Web. As this happened, the familiar sound of phoenix song filled the air. This all ended when he attempted to kill Harry Potter, a boy a prophecy foretold could one day defeat him. He has no understanding of love, which makes it hard for him to read the minds of others while they are feeling it and often leads to him failing to understand others. Created a shockwave that damaged the Atrium in his fight against Dumbledore), Multi-City Block level with more powerful spells (He destroyed Hogwarts' forcefield with a wand that rejected him and after having most of his Horcruxes destroyed, though the effort exhausted him). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. On Voldemort's orders, Bartemius Crouch Jr, who had been recently freed of his father's Imperius Curse, kidnapped Alastor Moody and took his place as temporary Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry using Polyjuice Potion. If Voldemort's body is destroyed he could possess I suppose? This all ended when he attempted … When Harry nodded, Cedric asked Harry to take his body back to his family; Harry obliged, and broke the connection, destroying the web of light and ending the phoenix song. What Voldemort hadn't realised was that it would also tie Harry's life to his own; a fact that would later directly result in Harry surviving to bring about Voldemort's end. Lord Voldemort is Harry Potter's arch nemesis in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series of novels and the films based upon them. [6][5], Pettigrew murders Cedric Diggory with the Killing Curse, As soon as Harry and Cedric arrived in Little Hangleton, Wormtail emerged from a small cabin and murdered Cedric with the Killing Curse on Voldemort's command. LordUrien935 wrote:If Voldemort's body is destroyed he could possess I suppose? Voldemort and Grindelwald are the most infamous dark wizards of the Harry Potter universe - but which is more powerful? No helpers or sycophants, this will be a fight just between the two of them (i.e. [9] Though he lost of one of his most trusted servants, Voldemort was reunited with another: Severus Snape returned to Voldemort's inner circle on Dumbledore's orders, hours after Harry's return from the graveyard, where he remained as a double agent throughout the Second Wizarding War. Speed: Athletic Human with Subsonic reactions and flight speed (He can keep up with other Wizards in duels, and many of them can maneuver their brooms while in high-speed flight, with brooms as fast as the Firebolt, and track objects as small and swift as the Golden Snitch. He travelled to a secluded forest in Albania, where decades earlier he had found Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, and hid there waiting to be found by his servants. After he was exposed on 6 June, he fled for the safety of his master's protection. Voldemort was extremely talented at every single branch of magic, be it potions, transfiguration, or charms. Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known as Voldemort, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, is the leader of the Death Eaters and considered by many to be the greatest Dark Wizard of all time. [7], Voldemort greets his followers after a fourteen year absence, Voldemort then retrieved his wand and summoned the Death Eaters, including Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe, Avery, Walden Macnair, and several others to the graveyard. He's performed spells that not even Dumbledore would dare to cast, such as Fiendfyre, which is certainly stronger than Firestorm. Love from his closest ones, Being Accidental Hocrux. 8B+ for certain Harry Potter characters ? Voldemort first appeared in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which was released in 1997. He then focused his attention on Harry, telling the Death Eaters why he fell thirteen years ago, emphasising his belief that it was nothing more than a fluke that allowed Harry to survive.