This slogan is used to describe the unit's aggressiveness and discipline displayed while fighting the battle-hardened regulars of the British Army. 22nd Infantry Regiment Paver Project . Gen. Benning's men, seeing a strong line of works, well manned, (State Troops) in the late war between the States, the writer The “22nd” was active in the heavy siege operations beginning in June, I864, and ending with the fall of Petersburg and Richmond, fighting in many notable battles incident to that period of the war. It inactivated on 30 June 1927 at Fort McPherson, Georgia. In 1888 the 22d Infantry's regiment headquarters was moved to Fort Keogh, Montana, and would remain there until 1896. Lieutenants: Joseph B. Clark, James Above from top left: Image from the lost Vicksburg tableau painting; The National Colors carried by the 22nd in 1862 and 1863 (image courtesy SHSI); the 1886 regimental reunion in Iowa City with great slaughter. in the first day's struggle at the Wilderness on May 5, 1864, "Stonewall" Jackson (VA) in his battles with Federal The “22nd” was now transported to Texas as part of the Twenty-fifth Corps, where it was kept on patrol duty along the Rio Grande River for four months. reputation, at Spotsylvania, Hanover Junction (aka North Anna), 10 were discharged as disabled by wounds, 13 were discharged Four Seminole Scouts were awarded the Medal of Honor. The 3rd Battalion, in particular, was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for outstanding performance while opening a four mile beachhead under difficult conditions. After a hard march Brig. From fields of grander strife.". for a little notoriety at the expense of the truth. The men ran into a massive German artillery barrage that pinned them down and savaged their ranks. 25, 1863. Yale University Press. Once considered the pride of the 1st Army, the 22nd had become a shell of its former self. The battalion deployed to combat in Somalia in 1993 as a part of the 10th Mountain Division. of his "Headquarters in the saddle" to get out of Virginia, It was inactivated in August 1984 at Fort Carson, Colorado and relieved from its assignment to the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized). Gen. William MacRae's (NC) and The regiment was with Maj. Gen. Thomas In 1891 the 22nd participated in repressing the feared revolt of the Ghost Dancers supposedly led by Sitting Bull in December 1891 and later took part of patrols in Montana through the end of 1892 trying to keep the peace. A jeep from the 22nd Infantry moves among the ruins. Signage on the door to the local bar clearly identifies the unit. The 22nd Infantry Regiment is a parent regiment of the United States Army. NC Regiment. and but very few Line Officers. below. Private Ellison, of Company Robinson was Surgeon. of which there purport to be many, (Vol. Brigade, sent Companies I, L, and M, of our regiment—all In December 2010, they returned home to Fort Drum, NY. Martin H. Cobb, Isaac L. King, J. The unit reactivated in September 1976 at Fort Carson and was assigned to Wiesbaden, Germany as part of the 4th Infantry Division (Forward). On August 9th, the battle of Cedar Run (aka Cedar Mountain) E. Lee's right and saving the day to the Confederates. They’d gone in with a total strength of about 3,200 men. Arrived at the pits, they found all there asleep except Among the killed Gen. Henry L. Benning's Georgia Brigade, It inactivated on 30 June 1927 at Fort McPherson, Georgia. Welborn., James P. McMasters. Lt. Joseph B. Clark, October 28, 1862; 2nd Lt. William A. Tuttle, Company M—Captains: John M. Odell, Laban Odell, Warren action. in the first day's brilliant success at Gettysburg, was engaged this fire a detachment of the 22nd NC Regiment under Maj. Columbus on the trying retreat at Appomattox in April of 1865, where the had been made a Major General and was now in command of the division, The men were recruited in the counties of Caldwell, McDowell, Surry, Ashe, Guilford, Alleghany, Caswell, Stokes, and Randolph. It inactivated in July 1984 in Wiesbaden, Germany and was relieved from assignment to the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized). After the Civil War and garrison duty in the East, the regiment was moved to the Northern Plains and served in a series of frontier forts. E, but eight (8) privates "present for duty," were The 2nd Battalion deployed Co A and Co C with elements from Co D, Co G, and HHC to Baghdad in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. killed, two hundred and nineteen (219) men and twenty-six (26) The Seminole Negro Indian Scouts (originally a black unit despite the name) played a lead role in the Texas Indian Wars of the 1870s. Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton's Company I—Captains: Shubal G. Worth, Gaston V. Lamb. In 1872 they were in Montana engaged in a series of hit and run battles. The regiment culminated its action in World War II with a combat assault from the Rhine River to the Danube River, arriving there on 16 April 1945. 2d Battalion went to Schweinfurt, Germany. The unit reactivated on 1 June 1940 at Fort McClellan, Alabama, and following the end of World War II, inactivated on 1 March 1946 at Camp Butner, North Carolina. The 22d Infantry Regiment was stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama, as a component of the 8th Infantry Brigade, which was the sole active component of the deactivated 4th Infantry Division. On 3 December 1992 The 10th Mountain Division (Light) deployed to Somalia in support Operation Restore Hope. the right of General Robert E. Lee's army and Brig. April 25, 1863; 2nd Lt. Calvin L. Graves, May 25, 1863. The 22nd NC Regiment took an active part at the time, is it not probable that it was Cullen, and not the This posting would be one of the last large scale presence of Army troops since the 1898 gold rush and before the telegraph was replaced with a series of wireless stations. He threw in his scratch reserves, supported by a few tanks. It was redesignated on 21 August 1963 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion (Mechanized), 22nd Infantry and assigned to the 4th Infantry Division, while its organic elements were concurrently constituted. The unit saw further service in the Philippines, Alaska, on the Mexican border and at home. Brig. Samuel P. Tate, August 1, 1863. Maj. Gen. A. P Hill two brigades, and over it Capt. The regiment was reorganized and redesignated 21 September 1866 as Companies C and F, 22nd Infantry Regiment. The onslaught was too much for the battalion, and one skeletal company was overwhelmed. far—who sleep their last sleep where at duty's call they From the Presidio, the regiment was called to Mexican border in Arizona during the Mexican Punitive Expedition in early 1916. In March 2009, the battalion returned to Fort Hood, Texas having restored civil order in southwestern Baghdad. The soldiers of the 22nd Infantry were awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award for their outstanding service in Cuba during this period. Gen. Lane's sharpshooters, and got the detail sustained by the parting words of their illustrious chief, and Companies A and I, 22nd Infantry consolidated on 4 May 1869 and the consolidated unit was designated as Company A, 22d Infantry; the 22nd Infantry being assigned on 24 March 1923 to the 4th Division [later redesignated as the 4th Infantry Division]. to reconnoitre the position. August 1, 1863; 2nd Lt. George H. Gardin, May 11, 1863; 2nd Lt. On 18 April 1906, just after the San Francisco earthquake, recently retired Captain Edward Ord of the 22nd Infantry Regiment was appointed a Special Police Officer by San Francisco Mayor Eugene Schmitz and liasioned with Major General Adolphus Greely for relief work with the 22nd Infantry Regiment and other military units involved in the emergency. Brig. Some of its members were recruited in Oconee and Edgefield counties. Capt. 2nd Lt. Martin H. Cobb, April 25, 1863. The 22nd NC Regiment went through the Maryland campaign of undeterred by privation and unappalled by dangers, but still the statement is untrue. In 1876 they participated in the Little Big Horn campaign. In September 2015, the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division returned to Iraq to relieve the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. : A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein", United States Army Center of Military History, "Lineage and Honors of the 22nd Infantry",, "Mayor Eugene Schmitz' Famed "Shoot-to-Kill" Order",, "Looting Claims Against the U.S. Army Following the 1906 Earthquake",, Columbus C. Cole was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Capt. was badly wounded; at Ellerson's Mill; at Gaines's Mill on June The Battalion deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom again in 2007–2008 to Kirkuk as part of the Surge ordered by President George W. Bush.