Uh, why not wait until the Tokyo Dome to have them do that guys? People weren’t shocked that Dean Ambrose could do it, but Hideo Itami?! CMLL Fantastica Mania - Night 7 • Phantasmo wipes out Rocky Romero. Winner: Still IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion, Jon Moxley via Pinfall, . Taichi with a High Head Kick. As far as match quality goes, I get that Jericho’s last NJPW bout was a bit of a dud, but man would I not bet against Hiroshi Tanahashi at the Tokyo Dome. Sho reverses out of the irish whip from Ishimori. Makabe transitions into a Corner Mount. Moxley negates Pulp Friction. Naito somersaults over Okada. SANADA kicks off his year with a British Heavyweight Championship win in the Dome. Goto avoids The Busaiku Knee. There’s nothing wrong with NJPW running with it and uploading Jericho’s promo to social media either; I’ve seen some folks argue that this is some kind of false advertising or promotion of something they have no intention of delivering, akin to that infamous Kenny Omega Undertale video on TNT a few months ago, but the big difference here is that NJPW is promoting a match that’s actually happening. Okada was the one who, two years ago, taunted Naito, asking him how being in the main event felt and then telling him that nothing could compare to the feeling of winning it. Sano tags in Liger. Naito lands The Stardust Press for a two count. Okada puts his foot on the bottom rope to force the break. North American fans don’t get this third place stuff. CMLL Fantastica Mania - Night 8 • Ibushi with The Last Ride. People weren’t shocked that Dean Ambrose could do it, but Hideo Itami?! New Japan Road - Night 5 • STRONG - Episode 4 • Takahashi tags in Lee. The New Beginning In USA - Night 3 • Sabre applies a deep wrist lock. Ishimori with a Sliding Dropkick. Summer Struggle - Night 9 • Bullet Club has been eliminated. The referee is distracted by Gedo. G1 Climax - Night 6 • R3K connects with The 3K. If he had won the G1, this might have even felt anticlimactic. NJPW's signature event provided moments of a lifetime. There’s talent there, it’s just too late to really do anything with it in New Japan without a drastic character shift. Ali’s light shines bright as Retribution leader, Can’t Knock The Hustle: NXT Takeover 31 Running Diary. Tanahashi with a Flying Crossbody Block. CMLL Fantastica Mania - Night 1 • Naito is trying to regain momentum. Pre-show: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Evil, Shingo Takagi, and Bushi) won the gauntlet match to … G1 Climax - Night 16 • Summer Struggle - Night 6 • Jericho resets the referee’s twenty count. Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 2 Matches. Sanada rolls Sabre back into the ring. Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 14 (Night 2) from the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan. Takahashi is mauling Liger in the corner. It looks like the winner here will challenge the winner of the main event (spoiler: Naito) for the double title at New Beginning in Osaka, which as Gerard mentioned is in the giant building that is Osaka Jo Hall. I also explained in the losers’ match preview why I think this is Naito vs. Okada here and not Naito vs. Ibushi, in part because of the implications for that losers’ bout, but it also simply just makes a ton of sense to have Naito’s win here finally be over Okada. What is there to say about Liger that hasn’t already been said? Jericho dumps Tanahashi over the barricade. Here are match grades and a recap, courtesy of SN's Steven Muehlhausen. Forearm Exchange. G1 Climax - Night 10 • Jericho follows that with a basement dropkick. It’s amazing to see. : I don’t have too much to say here. NJPW presents Wrestle Kingdom 14 live from the Tokyo Dome. Takagi applies a wrist lock. Hence the main event of this show is Kazuchika Okada vs. Tetsuya Naito, and this match is Kota Ibushi vs. Jay White.