Poems are heavy in imagery and metaphor and are often made up of fragments and phrases rather than complete, grammatically correct sentences. Use of magic, pseudo science, horror, and spooky themes through various kinds of technical devices create a perfect world of fantasy. The audience catharsis is brought about by witnessing some disastrous and moving change in the fortunes of the protagonist. Robert Longley is a U.S. government and history expert with over 30 years of experience in municipal government. Moreover, such basic elements were not superseded by words, merely enhanced by them. Literary Definition and Examples. Comedy could be further divided into subcategories, for example, lampoon, farce, satire, black comedy, etc. Dramas present characters on a stage and they have separate thoughts and actions that show their unique personalities. Students are likely to be exposed to far more of this type of literature than anything else throughout their lives, so it makes sense to teach them how to be critical and active consumers of media. It is a kind of drama in which everything is hyperbolized. You’ll see some overlap between genres; for example, prose is a broader term that includes both drama and non-fiction. Interestingly, such preferences may also depend on th… It may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language and genre. Life and its intricacies are portrayed so well on stage through the actions and performances of theater actors. If a play or film has a talented cast who portray their characters well, and has a well-designed set, in addition to lighting and music that fit the dramatic work well, it can be a spectacle to watch. And non-fiction is often used to support and expand students’ understanding of fiction texts—after reading Hamlet students might read critical articles about the play and historical information about the time period and/or the life of Shakespeare. You can download comedy, drama or horror Nigerian movies easily from iRokoTV. More and more educators are coming to recognize the importance of teaching media in the classroom. It is usually light in tone and has happy endings. Sophocles’ mythical and immortal drama Oedipus Rex is thought to be his best classical tragedy. Novels and short stories are often written in the form of books, which sometimes contain pictures to help illustrate the story. A lot of people think of rhymes and counting syllables and lines when they think of poetry, and some poems certainly follow strict forms. Teaching About Pond Habitat: Lesson & Activity Ideas. Some genres of non-fiction include histories, textbooks, travel books, newspapers, self-help books, and literary criticism. At the end of this article, we’ll also touch on a couple of narrower but still important literary categories. Unaware of Juliet’s plan, Romeo visits her grave and, believing she is dead, kills himself. There are even kinds of poetry that cross genre lines, such as prose poetry. Plot in Drama . This element includes the use of sounds and rhythm in dialogues. Ex. Literature, a body of written works. Such tradition came from the Ancient Greek theatre, where comedy first emerged as a form of drama. As they struggle with the foibles of love, their equally amusing real-world problems are magically resolved by a mischievous sprite named Puck. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The longest running drama, performed by the 27 O’Clock Players in New Jersey, USA on July 27, 2010, was ‘The Bald Soprano’ that lasted 23 hrs 33 min and 54 sec. [caption id="attachment_129919” align="alignright” width="300”] Numerous literary genres exist to broaden knowledge and entertain[/caption] Back in ancient Greece, literature was divided into two main categories: tragedy and comedy. These rarely have happy endings. Some popular types of drama include: Perhaps no two plays better illustrate the juxtaposition of the masks of drama—comedy and tragedy—than these two William Shakespeare classics. Music, melody, and dance play a significant role in a musical drama. Students respond best to dramas, and grasp their mechanics more fully when exposed to film or theater versions or encouraged to read aloud or act out scenes during class. Since drama uses spoken words and dialogues, thus language of characters plays a vital role, as it may give clues to their feelings, personalities, backgrounds, and change in feelings. Graphic Novels and Comic Books: It used to be that most educators saw comic books as the lowest form of literature, not suitable or valuable for children. Every work of fiction falls into a sub-genre, each with its own style, tone, elements, and storytelling devices. We will now look into fiction and non-fiction literature as two major types of literature, and also c… Any work that doesn’t exist primarily as a written text can probably be considered media, particularly if it relies on recently developed technologies.