Historically their range was much larger than just the coast of Alaska and Russia. Hawks (family Accipitridae) are one of the major groups of predatory birds that are active during the day. They prefer open, northern seas and tundra habitats. Although swans and geese are mostly white, brown, and black, many ducks showcase several shades of grays, browns, and blacks combined with fine barring and streaking to result in a variety of beautifully patterned plumages for which females of the species are well known. The are no substantial threats to its principal breeding habitat on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. The majority winter in the Bering Sea, though they have been recorded on the Aleutian Islands, Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak Island. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Male spectacled eiders are striking, with a pale green head, bright orange bill and the characteristic white spectacle-like patches around the eyes. Spectacled eiders occur along the coast of Alaska and easternmost Russia and into the Bering Sea. http://endangered.fws.gov/r/fr93503.html, Van Arsdale, M. 2000. Hunting, petroleum spills, and habitat loss. The female is a rich brown bird, but can still be readily distinguished from all ducks except other eider species on size and structure. Regarding the well-known description of the sound made by a duck as a "quack," duck species in North America also variously whistle, squeak, click, and grunt. "Spectacled Eider Land turtle with a dull-brown, six-sided carapace and…, Specter, Rachel 1980- (Rachel Sarah Specter), http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/somateria/s._fischeri.html, https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/science-magazines/spectacled-eider. It is believed that they are able to remain submerged longer than most diving ducks. Ducks occur on all continents exce…, Haliaeetus leucocephalus var sc_https=1; 1993. Individuals have been recorded as far south as Vancouver Island and the California coast. The spectacled eider lays its clutch of eggs (average 4.5 eggs) in a down-lined grassy nest. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); scJsHost+ Federal Register 65 (26):6114-6131. Food is retrieved by diving into the ocean, and diets consist of crustaceans and mollusks. The species is also potentially threatened by the spillage of petroleum in coastal waters. Spectacled Eider: Smallest of the Eiders, has orange bill, white upperparts, black underparts, breast, sides, black pointed tail, yellow-green head and large white "goggles" bordered with black. The Red List keep the listing in this category because the spectacled eider does not meet the range size criterion or the population trend criterion[6]. These birds also suffer from poisoning, reduced prey availability, entanglement in fishing gear during the molting period, and from predation by foxes and large gulls on eggs and chicks. Breeding occurs on the north and west coastal plains of Alaska. The best bird guide and bird watching search engine to identify The females lay an average of 4-5 eggs. Distribution . The Spectacled Eider is a large duck which lives on the sea, and prefers to breed along the coasts of Alaska and northeastern Siberia. The U.S. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. It also nests on St. Lawrence Island in the Aleutians, and along the Arctic coast of northeastern Russia from the They are named for the large white “spectacles” around its eyes, the Spectacled Eider’s striking look sets them apart from other marine birds.