I´m so scared, I live in Portugal and I´ve been reading about this for a long time. He had good control of the left eye but the condition has deteriorated somewhat in the last year and a half (coinciding with him dropping his daytime naps and his twin brother and sister arriving – she also has intermittent exotropia in the same eye.). I want her to have control of what her eyes do. Objectives: Is there a posibility of a 4th? Was it Dr Brian Campolattaro by any chance? Hi Sheetal, My son is a year old and was diagnosed with intermittent extrophia two months ago. opth. One other note, in just the past few days, I’ve been looking closely and I swear I’ve seen her “good” eye (the one we have to patch) start to drift out! She said her condition hasn’t improved. Sheetal hows ur daughter goin? We started patching when she was about 1 1\2 years; we patched only one eye (right eye) to make the left eye stronger. My mother was told by the first physician she took me to that surgery was the only option (my strabismus is due to issues with my ocular muscles, not a neurological disorder). And it’s very true that us parents who are with them 24/7 are going to have to be very involved and see what works and doesn’t work for our kids . Blink a few times and maybe that will help? However Paris is shortsighted in her eye that drifts occasionally and has perfect vision in the other. She has glasses for nearsightedness and astigmatism which help some, but I’m worried about what they’ll say if it progresses. I just want my little one to be alright very soon As for her surgery, it went really well. He knew my first doctor and he said, he didn’t agree with him as far as the surgery goes, he said surgery is the last option and he recommended to continue patching and suggested pencil pushup exercise. Hi Lilly, What wonderful news. This is so frustrating. Here’s the pictures of Lilly’s daughter (she’s beautiful): Those before and after pictures make me smile! Intermittent exotropia (X(T)) is one of the most common form of strabismus with surgery being the mainstay of treatment. She is a nurse, and had no idea! i am having this same problem of intermittent strabismus since my childhood i guess! Is anyone on this forum from bay area, CA and know any good optometrist who does vision therapy? How effective were the surgeries? He also told us that her vision is fine in both the eyes. I know every kid is diffrent with this situation still I request you all that please let me know how is your kids doing with the treatment that they are on, if they went on surgery how was the outcome. However, if my mind starts drifting off into ‘la la’ land or I start to day dream, my eye MIGHT wander. He has alway been able to bring it in with just a blink or by changing his focus. My baby is 8 months and just started showing signs of this. Get a second opinion on your treatment options. The important fact is to retain good binocular vision when the eyes are straight. He said the risks include over correction as well as the fact that with some vision therapy and age she may be able to correct it herself or at least 99 per cent of the time. She is a very enthusiastic and active girl, but her mood changes when her eyes are drifting…like it bothers her a lot. The TV trainer is a red/green screen that gets placed over the TV while watching with red/green glasses. And if you want to do everything you can, see a developmental optometrist/vision therapist….do the patching your PO recommends. Let’s see, Let’s keep each other posted! J Ophthalmol. The other doctors have also suggested that inevitably my daughter would need surgery. My transition lenses don’t get dark enough quickly enough, it seems. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003737.pub2. My heart wasn’t in it anymore, so any reading I had to do felt even more like a chore that I didn’t want to do. so far I don’t think there is any improvement, but again I am prepared that it will take time. So happy for you. How did your regular PO react to the news of your 2nd and 3rd opinion? I got 3 different opinions and the new place I started going to was more for surgery. And i wanted to know how yours is doing. I am sorry if this is rambling, I’m a little freaked out about it. Please keep in touch. NIH Yes, all three doctors are pediatric ophthalmologists; first one is mainly a surgeon, though the other two doctors also do surgeries. I am choosing to monitor her and not make a big deal of this to save her from psychological trauma this may cause. He now wears glasses for nearsighted / got those last year. Would it have helped me to scan all of my readings from my physical books into PDFs and then read them digitally, so as to not be overwhelmed by the physicality of the book itself, of holding the book open, stopping to turn the pages, constantly resetting my eye position? Selection criteria: HHS She has Intermittent Exotropia only seldom in right eye too. Hi Lynao. Looks like our kids are of the same age and has same conditions. I’m going to another doctor to see if we should start some other treatment. Maybe it was just the stress of having a new baby sister and now that she’s used to that, she’s doing better. He did end up getting glasses for nearsighted last year- but it’s literally the same- I only notice it when his vision is obstructed by something like a glare on window or sometimes when he is on computer but if I say something he fixes it – I don’t for see us having surgery unless it drastically changes. The available literature consists mainly of retrospective case reviews, which are difficult to reliably interpret and analyse. Good Luck. Good luck. I would want a 3rd and 4th opinion if her doc says surgery. Mobile no. Its unfortunate that some doctors really scare you, the doc that I visit in NYC, is a great surgeon but he tells us with a blank face surgery is the only option, you can’t avoid it. Sheetal. Hey, I wore glasses since I was a toddler, I want a break! We decided to put her into glasses right away, since both my husband and his brother and their grandpa have the same condition. I didn’t want to do surgery in the first place, but after that I did some research and found an optometrist that specializes in vision therapy. Hi Mary, Yes, I strongly feel that we should leave it alone unless it is becoming worse. Not sure if my last post took as I was not logged in/ so it may post twice! Is she doing OK on her own? Although her surgery has been successful thus far and she recovered quickly, I would rather not put her through that again. Cal in case any one has recommendations. Doc #2’s treatment reco was to put the patch on 2 hrs/day on the “good eye”. i am 19 now! The orthoptist said the patching is really only a maintenance thing now and we have to continue the three hours per day, which is really not that bad and it does really become as routine as brushing your teeth.