Gumball yelled looking at his so called step bro. " CC CC "PENNY!" The teddy bear manager beating up Richard. During Gumball and Darwin's montage of harsh honesty: Gumball and Darwin telling Principal Brown and Miss Simian what they really think of their relationship. Till Larry the clerk laughs them out of the store. cute little eye twitch when he says "Hippity rap", caught in another of Richard's ghost traps, very insensitive about Penny's pet's death. The beginning when Gumball is first traumatized by Grandma Jojo's kiss. Gumballnowigbattleaxeninja being in Europe. / "The Painting" - Principal Brown tries to "fix" Gumball's dysfunctional family. Saison 1, épisode 3 Non classé Tobias competing in the dumb race only for him to grab dozens of balloons and floats away from the race. SD. o. Penny laughed remembering that day. Gumball ends up flashing his butt to his own mom at one point. HD Simian wasn't even invited; she just happened to drive by the church and see the wedding as it was ending). ouch! Gumball's reaction from when Miss Simian's car flips over the Wattersons'. "Are you trying to change the subject Darwin?" His scream is what seals it. After that, Gumball and Darwin head out on a school picnic. Yeah, we are in a music video! The entire scene where Mr, Small uses his "lie hat" to teach Gumball and Darwin how lying can hurt others. It is also known to be very dark, even when it is sunny outside, possibly since the trees are so tall and thick that they block the sunlight. When Mr. Robinson takes possession of the wand, he wishes for Mrs. Robinson's haircut to be gone. Darwin trying to ditch Gumball after learning that he's a father. no water,no food, no nurse, but just a map, a carving knife and a partner. no water,no food, no nurse, but just a map, a carving knife and a partner. said Darwin. It is also featured again in "The Bet," "The World," "The Shell," "The Question," and "The Romantic.". I cannot play "Butt Puppets" right now. When the hormones finish changing Gumball completely it has a closeup of his butt suddenly becoming incredibly muscular, then we get a quick shot of. SD. Gumball setting his hands on fire trying to start a camp fire. When he says. "The Pressure" - Gumball tries to save Darwin from being kissed by a girl. The Creatures are minor characters in The Amazing World of Gumball. THE SPIDER! Darwin says hi to a pair of seemingly harmless squirrels: Squirrel #1: They'll never make it out of here alive. Gumball taking a high dive into the pool and landing flat on his face without making a splash. Darwin replies with, When trying to return the DVD, Gumball and Darwin make a hilarious homebrew version of. "How do you sleep at night, Ms. SD. It debuts in "The Picnic," where Gumball and Darwin get lost inside of it after not following Miss Simian's directions on a field trip. It is located in what appears to be a large park in Elmore. I'M MORE SANE THAN I'VE EVER BEEN!!". HD Nicole tries to hug Gumball and he tries to block, causing a sort of impromptu sparring match, which Gumball loses. Saison 1, épisode 1 Non classé Anais: (Deadpan) This plan already reeks of failure. "Oh nothing its just you seem different today and really scared." When Darwin asks what happened to his clothes, he angrily responds that he ate them. During Richard's scream montage, Richard's mother just happens to give us an, When Richard wishes the sink was unclogged, Gumball and Darwin remove the u-bend pipe, Gumball, "The only thing supernatural about you is your ignorance.". When viewed from far above the trees, it possesses an uncanny resemblance to a human skull. The whole chase scene between Gumball, Darwin, and Nicole. The scene with the bucket stuck to Richard's head is also hilarious. Gumball opens his locker by sticking a paper clip in his buttocks and ramming into the locker. Votre évaluation sera publiée bientôt. After Darwin gets over Gumballoopseggwobbleunderpants, he immediately falls in love with. Till all the kids at school laugh them out of the building. Ms. When viewed from far above the trees, it possesses an uncanny resemblance to a human skull. Some of the students have funny comments on the figure that fell out of Gumball's locker. Saison 1, épisode 7 Non classé The sight of Richard and Nicole playing with their "hairy mutant" children happily in the park. HAHAHA-(gets hit by door)". The running gag of the teachers getting run over by vehicles. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from The Mystery: Gumball sets out to solve the mystery of who stuffed Principal Brown into his locker. It is located in what appears to be a large park in Elmore. Gumball I never knew how tall you were! Not a smart thing to say, as Darwin whacks real Gumball with a shovel. While their size varies, most of The Creatures that live in the Forest of Doom seem to be quite monstrous or at the very least have sinister intentions. The Goons/The Secret already forgotten he sent Gumball to school in a dress by the next time he saw him, doesn't hear Gumball's words on how he "used to be beautiful", NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Your review has been posted. The first-person binge-eating sequence, in which Gumball steals a half-eaten chicken drumstick from the Hairy Hobo, knocks over a hot dog cart, and takes a bite out of the Donut Cop. This is what happens when you mess with Gaylord! This is the route we'll be taking to the picnic area. Saison 1, épisode 5 Non classé Mr. Small's five-step session with Gumball and Darwin: The musical number inside of Gumball's body showing sugar cubes doing the twist on his ribs while other sugar cubes are tickling Gumball's heart. The forest is bigger than it looks from the outside, and is also easy to get lost in. really?" Gumball tries to help Bobert, who plots to take over Gumball's life.