GOALS: To be way stronger than that next time… Batman: What did you do? I wish, that would make me seem much wittier…, KKKk powerlifting, i wish I knew how to quit you…. HE called TWICEEEEEEEEE Selina Kyle (Catwoman): There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. But in six months, we never met anybody who traded with him. UMM cleans to Military press. The only quote I can think of right now is from The Dark Knight Rises when Selina Kyle says this to Bruce Wayne: "There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. I'm an agent of chaos. UHG Bestest most productive training program I’ve ever been on really! Did you say that cuz I’m from Tennessee? [quote]csulli wrote: Its like pullups for me…use it or loose it! Haha. Don’t be a stranger now, ya hear? SOoOOo YA NO SLEEP There was a girl division, and it was the most pitiful thing I have ever seen. The Joker: I took Gotham's white knight and I brought him down to our level. And I promise you, the dawn is coming. He is going to be so mad at me. Bruce Wayne: ...It's not who I am underneath... but what I *do*... that defines me. You fear your own power. So congrats on that! 95 x 3. ya pretty happy with today. Squat often. I refuse to do a single knee caving set, and my knees cave above 135, so ya. 47359_ORIG-Theres_a_Storm_Coming_Mr_Wayne.jpg 552×720 74.3 KB YO SUP? Treadmill hill sprint thingies x 10 minutes, ropey cable abs x 50 You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. Also, [quote]Gmoore17 wrote: Um, yeah, that’s about all I have to add at the moment. It made me its bitch. chrisitan bale abs x 25. yep good. Good sign I guess… ANyway, my glutes activate wayy better for those,I dunno why my bum doesn’t do anything for normal squats? Went to do BBB squats, could do like 115 x 3. Demona from Gargoyles, Sarah Connor from Terminator 2, Chuck V. UPDATE DEC. 2nd 2012: Also, I think everyone who was here remembers Hallowed in some form or another. Alfred Pennyworth: Well, because he thought it was good sport. Batman: You're garbage who kills for money. Training: I made up this program that goes like Bench day, Squat day, Military press day, intervals, Bench, Deadlift, Military, intervals, etc… Good log name, I like eet. Don’t be a stranger now, ya hear? Back can never be strong enough. My old gym had one. Bench varations, flat bench is not the only THING OUT THERE. Now that I live with my parents I can’t masturbate.THis means I will probably be orgasam-less for like 3 years. I go into the gym thinking Ima change shit up, but I end up doing all the same powerlifting stuff that I was doing before, Lol. 115 x 5 Made the world of difference. It’s nice to see someone else in powerlifting who is almost as nerdy as I am. Hey Spock! There's more to the explosions and state of the art action sequences when it comes to The Dark Knight; for all the violence and destruction, there is an explanation, motive and reason - or in the Joker's case - a distinct lack thereof. Picked my kid up from the babysitting and he started crying cause it was too early to go home, so then I started crying and all these guys who would be hot if they weren’t crossfitters saw me and UHGGG. Couple weeks of 8 reps, then 5-6, 4-5, 3, 2, repeat. Coffeee x XXXXTRA 2DAY [/quote] So kid was sleeping at daddy’s and I told him a million times to call me cause I was a nervous wreck and I wanted to say goodnight. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended. Go, go! Henri Ducard: But a criminal is not complicated. 135 x 5 Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us. You're not! Dropping into the new log to say hi and keep it up. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. 115 x 5 Oddly enough, my workout was still good and I don’t feel like an emotional disaster like I usually do when I don’t sleep well. OH and ab things. 65 x 5 Hey Spock! Decided I had to leave so I could have an emotional breakdown. A Dark Knight. (BTW I front squat less than I Miltiary press AH) Behold, the instrument of your liberation! Thats exactly what Dolly Parton says. Cop: Okay we're going in! Dropping into the new log to say hi and keep it up. Life news: Some men just want to watch the world burn. So congrats on that! 75 x 5 Accessory shit is usually like good mornings, front squats, incline bench, close grip bench, random shoulder shit, bicep/tricep brotastic stuffs, ya. Anyway… you seem like a really good mom and a strong lifter, so keep up the good work! WELL, he called my cell number and I didn’t answer cause I never heard it. This line almost had me out of my seat laughing. Dunno if you remember Hallowed from this site,[/quote]. His voicmail was like “mommy…I jsut wanted to say…I just wanted to say…” END OF VOICEMAIL. Almost started crying. Harvey Dent: The night is darkest just before the dawn. Anyways, youll get it and do it with style, [quote]Consul wrote: I also need to suck it up and do things I am really bad at IE: Front squats. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us. 165 x 1 <–less ugly And it's not only thanks to its unforgettable cast and performances, the writing by Christopher Nolan (with help from his brother in some cases) gives the trilogy and its genre gravitas and deeply philosophical insights. Here I was telling him over and over to call and he does and I DON’T ANSWER!!! I was sorta lurking in your old log for a while. Hopefully that can de kink my back. I think everyone who was here remembers Hallowed in some form or another.