Sounds like the cloudy part you have was misdiagnosed. Ocular dominance column width and contrast sensitivity in monkeys reared with strabismus or anisometropia. I do remember wearing patches for a while at least. Too simple right? That includes colors. The only way to truly determine if someone has amblyopia is through a functional vision exam. When it occurs during the critical period of visual development, it can cause amblyopia. What happened was that when you were in your mothers womb you over developed your optic nerve. Cotter SA, Varma R, Tarczy-Hornoch K, McKean-Cowdin R, Lin J, Wen G, et al; Joint Writing Committee for the Multi-Ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease Study and the Baltimore Pediatric Eye Disease Study Groups. How embarrassing. Every case is different, and every patient must be thoroughly evaluated through a Functional Vision Test.. Amblyopic patients were divided into two comparable groups matched for the degree of amblyopia. A possible treatment for adults with amblyopia would be amazing. Concomitant strabismus and cortical eye dominance in young rhesus monkeys. I too am interested in this treatment. Prentice award lecture 2011: Removing the brakes on plasticity in the amblyopic brain. Holmes JM, Manh VM, Lazar EL, Beck RW, Birch EE, Kraker RT, et al. She could not follow this treatment in proper way. My teacher didn't quite understand this and told me why we could read at recess if I didn't do it right. What is Convergence Insufficiency? Feel my way to the bath room to rinse out my eyes. Amblyopia Map: The figure shows the mean locations of the 11 clinically defined subject categories in the two-factor space. I did the eye patch when I was 6. I live in Montreal, therefore near McGill University. Specialist in this field do exist in UK but are very expensive. If an adult has new-onset strabismus, it is typically the result of a disease process or trauma. This rate was 4 times higher in children who did not have a gradual taper of their treatment for at least 5 weeks following the resolution of amblyopia. When I close my good left eye,  The vision in my right eye is horrible. Spectrum of infantile esotropia in primates: Behavior, brains, and orbits. I would dearly love to improve the amblyopia. 6/60 vision in that eye and 6/6 in my stronger eye. Amblyopia and binocular vision. Wiesel TN. where did you go through all this process? While in normal animals most cortical neurons respond to stimulation of 2 eyes, in animals that were subjected to occlusion or blurring of the image of one eye, the proportion of cortical neurons responding to stimuli of the affected eye is much smaller. Please send me more info i am 39 years old, bonjour je suis d'Algerie,je suis ambliope et mon fils agé de 19 ans l'est aussi,y'a t_il un espoir de gurison? At least, that's what my brain does. Hess RF, Holliday IE. Structural and functional deficits in human amblyopia. A randomized trial of near versus distance activities while patching for amblyopia in children aged 3 to less than 7 years. Movshon JA, Eggers HM, Gizzi MS, Hendrickson AE, Kiorpes L, Boothe RG. Can it be treated or not? Sengpiel F, Blakemore C. The neural basis of suppression and amblyopia in strabismus. and asked him to play different games and he played for at least 6-7 hrs a day while wearing patch and glasses. Don't make your child wear the patch at school, at this point where they are needing to be able to learn how to read they might be not able to make out the letters with the weak eye. I have always wondered if I see anything like others with normal vision see. Later, the doc patched my bad eye  24/7 for about a month, at least, maybe longer, I can't remember. I have grown up with technology and tried the active rather than passive format. I see very well in my left eye and would like to improve my acuity in my weak eye which is 20/200 I would like to be used in any of your research or clinical trials. Been suffering lazy eye all my life and all they, I'm 72 and just diagnoses as having dry and wet AMD (Age-related macular, Hello everyone, I am Naveen from India and my age is 28 now. Eyes that are farsighted tend to focus better at a distance but have more difficulty focusing on near objects. Putignano E, Lonetti G, Cancedda L, Ratto G, Costa M, Maffei L, et al. In the majority of cases this does produce visual improvements, though there is a great deal of variability. I am at a kiss, please help, thank you. I was left asking, "What happened?" LazyEyeTetris is one of those games trying to capitalize on this research. Reading an eye chart, if the first LARGE letter on the chart is an E,  I see only 3 horizontal lines and those lines are blurry as is. To achieve this, the contrast or luminance of visual input to the fellow eye is reduced to match the performance of the amblyopic eye. Please can you help? I actually experience it before but all I thought it wasn't that serious.. I am interested in information and treatment. When news of this therapy first hit the internet, people rushed out to create versions of Tetris that use old style 3d (blue/red) glasses to show the falling blocks in one color and collecting blocks in another. I still cannot understand how my vision improved from being somewhat blind to 20/25. surtout pour mon fils.merci. Google Bionic lens I don't know if it is going to work on my lazy eye but I'm going to try it out. either it`s not gone at all or it`s back after too many years which I think is impossible. Amblyopia is the most common cause of visual impairment among children, affecting approximately 2 to 3 out of every 100 children. Despite the varied deficits in visual function, the diagnosis of amblyopia is still done by measuring visual acuity on an eye chart, using optotype-based recognition. Profile of anisometropia and aniso-astigmatism in children: prevalence and association with age, ocular biometric measures, and refractive status. Mirabella G, Hay S, Wong AM. Thank you! Binocular interaction in striate cortex of kittens reared with artificial squint. I'd be interested in this treatment. And if I am attempting to pour something into a container, I have to be looking on top of the container, I can't hold it out in front of me and pour into it or I will end up missing the container . Validation study of VEP vernier acuity in normal-vision and amblyopic adults. The current treatment approach is based on the assumption that amblyopia is the primary problem and the loss of binocular function is the secondary consequence. I would love some insight and direction as to possible treatment for my condition. Important connections between the eye and the brain are created during this period of growth and development. Richards MD, Goltz HC, Wong AMF. My problem is from birth and it wasn't discovered until I was 4. Williams C, Harrad RA, Harvey I, Sparrow JM, ALSPAC Study Team. We measured 3D vision, degree of suppression and monocular vision. My vision in my right eye is 20/600. Large sample population age norms for visual acuities obtained with Vistech-Teller Acuity Cards. I am interested in your approach and would like more information please. And strabismus is not amblyopia. Residual binocular interactions in the striate cortex of monkeys reared with abnormal binocular vision. I am, however, still lacking depth perception, and need to wear glasses for both eyes. Risk factors for accommodative esotropia among hypermetropic children. However, it is still possible at any age to retrain the visual system, restore binocular vision, and correct amblyopia. I'm 59 years old and as a child had two eye surgeries and did eye patching. I am from India and it would be really helpful if you provide the Doctor details...Thanks. Moreover, because the brain doesn’t develop the ability to see clearly in one or both eyes, the eyesight of a person with amblyopia cannot be improved with glasses alone. I have had amblyopia since birth. Lessons from recent randomized clinical trials of binocular treatment for amblyopia. Thus, it is suppression that leads to amblyopia in an individual who has strabismus and not vice versa, because the inactivity of the system may interfere with the process of synaptic development.67, In strabismus, the different stimuli received by the eyes prevent normal image fusion, compromising binocular vision and summation and the ability to discriminate disparity and depth of vision with altered stereoscopic visual acuity (stereopsis) and even postural stability.6,60,75-81, Contrast sensitivity in strabismic amblyopia is less affected than in amblyopia due to deprivation or anisometropia, with change mainly to high spatial frequencies.82, Amblyopia caused by strabismus therefore has a major impact on visual acuity and binocular vision, and contrast sensitivity is relatively sparing.11, Amblyopia is considered mixed when caused by 2 amblyogenic factors.