Other reflexes help the body respond to stimuli, such as adjusting the pupils to bright or dim light. Overcome procrastination in these 9 ways listed here, sticking to them and you can get rid of it. Nervous tissue in the brain has a very high metabolic rate due to the sheer number of decisions and processes taking place within the brain at any given time. Many of the most basic survival functions of the brain are controlled by the brainstem. The brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. Frighteningly, these lobes are some of the areas of the brain attacked by Alzheimer’s disease. There was an error submitting your subscription. The limbic system is another group of deep gray matter regions, including the hippocampus and amygdala, which are involved in memory, survival, and emotions. The occipital lobe is located at the back portion of the brain behind the parietal and temporal lobes. The cerebellum receives sensory inputs from the muscles and joints of the body and uses this information to keep the body balanced and to maintain posture. The forebrain is the division of the brain that is responsible for a variety of functions including receiving and processing sensory information, thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language, and controlling motor function. Short-term memory is believed to consist of a group of neurons that stimulate each other in a loop to keep data in the brain’s memory. The association areas also work to develop plans of action that are sent to the brain’s motor regions in order to produce a change in the body through muscles or glands. There are different ways of dividing the brain anatomically into regions. In this quick overview we’ll list the main parts of the brain and their functions. The brain is divided into areas which are each responsible for different areas of functioning. In the brainstem, the medulla oblongata contains the cardiovascular center that monitors the levels of dissolved carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood, along with blood pressure. The largest region of the human brain, our cerebrum controls higher brain functions such as language, logic, reasoning, and creativity. Responsible for rational thinking and body movements, the brain is an intricate organ that performs a myriad of functions. The temporal lobe. A brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. The human brain shares the structure of other mammals’ brain, but it is set apart by its size and complexity. Now please check your email to confirm your subscription. T he human brain, just like most other mammals, has the same basic structure, but it is better developed than any other mammalian brain. A quick look at a chart with the main parts of the brain discloses four unique sections, each charged with particular functions … Information in the brain is stored in a few different ways depending on its source and how long it is needed. The cerebellum helps with the timing and coordination of these movements during complex motions. – ensures the body reacts to fear and memories. Inside of the brain, small CSF-filled cavities called ventricles expand under the pressure of CSF to lift and inflate the soft brain tissue. The tissue of the brain can be broken down into two major classes: gray matter and white matter. The hypothalamus maintains the body’s 24 hour biological clock, known as the circadian clock. The pons is the region of the brainstem found superior to the medulla oblongata, inferior to the midbrain, and anterior to the cerebellum. CSF also transports waste products away from nervous tissues. Our mission is to provide objective, science-based advice to help you make more informed choices. Positioned at the back of the brain, it plays a major role in precision and coordination of moves. Other information is somatic sensory information that the brain is consciously aware of. Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal Mandibular Nerve, Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal Maxillary Nerve, Cranial Nerve V - Trigeminal Ophthalmic Nerve, Cranial Nerve VIII - Vestibulocochlear Nerve, Cranial Nerve IX - Glossopharyngeal Nerve, Forming the anterior region of the midbrain, the, As the innermost of the meningeal layers, the. The frontal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, and temporal lobe have different locations and functions that support the responses and actions of the human body. The midbrain controls hearing and eye movement. CopyRight © WWW.MD-HEALTH.COM. The pressure of the CSF acts as a stabilizer and shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord as they float within the hollow spaces of the skull and vertebrae. A summary of the function of brain parts. A deep furrow known as the longitudinal fissure runs midsagittally down the center of the cerebrum, dividing the cerebrum into the left and right hemispheres. The occipital lobe, the smallest of the four lobes of the brain, is located near the posterior region of the cerebral cortex, near the back of the skull. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The brain has three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem. Our brain gives us awareness of ourselves and of our environment, processing a constant stream of sensory data. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The brainstem is made of three regions: the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain. The cardiovascular center of the medulla monitors blood pressure and oxygen levels and regulates heart rate to provide sufficient oxygen supplies to the body’s tissues. In this quick overview we’ll list the main parts of the brain and their functions. These administrative functions include the consolidation and storage of memory, dreaming, and development of nervous tissue. Deep within the cerebral white matter are several regions of gray matter that make up the basal nuclei and the limbic system. Long-term memory is stored in the brain by the hippocampus. The bulges of cortex are called gyri (singular: gyrus) while the indentations are called sulci (singular: sulcus). Unsubscribe at any time. The medulla oblongata is a roughly cylindrical mass of nervous tissue that connects to the spinal cord on its inferior border and to the pons on its superior border. Reduction in the stimulation of the cerebral cortex leads to a sense of sleepiness and eventually leads to sleep. The brain needs to store many different types of information that it receives from the senses and that it develops through thinking in the association areas. The parietal lobe has several functions including sensation, perception, and spatial reasoning. The brain acts as the body’s control center by maintaining the homeostasis of many diverse functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and hunger. In a state of sleep, the brain stops maintaining consciousness, reduces some of its sensitivity to sensory input, relaxes skeletal muscles, and completes many administrative functions. However, severe damage to the occipital lobe can result in a variety of visual problems including the loss of color recognition, visual hallucinations or illusions, problems recognizing objects, and difficulty understanding language. Please try again. The cardiovascular center adjusts the heart rate and blood vessel dilation to maintain healthy levels of dissolved gases in the blood and to maintain a healthy blood pressure. About an inch long and somewhat larger and wider than the medulla, the pons acts as the bridge for nerve signals traveling to and from the cerebellum and carries signals between the superior regions of the brain and the medulla and spinal cord.