Musqueam’s ancestors have lived in the Fraser River estuary for thousands of years. Soon the citizens will stop paying for thier existence and take back the trillions in assets she and her family have stolen from the masses. - Dr. Roland Chrisjohn, PhD. Saw you in North Van at Fishworks. In 2017, about 140 groups of Indigenous people who never signed treaties were negotiating with Canada’s federal government, the New York Times reported. Her father's territory was polluted by seepage of acidic waste from the Equity Silver Mine. B.C. Blog posts are the work of individual contributors, reflecting their thoughts, opinions and research. = Permission Required from BOTH First Nations and Second Nations Government. "The fact that the Province has acted since the 1860s as though it has full authority to decide how Indigenous peoples’ lands are used does not make doing so legal or just.". How many so-called 'transfers of possession' were illegal? In Nova Scotia, Mi’kmaq people have pushed for recognition of their unceded territory. There is now a routine ritual before most public events on the West Coast of Canada, during which organizers thank indigenous tribal groups for allowing attendees to meet on their “unceded traditional territory.”. That was followed by more Shaw tweets trashing journalism professors in general. By what right are unceded territories even called "Canada"? "They had a breach of a tailing pond where [people in his] territory did salmon fishing," Huson said. should I get up and do something or take another pill and go back to sleep. An aboriginal elder often offers a prayer and mini-lecture as part of this gratitude ceremony, which now occurs before conferences sponsored by governments, public schools, mainline Protestant churches and institutes of higher learning. Sandy Garossino, a public-affairs commentator and former prosecutor, tweeted that "Opponent" seemed fine to her. At least 90% of Quebec is not a ceded territory. Click here to learn about the benefits of membership. Earlier this month, the RCMP set up a checkpoint to control access to the area after a B.C Supreme Court judge extended an injunction to force out the Wet’suwet’en in the camps and allow construction on the pipeline to continue. Several court cases have reaffirmed that the Canadian government has a duty to consult Indigenous people in cases that will impact their rights, which is meant to be an extra protection while land-title cases get resolved. Anyone? = No Pipeline, No Mining, No Fishing, No Farming, Etc...without First Nations Permission. Territories of the Northwest are not ceded territories. ", Former Vancouver Sun business editor Stewart Muir, who heads an organization promoting resource extraction, tweeted: "I am maintaining a growing list of alternative terms for these protesters, as used by actual Wet'suwet'en nation members. Canadian aboriginals stay with church despite residential-school legacy, tap here to see other videos from our team, having to take part in aboriginal smudging ceremonies. by Charlie Smith on February 17th, 2020 at 9:44 AM 1 of 1 2 of 1 Former Victoria TV news anchor Hudson Mack tweeted: "The dictionary defines protester as 'a person who publicly demonstrates strong objection to something'. Premier John Horgan, meanwhile, has said the province’s law is not retroactive and Coastal GasLink will go ahead. Chevron is not proceeding, so that pipeline project appears to be dead. So we add up all that and it gives us about 90% of Canada which is not given up, just for an example of a scenario. Vancouver city council has unanimously voted to acknowledge that the city is on unceded Aboriginal territory. The inhabitants of the First Nations, today In Canada, are the legitimate and legitimate heirs and successors, under the so-called European laws, of the non-ceded lands. Etc "We’re just in too delicate a position at the headwaters of the Wedzin’kwa [Bulkley and Morice rivers]," she said at the time. 75% of British Columbia is not a ceded territory, only the extreme northeast which is under Treaty 8 in Alberta, might be a ceded territory They said smudging should be conducted because students in B.C. Etc I concluded: “The actual practice of (smudging rituals), however, is probably best reserved to individuals, families and spiritual communities.”. Callison is coauthor with fellow UBC journalism professor Mary Lynn Young of Reckoning: Journalism's Limits and Possibilities, which was recently published by Oxford University Press. Tsleil-Waututh. Last year, the RCMP violently arrested Wet’suwet’en people and supporters in the disputed area, with the Guardian reporting late last year that police had been prepared to use lethal force. The Nation consists of 23 villages encompassing 28.28 square kilometers (2,828 hectares). So, in the name of freedom of religion, I recommended B.C. I don't have an answer. courts even claim jurisdiction? Land unoccupied undefended or ill defended can hardly be ceded, it just becomes occupied and defended by whomever has the wherewithal to do so, such as it has been throughout history. Canada does not have the right to write Canada through the map of Nova Scotia, nor to collect taxes from people living in that territory, nor to cut trees, nor to remove natural resources or to pollute water ... in Nova Scotia. Your monarch owns Canada. I live in a cabin.”. ), Get the latests news, prebuys and contest updates. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. your subscription today. 75% of British Columbia is not a ceded territory, only the extreme northeast which is under Treaty 8 in Alberta, might be a ceded territory Anyone? Consequently, treaties were never concluded with First Nations in some parts of Canada, including most of BC...", (The above quote is from the Government of Canada website link), Fact Sheet: British Columbia Treaty Negotiations,