The unusual feature of the deep ocean pelagic stingray is that it is wider than it is long. These stunning rays usually swim in open seas and oceans and are rarely on the bottom. However, skates belong to the family Rajidae. Now that we’ve established how cool these fish are, let’s dive into the specific types of Rays. Electric rays are fairly large in size and can get up to six feet in diameter. Did you know that the torpedo missile actually got its name after this fish? The largest stingray measured 6.5 feet in length with a weight of 790 pounds. Manta rays are a genus of eagle ray in the family Mobulidae. Although they may look similar, there are some differences between the skates and stingrays. Stingrays usually have flat bodies and a long, thin tail, which is where the stingers are if they are this type of ray. Next, soak the wounds in hot water, and remember to keep an eye out for any signs of infection, such as redness or swelling around the wound area. This stingray species has an angular rather than oval shape and it has a long whip-like tail. The round stingray or Haller's round ray (Urobatis halleri) is a species of round ray, family Urotrygonidae, found in the coastal waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean. Depending on their body shape and behavior, each of these fish belongs to one of the 24 Ray families. All types of stingrays are classified into 8 families, and there are over 220 species of these rays. These are the largest Rays, often topping 2,000 pounds! According to an article in the New Zealand Medical Journal, stingrays “don’t attack humans if unprovoked.” Usually, any injuries from a stingray tail are due to accidentally stepping on a ray. Stingrays are ovoviviparous, while skates are oviparous, meaning that they lay eggs that hatch outside of the female's body. This species of eagle ray is found in warm tropical waters. Skates have a different reproductive cycle from stingrays. Guitarfish have relatively small wings and a flat head. If you are stung, it’s important to get medical treatment to treat the sting properly and prevent secondary infections. Other distinguishing physical characteristics include its triangular snout and gill arches. For one thing, skates have no stings but instead, they have sharp barbs found alongside their spines and sometimes on their tails, which they use for defense. The dorsal side is usually olive-brown or green and they have a white underside. Thanks for the information about rays. A Stingray won’t attack you on its own, but you should pay attention not to step on one. You can easily identify manta rays by their great size. Pay attention to more serious symptoms. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); Stingrays are probably the most recognized type of ray. Some of the largest species of mantas can reach 23 ft. (7 m) across and weigh up to 2,980 lb. Stingrays are a type of fish that have flat, wide bodies that make them distinct. Inadvertently standing on one often results in a nasty sting. They have rounded dorsal fins and thick tails. The deepwater stingray or giant stingaree (Plesiobatis daviesi) is a species of stingray and the sole member of the family Plesiobatidae. There are four orders of rays: stingrays, skates, electric rays and sawfishes. These fascinating fish come in various shapes and sizes, and are spread across the globe. Instead, they stun their prey with electric shocks. This small stingray is dark brown in color which provides great camouflage on the sandy or muddy ocean bottom. The unusual shape of stingrays come from their broad pectoral fins that run the length of their body. Absolutely, Stingrays are fascinating! The giant oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris) is a species of ray in the family Mobulidae. Let’s look in more detail at some of the most common types of stingrays found around the coastlines of many countries.