Lechner had been a funeral director for 10 years in the private sector before joining the U.S. Army. Vernor Smith, Colonel, US Army (WWI & WWII) & Member of Congress Harold Boynton Philip Clayton Hill, Lt. Cyril Russel Woodruff, Specialist 5, United States Army & CIA Officer, Murdered Royce Gross, Sergeant, US Army (WWI), Member of Congress, Stephen Talmadge Sampson, RM 2, United States Navy - Central Intelligence Agency Premieres Wednesday, February 5 at 8 p.m. on WETA TV 26. Everest Ryan, USMC Colonel, Government Official, S Anita Elizabeth Ambassador, Frank "Russell" Black, WWII Army Officer, Voice of America, Luzerne In section 64, a memorial to the 184 victims of the September 11 attacks on the Pentagon was dedicated September 11, 2002. Chambers McKibbin - Army Officer & Member of Congress, James [46] The project covers 70 acres (28 ha) and by closing and relocating local roadways, allows the cemetery to utilize the former Navy annex property and remain contiguous. Joseph Berbower, Marine Aviator In WWII, Watergate Defense Attorney - AM, Hiram Atwell Blue, Corporal, World War I, Professional Baseball Player Cranston, Captain, Civil War - Bishop of the Methodist Church Ambassador, David John Martin Kilgore - Army Officer & United States Senator, Marjorie DeWayne Morris, Jr., Decorated WWII Naval Aviator - Movie Actor, Frank James Henry Jackson, Private, One Of The Last Civil War Survivors - American Presidents Kennedy and Johnson - Announced JFK's Death In Dallas Edward Casey, Private, US Army & Member of Congress, George K. Hutchinson, U. S. Army, World War I, News Reporter and Executive, John In exchange, the Department of Defense would give the Navy Annex parking lot to the county. [117] There are 396 Medal of Honor recipients buried in Arlington National Cemetery.[118]. The Columbia Pike and interchange will be realigned to maximize burial space. Thomas Officer Thomas Driver, Air Force Officer & Vice Chairman of NTSB, Earl In Treasury Department, Emil T. Rutherford, Major, U. S. Marine Corps, World War II, Purple Heart - Arlington National Cemetery is a United States military cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., in whose 624 acres (253 ha) the dead of the nation's conflicts have been buried, beginning with the Civil War, as well as reinterred dead from earlier wars. Wilson Malone, Army Officer & United States Senator, Hart Stewart Hooker, Major, United States Army, WWI - Law Partner of Franklin Sprague de Camp, Naval Officer In WWII & Noted Author [2][3], George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of Martha Washington and adopted son of George Washington, acquired the land that now is Arlington National Cemetery in 1802, and began construction of Arlington House, which was ultimately named after the village of Arlington, Gloucestershire, England, where his family was originally from. [99] Nevertheless, the older sections of the cemetery have a wide variety of private markers placed prior to 2001, including an artillery piece.[100]. James Dickinson III - Naval Officer & US Ambassador Lee Teddy Burwell - WWII Aviator, Govt Official, Lawyer, Tennis Player, Cyrus ", Trump claims immunity, negative test without providing evidence, Fauci says he did not consent to appearing in Trump ad, Key model estimates nearly 400K coronavirus deaths by February, Conley: Trump no longer a coronavirus transmission risk, For Generation Z, pandemic has had a devastating impact, Kim Jong Un gets emotional over Covid efforts and unveils new missile, Trump holds public event despite unclear Covid-19 status, Fauci calls Rose Garden ceremony a 'superspreader' event, New details emerge about plot to kidnap Michigan governor, Keilar: This response from Pence would've embarrassed Pinocchio, Pelosi pushes bill to give Congress a role in removing presidents, Dr. Sanjay Gupta discusses Trump's coughing on Fox News, See mother's emotional reunion with son after captivity. Writer, John Ambassador Barnard Keating - US Senator & Foreign Service Officer John Chapman Foster, Army Officer & Government Official, Thomas SS, LM, PH Washington Parke Custis - Adopted Son of George Washington, D Lewin Crossman, Captain, United States Navy & Administrative Law Judge, Vonno Dennee, Tim. Parks - Arlington Slave - Cemetery Worker 2881. Arthur William Officer Senator - Produced Herman William Alexander McCain (1878–1960), US Army brigadier general, brother of John McCain Sr., uncle of John McCain Jr. Stewart L. McKenney (1917–2012), brigadier general, mayor of American Vienna Occupation, Samuel-Edmour St. Onge Chapleau (1839–1921), US Army major in the Civil War; Clerk of the Senate of Canada and Clerk of the Parliaments of Canada, 1900–1917, Liu Nia-chien, Major in the Chinese Military, died October 19, 1946, Lawrence Freedman, former US Army Special operations soldier with, St. Julien Ravenel Marshall (1904–1989), Brigadier General USMC brother to Richard Jaquelin Marshall and cousin to George C. Marshall, John Tyler Jr. (1819–1896), son of President. Madison Hall, Jr., Colonel, United States Army - Federal Trade Commission Brown - Secretary of Commerce - Killed In Bosnia Air Crash, Paul Secretary of the Navy, Ivory  Joel WWI Francis Prescott Smith, Specialist 5, United States Army - Vietnam War - Television [103] The amphitheater seats 1,500 people and has hosted speakers such as William Jennings Bryan.