Strawberry or chocolate Use each statement just once as you play this game. That helped me see that he suffered from food insecurity and was worried about having enough to eat. What are five words that your friends or family would use to describe you? They say, “Zippity do day, zippity yea, what a wonderful day.” Before they can finish saying this phrase, the person that they point at must call out the name of the player directly to their right. Once everyone is ready, students must take turns grabbing a pair of shoes that is not their own from the entire pile. If students don’t have access to a photo to bring in, you could  have the class draw a picture of the people who live in their house. Have a few close friends or many acquaintances Let the students know that they will share their most embarrassing moment at the end of the class. You can pick your own conversation topics or use one of these questions each time you rotate the students. Next, have the students circulate around the room. Dancing. It might have taken me months to learn this but with this activity, I learned it the first week we were together. This Week’s Online Teaching Job Listings – 10/11/2020, This Week’s Online Teaching Job Listings – 10/4/2020, This Week’s Online Teaching Job Listings – 9/27/2020. This is a great game to play with the residents of a dorm. What do you hope to be doing in five years from now? . Guy You’ve Been Dating Says We’re Moving Too Fast, Need to Take a Step Back. The thing that I remember the most about high school is . Posted January 13, 2018 by Brooke Shriner & filed under Online Teaching Resources. You can even select music that goes along with the lessons you are doing that week, using different genres or from different time periods. What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing the Same Person... What Does It Mean When You Dream of Getting Shot by... What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never... What Does It Mean If You Dream About Your Dead Father. The one thing that I would like to accomplish the most this year is . Why? 21 Social Distance-Friendly and Virtual Icebreakers Students Will Actually Have Fun With. When they are done, take the cards back from the students and shuffle them. If you do it this way, you can make it into a competition to see which group can form, order the strips and finish first. Be a baseball or a bat These items can be things like soap, computer disks, wooden spoons or screws. This is a fun way to break the ice and get everyone’s creative juices flowing. What is one thing that very few people know about you? Some of the different sentences you could use include: My weirdest friend is . I’ve done a web search and found a few ideas you might consider trying, if not this term then maybe a future one. They should tie their right and left shoes together. For an ice-breaker, students can share their answers with the class or with a small group. They can be used for roommates, classmates or campus events. Morning or night If the player cannot remember the name or does not call it out in time, they have to change places with the person in the center of the circle. Khakis or jeans Afterward, the students must go around the room and try to guess who’s card they have in their hands. Have a student improve something. The Neuroscience Of Learning: Terms Every Teacher Should Know, TeachThought Elementary Recommended Reading List. They can draw, build with legos, create a story, or just make a list of the things they think their life will look like in twenty years. Biography threads get the job done (I myself use those most often), but choosing a fun icebreaker activity can break up the monotony and show a bit of your personality to the students as well.