), ist die Jüngste in der Familie Weasley. Around Easter, the two had their first real one on one conversation in the library, during which they ate Easter eggs together. She joins Harry, Ron and Hermione as they make their way to Ron's bedroom at the top of the house. They all met in the Hog's Head where Ginny first demonstrated her sense of humour by mimicking Umbridge's cough. Lily Potter | Hufflepuff | Filius Flitwick | Albus Dumbledore | She grew distraught when Ron came under attack by the brains in the Brain Room and was knocked unconscious by a Stunning Spell by Travers. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Merula Snyde | But, to show that her feelings for the scarred young wizard never truly died, Ginny continued to be encouraging to Harry through the rest of the tournament. After the Death Eaters disappear, she, Fred and George find their way back to the tent safely, shaken but unhurt.". In 2000, she was cast in the role of "Ginny Weasley" and first appeared in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 2001 alongside Daniel Radcliffe ("Harry Potter") and Rupert Grint ("Ron Weasley"). When they returned from the vacation, the Weasleys found most of the wizarding community on high alert after Harry's notorious godfather Sirius Black escaped from the wizard prison Azkaban in their absence, having been sent there after being accused (wrongly, as it later turned out) for selling out Harry's parents to Voldemort and killing 12 Muggles on a crowded London street with a single Blasting Curse. Außerdem setzt sie ihre Interessen, wenn nötig auch mal unbemerkt durch. Ginny wird für diese Vorfälle nicht bestraft, weil der weise Schulleiter Dumbledore entscheidet, dass die naive Erstklässlerin, wie schon erfahrenere Zauberer auch, einer raffinierten Täuschung Voldemorts aufgesessen war, durch die glücklicherweise niemand bleibende Schäden davongetragen hat.