Then I just had a dream about him on 2/24/20 or 2/25/20. Or, it might even just be that they saw something during the course of their day that reminded them of you, even unconsciously, which then translated into you appearing in their dream that night — a phenomenon called “day residue.”, Of course, an adjacent question to all of this is whether dream interpretation is legit at all, or whether it’s just pseudoscience. what does it mean if someone dreams about you. A lot of people believe that when you have a dream about someone, they are in fact thinking about you. I’m not entirely positive who kissed who; but I think I did first and then he kissed me back which ending with us making out — again. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. And why wouldn’t you? On the other hand, if you’re dreaming about someone who is successful in life and you look up to them, you may be having an urge to improve your life and become more successful in life just like them. Your image just happens to be a useful conduit through which they can examine them. The two of you share a strong social connection, and you may feel that you want to maintain a romantic relationship with him. The important thing to remember — about all dreams, but especially when they involve real people appearing in them — is that context matters. “The best way to respond to this is to say, ‘Okay, I’m available Wednesday or Thursday, which day [works for you]?’" he says. Having a dream about someone can be completely random and leave you feeling stumped. The thing is, we don’t always know how that “data” might surface in our dreams, which can make it all seem kind of random — even when the “data” in question is a person or figure in someone’s life. Im 19 and hes 26 so hes a lot older but hes really flirty and has told me a few times … For instance, if you are having a dream about an ex-boyfriend that you despise, then you may just be having some pent up anger in your life that cam through in the representation of a person you can’t stand. When you have a dream about someone in particular, it could be that they are representing a feeling that you have. Dream interpretation has long fascinated humans. But could your dream indicate that, that person is also thinking of you, too? And, honestly, it might even mean nothing at all. That said, though, sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar — and the same, I think, is true of dreams. At the end of the day, if you are wondering if dreaming about someone means that they are thinking of you, the answer is truly uncertain. According to Dr. Wanis, your response should be straightforward. Dreams are symbolic, they are not real people, dream about a person from someone’s past, common linkages between specific dream content, Your chipmunk is not someone else's chipmunk. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. It’s not about you. And, honestly, it might even mean nothing at all. male strangers) and very broad outcomes in dream action (such as presence of physical aggression in the dream)”; we also know that our brains sometimes use sleep to solve waking problems. So: If someone has dreamed about you, it’s important not to read too much into it. Medium Length Hairstyles We All Want To Copy This Year. It’s about them. I’ve seen resources state that dreams can happen about a particular person if you’re thinking of them or work with them. Well to be honest, I find it pretty strange when people tell me they've had a dream about me: unless it's my mom or someone like that. While this solution to discovering what your dream means is rather basic, it can take the edge off if you find that you’re dreaming about someone who you’re not particularly close or fond of. However, there is technically no scientific evidence to back this up. What type of feelings did they bring to the table? i like this guy i met not to long ago at my work and i dont see him that often anymore but we would text a lot. One was from a few months back. I don’t always (or often) remember my dreams, but I do know that when I’m overly stressed about something, I always have a classic “HOLY COW MY TEETH ARE FALLING OUT” dream. Coincidence? That may be just because you have a deep desire for having that career, and it’s shown through this person. This response often captures that you can see that the apology may have been difficult for the other person, and you want to show appreciation for their vulnerability and ownership of their role in the hurt. Consider what you want for your future, and speak with him about your thoughts and feelings. If his dream sounded like a date, he's probably asking in a roundabout way if you want to actually go on a date with him. In fact there are plenty instances in which someone ended up dreaming about someone while they were thinking of them. How To Start Your Own Out-of-This-World Travel Blog in 7 Steps. However, that making out ended up sexual in the end. The dream may have nothing to with them, but rather an emotion you’re feeling while you sleep. Luckily there’s a few different reasons why you may be dreaming about someone in particular. "You’re now giving him an option.” If your crush is interested, they’ll willingly agree to make alternative plans and (hopefully) keep them. You may find that the best way to understand your dreams is through introspection. Go ahead and put your dream to the test and see If they were thinking of you. If he says he dreamed that you did something together, like got ice-cream or went to the movies, you could suggest actually doing that. Additionally, as Stephen Klein noted over at DreamStop earlier in 2017, actual people appearing in our dreams can be representative of “an emotion, thought, or feeling that is tied to that person.”, For this reason, dreams about real people often aren’t about those people at all; rather, they reveal something about the dreamer, whether it’s an unexplored part of themselves or an emotion they’re currently working through. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. I had a dream about my moms friend son he is really cute and I can’t seem to say hi, neither can he we talked like once and i looked into his eyes and I was like wow And I had a dream about him 2 days ago and I haven’t since him in like a month. “I hear you.” This special person you’re dreaming about can actually just be a representation of a want you have in your life. Don’t take it personally. Was it happiness? Dreaming about someone with your dream job? If you notice that you tend to see the person in your dream on a regular basis, they may have popped up for literally no reason at all. We talked for a while. Maybe. However, there is technically no scientific evidence to back this up.