A brand name is not merely a name to your startup but more than that. Flamingo: This project name easily lends itself to an awesome team mascot. Its obvious that when your customer remembers your name vividly, it can help you with marketing and advertisement. None of them felt right, until one day a genie whispered the word “Rolex” in his ear. Your name should be something that it can work and the reader can memorize it even if he hasn’t seen it before in a written form. Start by brainstorming what words could fit into your business name. This will help to increase employee motivation, productivity, and improve employee satisfaction. 37. Try a Monopoly-style game. Enter and Win. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. When you mix and match words from different genres the expression in a name gets unique identity conveying a meaningful expression. While naming your business, there is always a room to play with different words and come up with different names that are creative and appetizing. Zeus: Who wouldn’t want to name their project after the king of the Greek gods? It should be selected by keeping in view all the priorities, desires, and demands of the consumer. 95. Durango: I feel like this is a choice that Durango lovers would choose. Have a great day, Vaishali! So, a business name should not only be chosen carefully but it should intend to satisfy the reputation of your business as well. Omega: The alpha and omega are the first and last, or the beginning and the end. Dissect and understand why their business name works for them and how you can use those techniques in your own business name. There are many names available on this article for you to choose from. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Look for inspiration in pop culture, mythology, or just look through the dictionary. Now Nike does not need its customers to associate its name with victory because Nike has made it their job to make customers feel like winners. Quiz competitions are excessively popular at school and college levels. Provide all the participants with pirate hats and tattoos, too! If the name of your business hampers your customer to pronounce it well, then it’s is doubtlessly a drawback to your business. 19. What else do you need to make it fall into the criterion of the market and to attract consumers and investors? Are you in race of being trendy and smart and thus want to shine amongst all your competitors than my dear you need to select something catchy which attracts the people at once. Following are the contests that focus on driving improvement with respect to scoring leads and prospects: If your prospect list is long and hasn’t been touched in a while, start a competition for who can turn the most leads into clients. The options are endless. Browse through team names to find funny team names and cool team names. These are a few of the characteristics which are an essential component of how-to-write-a-business-name -list. First thing first, let’s have a sneaky idea. Make everyone contact a minimum number of leads every day. 54. When an associate exceeds a goal, he can “buy” property – a chance at the final prize. 83. When you’re looking for sales contest ideas to boost office morale, set a goal for the entire team to win, not just one salesperson. You need to understand first that are your goals and aims for your business and what do you actually want to do. Balloon Surprise. It is also important to make your contests creative and interesting. You can run a sales contest that focuses on retention. Here are the 75 most catchy sales contest names of all-time. You can easily guess the product quality, its price range, its demand and is it a drug store product or high- end makeup brand. When your name will be registered, you are all good to go. 33. Connect Tech. Pondering and heeding upon choosing the perfect style for your business name that can satisfy your preference and market standard is extremely important. In this example, I’m creating a name for a cool and catchy business that conveys products or services worth taking note of. Coming up with a one-word name for your brand can be quite difficult, especially when you want to send out a clear message about your business. And now you are all equipped to introduce it into the market by selecting a suitable name. Have a great day, Jordyn! A team or individual with the highest score emerges winner in a quiz. If there is a well-defined idea that drives your business, use that to find a name that fits into the description of your company’s goals. 34. This characteristic is favorable for the future growth of your business. Apollo: This could reference the Greek god, a constellation or the spaceship. it’s so integral that you cannot even take a step forward without apprehending that do your want from a business, what are your goals, what services are you going to provide, what products are you aiming to sell, who would be your targeted audience and how you will be going to introduce your start in the market and every single step you are going to take in regard to its promotion. This name conveys the imagery of striking up a conversation with someone over a book. It would be an ironic choice if you are inventing a gadget that uses heat or if you are part of a cooking project. 27. When you are immersed in work that you love, it seems like nothing else really matters much any more. 11. 44. Let’s say you have a business company (Textile Company) in partnership with your brothers and you want to name it after your father. The most thing that encompasses the great deal of importance is the legitimacy of your business name. Aurora: This is one of the best things to see when you are close to the Arctic Circle. Want to give out creative awards to your contest winners? Planners on a Mission. Inter-connecting words from different genres is a wise way to ensure team names are innovative and clever.