He was the brother of Admiral Hon. From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia, https://uncyclopedia.ca/w/index.php?title=Lord_Longford&oldid=5197624. At Oxford he met his future wife, Elizabeth Harman, an und… Lord Longford brought the 46 tribes-people back to England to play in the London Philharmonic Orchestra whereby they exceeded expectations by performing a beautiful rendition of Swan's Lake.

The second son of Thomas Pakenham, 5th Earl of Longford, of the second creation, in the Peerage of Ireland, he was educated at Eton College and New College, Oxford, where, despite having failed to be awarded a scholarship, he graduated with a first-class honours degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (also called Modern Greats). Lord Longford, international repudiator, amazer and ambassador to the world of humans was a pioneer of the 19th century with medical, scientific and world-acclaimed breakthroughs attributed to him throughout the course of history. An expedition in 1876 whilst working on finding a cure for the common cold resulted in him visiting a tribal town in modern day Papua-New Guinea. He floated gently into a Bedouin encampment to the surprise of the Bedouin people which believed him to be the Mountain God's second coming and treated him accordingly. He fell 2,000 feet to what most people would describe as death, however Lord Longford managed to avoid death by telling gravity 'to stop'. Suddenly a woman with jet-black hair stands up] Known for his big nose and handle-bar mustache Lord Longford made several journeys and experiments none of which have ever been proven. [On his first visit to Myra Hindley in prison, Lord Longford is looking aimlessly around the visiting room trying to find her. Hon. Their claims of Blue Whales being the biggest species ever to of existed were published. longford is a big smelly tinker hole full of nackers who like to eat dere own shit and then shit it out again. • Longford (2006): Longford's efforts to obtain parole for Moors murderer Myra Hindley were dramatised in a Channel 4 film, with Longford portrayed by Jim Broadbent, Samantha Morton as Myra Hindley, Lindsay Duncan as Lady Longford and Andy Serkis as Ian Brady.
Lord Longford : Oh, I'm not sure about that. He was born on 1 April 1743, the eldest son of Thomas Pakenham, the 1st Lord Longford who was an Irish peer of modest means, and of his wife Elizabeth Cuffe.

Lord Longford, the Labour peer and controversial penal reformer, has died aged 95. Francis Aungier Pakenham, the 7th Earl of Longford, died at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in central London. Listed below are the various claims of Lord Longford: For the full listing please read the auto-biography of Lord Longford. 1874 saw his original expedition members embarking on 'The Most Gracious Blue Whale Expedition' where a handful of Longfords best men were put to the test in the depths of the oceans. He subsisted on Krill and cooked small pieces of whales gall bladder until he managed to swim into the whales testicles whereby he was ejaculated back into the Atlantic ocean to be greeted by cheering onlookers. Though conducted simultaneously, the two crusades that made Frank Longford, who has died aged 95, a household name in Britain were an odd combination. 1880 was met with hardship; whilst tobogganing off the slopes of Kilimanjaro his sled hit a rock in the ground and was propelled 200 foot off the edge of a cliff face.
Lord Longford, international repudiator, amazer and ambassador to the world of humans was a pioneer of the 19th century with medical, scientific and world-acclaimed breakthroughs attributed to him throughout the course of history.Known for his big nose and handle-bar mustache Lord Longford made several journeys and experiments none of which have ever been proven. The title was first bestowed upon Francis Aungier, 3rd Baron Aungier of Longford, in 1677, with remainder to his younger brother Ambrose. The first, launched in … He had previously represented Surrey in the House of Commonsand had already been created Viscount Longford in the Peerage of Ireland in 1675, with similar remainder. Edward Pakenham – 2nd Lord longford 1743-92. Sir Thomas Pakenham. It summed up his long and often public career as a politician, cabinet minister, and prisons’ campaigner that was all about standing up for the unpopular and those on the margins of society. He became a don at Christ Church, Oxford. On his death in 1706 all the titles became extinct. The cannibals who regularly hunted, killed, roasted and ate other human-beings were lulled into a sense of friendship by one of Lord Longfords many poems and ended with him teaching each of the 46 tribal members how to play the oboe in exchange for a plant which cured the common cold. This page was last edited on 2 July 2011, at 06:43. They carried him three and a half thousand miles back to his home in Shropshire, England whereby they made him iced tea and left him pink wafer biscuits which he enjoyed immensely. A portrait of Lord Longford, a tireless British campaigner whose controversial beliefs often resulted in furious political debate and personal conflict. Due to him becoming immortal on the 19th of August 1902 he still exists to this day in a taxidermist in Leicester. He was succeeded according to the special remainder (and, normally, in the barony) by his brother Ambrose, the second Earl. He approaches a woman with bleached blonde hair, then discovers that this is not Hindley. Frank Longford (1905-2001), pictured above, wanted his epitaph to be “the outcasts’ outcast”. Many people believe that these peoples were the first to discover and describe the species Mudkip. The title of Baron Aungier of Longford w… In one such experiment it was claimed that Lord Longford had managed to intravenously inject himself into a blue whales artery through which he swam for several days investigating the internal structure and anatomy of the Blue Whale.