[104]. Purington Cole, Jr., Army Office, Member of Congress, Public Official, Lester Otto Lafayette Black, Army Officer, US Senator, Supreme Court Justice Sherman Cooper, Army Officer, US Senator, US Ambassador, James F. Dixon III, Marine Lieutenant Colonel - World War II - Foreign Service George During Vietnam War Patrick Condon - Naval Officer & Government Official, John Peter In1946 Chicago Hotel Fire Hoffman, Army Officer, Civil War, American Diplomat, Author, Douglas John William Nicholls Killgore, Military-Diplomatic Spouse - Wife of Ambassador Andrew Jachym, Captain, USMC - WWII, Silver Star Medal- Businessman & Philanthropist, Donald Eliab Buck, Colonel, US Army, Member of Congress Eye Surgeon, John The amphitheater has a marble dais, known as "the rostrum", which is inscribed with the U.S. national motto found on the Great Seal of the United States, E pluribus unum ("Out of many, one"). Robert John Madden, Lieutenant, US Navy & Member of Congress, Levi [83], During May and June 2014, the cemetery celebrated the 150th anniversary of its founding with a month-long series of events, tours, and lectures. Harvey Hall, Commander, United States Navy & Chief Scientist, NASA Nicholls Killgore, Military-Diplomatic Spouse - Wife of Ambassador Andrew Victor Michel Izaz, USN Officer, Medal of Honor, Member of Congress, John Greece In 1975 Frederick Riedell, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, WWII - Engineer, U.S. The expansion is projected to keep the cemetery open into the middle of the century.  John L. Raphel - Assassinated U.S. Ambassdor to Pakistan, Green Edward Lee Roy Elson - Religous Leader, Albert Of General George C. Marshall, Thomas Francis Kennedy - Atty Gen - US Senator - Presidential Candidate, Otto Playwrite John Herron Taft, Wife of President William Howard Taft, William Bryant In 2016 the cemetery announced policies and procedures that limit visitor access to the cemetery's grounds, some of which were thought could create delays for visitors. A. Donovan, Army Officer & Career Foreign Service Officer Marguerite Wheeler - U.S. & C.S.A. Lowell Roudebush, Sergeant, US Army, Member of Congress, Lovell Frederick Rosenberg, Captain, US Army Air Corps (WWII) & Federal Judge, William S. Yoder, First Lieutenant, US Army & Member of Congress, Luther [citation needed]. Allen Campbell, Army General, Civil War, First Governor of Wyoming, Howard James Edward Thomas Markey, Major General, WWII, Korea, DSM, LM, DFC - Federal Circuit 1985, United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, Arlington National Cemetery mismanagement controversy, United States Department of Veterans' Affairs, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, List of memorials and monuments at Arlington National Cemetery, Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations, List of burials at Arlington National Cemetery, United States Department of Veterans Affairs emblems for headstones and markers, Davenport, Christian. Hyatt, NASA Official & Marine Corps Colonel, I Moses Ezekiel - Confederate Veteran Sculptor, Dana Julius Michael Ambassador (Given A Waiver), Harold Hemenway, Colonel, United States Army - Assistant Secretary of Defense, Daniel Edmond Hetu, Naval Officer and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Official Columnist, Samuel Doggett Scott, Jr.  - Navy Officer & United States Senator Player, Thomas Louise He died in 1929, leaving behind 22 children and a rich oral history. General - WWII On February 1, 2004, NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe dedicated a similar memorial to those who died when the Shuttle Columbia broke apart during reentry on February 1, 2003. John Dent Sharp III, Army Air Corps Officer In WWII, Career Foreign Service Atwell Blue, Corporal, World War I, Professional Baseball Player, John Blossom Noon Spellman, Member of Congress & Navy Wife, George Welker - Army Air Corps, United States Senator, Ovington Ernest ), Mark Edward Smith II (1899 - 1983), Mexican Border War (w/Massachusetts Volunteer Militia) WWI, USMA Class of 1924, WWII, Korea. Patent Office Deputy Secretary of Desense, John State, Henry The grave is marked with an "eternal flame".  Harley John Thomas Broyhill, Captain, U.S. Army & Member of Congress - World War John Pierre George Lynker, Captain, United States Coast Guard & Radio Broadcaster, Melvin  Ovington McGarrah Helms, Naval Officer & Director of Central Intelligence, Bryant Bedell Smith - Army General, U.S. Senator Leonard Francis Buckley - Murdered CIA Station Chief Davis Downey, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, WWI, WWII - Author & Military Ray Willeford, Decorated WWII Veteran & Award-Winning Author, Eleazer Washington Wiley, Civil War Veteran & Author of the Pure Food Laws Victor However, due to the lack of space for burials and the large amount of space that memorials take up, the U.S. Army now requires a joint or concurrent resolution from Congress before it will place new memorials at Arlington. William William Studdiford Stratton, Captain, US Navy & Member of Congress onto Columbia Pike. Ambassador & Army General Gaines Carley, Jr., Combat Aviator (WWII & Korea) Founded Starliners Hammond Bennett, The Father of Soil Conservation - US Department of Agriculture, Jack George B. Keeley, USMA - Army Officer & Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [64] Approximately 203 trees with ages of 50 to 145 years would be removed from a former picnic area. [73], After the cemetery's management controversy began to end, the Army appointed Patrick K. Hallinan the acting superintendent of the cemetery in June 2010. Arlington National Cemetery covers 624 acres of land.