'Can't you sleep?' googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); ... 10. After the conclusion of the Second Wizarding War, they rekindled their passionate romance. She squealed. It’s even harder when your only friend is a book which writes back to you. Hermione and Ginny had spent the last 3 hours in Diagon Alley trying on dress after dress after dress. He lifted her face up to his so she looking at him, noses inches apart. Not many details are known about what life at Hogwarts is like while Harry is away destroying Horcruxes, but we do learn that Neville, Luna, and Ginny reinstate Dumbledore’s Army. He's gorgeous. Here are eight Ginny Weasley moments from the book, which we believe should have been captured in movies: The trauma she went through in her first year. He was greeted by the usual eerie whisper, 'Severus Snape?' Happy birthday! Quidditch was always an important part of Harry's school life but it took a real back seat in the later films, since it wasn't directly relevant to the plot. The movie failed to capture that, which made us miss out on the most pitiable character in Chamber of Secrets. Harry could never have defeated, If there was one thing Ginny Weasley was famous for in the books, it was her, In the movies, Ginny only appeared wherever required, but in the books, she was, In the movies, Ginny and Harry’s first kiss takes place secretly in the, What Life of Heiress Paris Hilton Really Is Like, John Wick 2: Film Review – Double The Fun, Double The Body Count, Come Over To The Dark Side With This Draco Malfoy Quiz, Keep Calm and Binge on These 15 Epic Movie Franchises. You wouldn’t want to mess with Ginny after she had mastered that art. She had gone upstairs an hour ago to get ready and hadn't emerged since. When Arthur, Fred, George, and Ron are all stuck in the Dursley's chimney, it's one thing. 'And so…' He knelt down and took a box out of his pocket. MuggleNet is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite.Please email us if you have any questions or concerns.© 1999-2020 MuggleNet.com. He tucked her hair behind her ear. Ginny's head lolled hopelessly from side to side. While he is the one least Weasley in the books, he is rarer still in the films. Harry took both her hands in his. This was probably the only important female friendship among the predominantly male Harry Potter characters. Overall, it's clear that Ginny has skills with magic even if she doesn’t have the chance to show them off as often. It's one of the most hilarious scenes in the entire series and fans who've never opened one of the books have no idea what they are missing. 'They don't look good on me…' she muttered. If the voice is indeed Dumbledore's (and it should be, since it was sent by the headmaster), it would give readers a true taste of his rage, since he is usually very mild-mannered and controls his emotions, even when angry. They insist on going with Harry, Ron, and Hermione to help them save Sirius when Harry believes he’s been captured by Voldemort. Ginny became a fairly good and competent witch during her training at Dumbledore’s army, and her hexes were her biggest pride. 1. Do You Like Ron Weasley As Much As We Do? Ginny had grown up now and accepted she didn’t just like some boy, she liked The Boy Who Lived. The books offer us a glimpse into an entire underground society from the Ministry of Magic to Diagon Alley to the Order of the Pheonix. It'll burn! Harry loved being at the Burrow – it was the place that most felt like home – but it was difficult for a young couple to get time alone, especially one that had so much catching up to do. ', He closed the distance between them in three strides and scooped her up in his arms. However, as she grows older, Ginny becomes fiercer, confident in who she is. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. Ginny was always there for Harry, even the time he wanted to visit Sirius through the fire in Umbridge’s office. I don't think we are. ', Ginny grinned. You have never treated Harry as a son. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Best Life Lessons We Learned From The Weasleys. 'I keep wondering. Takes place the summer before Harry's 6 th year. Remember when Fred and George gleefully dropped out of school during the reign of Dolores Umbridge during Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? As they're both vital allies of Harry's, this was great to see. Most of what we know about Charlie is via Ron or other members of the Weasley family, who mention him in other books. It would have been immensely satisfying to have seen this scene play out in the movie. Then if you still don't get it review it, telling me and I'll e-mail back and explain. 'No wait! She stiffened, and slowly turned back to face him. she asked, snuggling down under the covers with him. Hold that thought when considering these 16 Moments From The Books You Never Got To See In The Movies. When asked if he had a hippogriff tat in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the Chosen One's girlfriend airily replied that he had a Hungarian Horntail inked on his body, explaining to him afterward that it was "much more macho." Her face was white as marble, and as cold, yet her eyes were closed, so she wasn't Petrified. She knew he wouldn't be coming back for some time – she hadn't smiled in weeks. He looked over to his left where Ginny lay, sleeping next to him. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. 'You look wonderful tonight.'. Picture a band of house elves fighting on behalf of Hogwarts, Percy Weasley rejoining his estranged family in the fray, Sibyll Trelawney hurling crystal balls as weapons, and Hagrid's half-brother, Grawp, winning a battle against the giants with the aid of the centaurs. Few would argue that the Harry Potter films lack great lines. The tender moment that Ginny and Harry shared in the Room of Requirement during Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince does not exist in the book. MuggleNet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and Bookshop.org, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and bookshop.org. window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; The wedding of Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley took place in the 2000s. She crossed the room, expertly avoiding the creaky floorboards she knew were there, so as not to wake Ron, who was snoring quietly.