And we will make it happen. It has to do with the chain of command and the built-in bureaucracy of the military system. An avid blogger, he has written a large number of fiction short stories, creative non-fiction articles on a variety of topics including food, travel, philosophy, academics, technology, management, health, pet parenting, teaching stories and self help in magazines and published a large number of professional research papers in journals and edited in-house journals and magazines for many years, before the advent of blogging. Login to reply the answers Post; Show more answers (13) Still have questions? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Is that one permissible to say just because the government doesn’t give their lives? It is the making of meaning, not the processing of data, that determines if we live another day. How do you think about the answers? George Carlin popularized Military Intelligence and Jumbo Shrimp in his stand-up comedy act, along with "Drive on the Parkway, Park in the Driveway," but there are many others. Moreover, as a result, otherwise sound innovations in the current UK intelligence doctrine have proven unsuitable to wider diffusion in more recent intelligence doctrine such as the new NATO intelligence doctrine which, otherwise, draws extensively on its British precursor. The ramification of this regimented blind-obedience military culture is that. 0 0 1. Tweet. lady officer had a point and she was implying that: Obviously – during her days as an army officer – the young lady had experienced this intellectually suffocating feeling. Jailhouse & Prison Related Columns & Stories. More thought, and thus more meaning-making, is required when we choose to go against the unconscious response, and rush to get through on the yellow. Indeed, artificial intelligence is an oxymoron, like those mentioned above. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is true, be it Infantry (0300 Military Occupation Specialty series), Engineers (MOS 1300 series)  a data network specialist (MOS 0650 series) or (here's a fun one) 2834- Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Technician. But even there they are pursued by the replicants. Saints star benched for slugging teammate: Report, All the best early Prime Day deals so far, Gal Gadot's casting as Cleopatra launches debate, Small businesses are 'hanging on for dear life'. “Of course I know what is OLQ – it was drilled into us –. The box that the chrysanthemums came in is not intelligent, nor is the pen Einstein wrote with or the chisel DaVinci so skillfully employed. Trending Questions. 1 decade ago. “anti-intellectual” types during your service in the military. Leave a comment  |  Trackback URI. Vikram Karve lives in Pune India with his family and muse - his pet dog Sherry with whom he takes long walks thinking creative thoughts. ( Log Out /  Ask Question + 100. Intelligence and military doctrine: paradox or oxymoron? For young men with little or no education or job skills, the military was seen as an opportunity for ‘3 hots and a cot’. Steel yourself emotionally for colder weather, Jon Bon Jovi: I'm the 'poster boy' for white privilege, Dungy: Dak injury may be a 'blessing in disguise', Fauci: Trump ad takes my words out of context, 'The Wanted' singer reveals he has terminal brain tumor. So, when machines can love, can process the complexities of relatedness in its deepest and most resonant manifestation, only then can we begin to ascribe to it even an iota of intelligence. Funny Examples of Oxymorons (Oxymora) Facebook Twitter Google+. The truth is, computational capacity is but one narrow band, a mere sliver, on the wide and subtle spectrum of intelligence as manifested by genuine human beings.. People – not machines, at least so far – can entertain a debate about the very nature of intelligence. military culture inhibits the use of the brain. Lately, the techno-media has been telling us that the most fearsome threat to the existence of humanity is “artificial intelligence.” Anyone who has enjoyed history’s greatest space opera – Battlestar Galactica – understands how this dreadful eventuality unfolds; humanity creates progressively smarter machines until finally the machines become smart enough to create themselves – they become “self-replicating”, the source of the post-modern term “replicant” and another candidate for oxymoron status. What they do know is that most of the military is made up of people who went straight to the military and have received little or no college education, and since college is equivalent to educated, that doesn't shine a very bright light on military folks. By then they are advanced and lethal enough to make short work of humanity. What they don't understand is that most MOS schools require a grade of 80 or above on each and every test or you fail out of the course (and they were as hard as anything I took in college). Soldier training on a virtual training system. EMAIL: I think I remember that as being an old George Carlin joke. They also don't know that by the time they are 19 many have been deployed overseas where they did the most extreme version of their particular specialty in the world. Tags: air force, armed forces, army, blog, blogger, blogging, cadet, culture, defence, faujan, fauji, festival, humor, humour, india, indian, intellectual, intelligence, literary, literature, marriage, military, mindset, naval, navy, officer, officer like qualities, olq, PILF, pune, regimentation, research, services, soldier, spoof, studies, training, wife, wives, women, writing  |  The military was viewed as an opportunity to ‘straighten out’ men who had strayed down the wrong path in life as teenagers. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Then, we make meaning in a different way. Supposedly. Enlisted soldiers were nothing more than robotic pawns. I also graduated cum laude in the top 15% of my class. Conflicts, wars, skirmishes and "incidents" - where is the intel? To join, you must be at least That is out of the 50 or so percent that made it to graduation from when they laughed at that funny joke. Responses must be helpful and on-topic. The key element in this assertion is the use of the word “reduced.” What is it, precisely, that is “reduced?” What is reduced, as human intelligence is transformed into data, is the complex and, I would assert, as yet undefinable production that which uniquely defines human intelligence: meaning. It is not only the glimmering problem solving occurring with incredible speed on the circuit-boards of the present, even in the ethereal domain of quantum computing.