Read Riordan's Official Godly Parent Quiz, Find this Viking insult generator inside the Barnes & Noble exclusive edition of The Ship of the Dead. This alone does not prove much. I didn't read the whole thing >. Train well, don't forget to brush your teeth occasionally, and try not to get sent on a quest (they tend to shorten your lifespan). Percy Jackson- Who is your godly parent? 1 Comment. that you can create and share on your social network. Which Olympian god or goddess is your parent? I AM an athena child! Based off of both Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson's Greek Gods" and National Geographic's "Treasury of Greek Mythology". In ancient Greece, they believed in many, MANY gods, who, at sometimes, had kids with "mortals" and had children who were demigods, half-mortal, half-god. You may have a lot of energy (this is the hyperactive part) which makes it hard for you to sit still for an entire class period. How? Hi Nico can't wait to join you. Accurate. Relax. It is also possible you are the offspring of a minor god or goddess. Favorite places for monsters to hide include bedroom closets, basements, thick shrubberies and school restrooms. Which godly parent do YOU have? Books. This comes from the god’s childhood, when he was thrown from Mount Olympus by Zeus. This quiz is testing out a new look, and if you notice any visual bugs please report them! 83. What's the most annoying thing your mum or dad does? I got Artemis, I don't want to be her hunter, but I know she is a maiden goddess so I can't be her kid :(, This thing just confirmed what I knew since forever. Based on your responses, you have been claimed by Poseidon. What is GotoQuiz? I got Athena! Primary Menu. VIEW OLDER REPLIES. Which makes a LOT of sense LOL, I already knew I was a daughter of hades. Unless your warning indicators increase, you will probably be able to live in the mortal world. Most schools have at least one satyr on duty. Quiz: Who's Your Godly Parent? For half-bloods, however, it may be the truth. ADHD doesn’t mean you can’t pay attention. by Read Riordan Staff | April 24 Take this quiz to find out which of the gods from Percy Jackson is most like your parents! I am not surprised I am pretty clever! YAY!! 22. For instance, a dryad might be emerging from an oak tree right outside your classroom window, and your teacher yells at you for not copying the last three math problems. So please share this quiz and thank you for stopping by! Im pretty stupid. Are you a Percy or a Magnus? For most mortals, dreams are simply the mind’s way of sorting through information or working out problems while you sleep. I'm also obsessed with pirates! I got Athena. . With Ragnarok on the horizon, every einherji needs to be prepared to fight with their . Viking Insult Generator. Not surprised, I've always had an interest in the outdoors, the skies at night, and lighting, :D. Mine wasn’t that clear but I’m obviously a child of Apollo, But I got Athena, Zeus, hades, and Poseidon. You may also be impulsive, and do or say whatever comes into your mind. You might be able to focus incredibly well on something important, but you have trouble filtering out sights and sounds around you, especially if the teacher is asking you to focus on something boring. All credit goes to Rick Riordan, who put amazing twists on the classic greek myths. Try the top political quiz on GoToQuiz to find where you fall on on multiple axes, then compare your results to others'. Percy Jackson Quiz: Which Of The Big Three Gods is Your Godly Parent? Quiz. Irrational fears may be more rational than you think. 2/10. Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. Some satyrs are better than others about passing themselves off as human, but one or more of these telltale signs will always be present. The following quiz is presented for amusement only. I did it twice with different answers bc some of them I have two answers, and gt poseidon both times, it makes sense because I love horses and love the beach and ocean so much. Honest. It may not be your parent (well, it definitely isn't), but it is who YOU resemble! Is it Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Artemis, Apollo or Athena? AYE MATEY, No, only vague promises of pocket money in the future, When your dad picks you up from school in a ridiculous Hawaiian shirt, When your dad scares your friends by being weird, When your mum spends more time with her cats than with you. Reading can be torture. Hi there Annabeth and fellow children of Athena!! Quiz: Who's Your Godly Parent? Percy Jackson and the Olympians; The Heroes of Olympus; Kane Chronicles ; Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard; The 39 Clues; The Trials of Apollo; Tres Navarre; About. I've seen a lot of people ask about it, so here's the link ( I did 20 different tests and got Athena 14 times. Who is your Greek God Parent? | Read Riordan. i got athena posidon hades zeus and Aphrodite! I know that this quiz topic is overused and cliche, but I tried really hard to make this as accurate as possible, and I'm really proud of how it turned out! Children of Aphrodite live in terror of acne medicine commercials and shoes that do not match their outfits. These symptoms are extremely common in young heroes. Most teachers are some form of monster. Primary Menu. I picked daughter of Athena. Be careful! The more you glimpse through the Mist, the better the odds that you have Olympian blood. Also I'm listening to my chemical romance rn :). A Meg or an Annabeth? (Demigod Quiz). For example, children of Hephaestus fear high places and have nightmares about falling. Rick Riordan. Quiz Quiz: Dream about your next vacation and find out which Rick Riordan series to pack. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Who Is Your Godly Parent? 1/10. It is also possible you are the offspring of a minor god or goddess.