Rest when necessary, but remember that exercise will help keep your hip strong and flexible. I thought maybe I had strained a muscle or something. The right leg, hip, and ankle are all connected by a network of joints, bones, tendons, and muscles that are all prone to stress and injury. Surgery-free pain relief for hips and knees, Find the best treatments and procedures for you, Explore options for better nutrition and exercise, Get trusted advice from the doctors at Harvard Medical School, Learn tips for living a healthy lifestyle, Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in health, Receive special offers on health books and reports. It is undiagnosed but my GP sent me to Physical Therapy. Fat and muscle hinder flexibility and mobility, especially at our fulcrum points. I am 67 and a master field athlete doing Shotput and Discus and I speak from experience.A Physio who has never experienced this type of injury him or herselves do not have a clue . When different activities like standing or walking make your pain worse, it can give you clues about the cause of the pain. Is lifting your leg while lying down painful? It typically causes pain in the outer part of the hip, but would likely not cause groin or back pain. I am 35 year old male, work out regularly, etc. I too have groin pain which predates my THR in my right leg. I appreciate all your comments. I am an avid hiker, biker kayaker etc. Age is one of the main causes of OA, since joint damage can accumulate over time. In this article, we’ll…, Hip pain is a common ailment of runners. 7 years later I am starting to have real issues with my right leg and all ready have a bakers cyst behind my right knee and I engage way more muscles to life my right leg than my left. More often it is a pulled Psoas and Illacus and Adductor muscles.Only rest and anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers will work. "Doctors often assume that pain on the outer side of the hip is due to bursitis. It was so stupid. When you reach the point where you feel no pain, wait 10 more days before any excercise. I should see? Thankfully modern medical science offers a variety of ways to diagnose and treat hip and leg pain. So had my daughter do that (layed on my back and she pulled at an angle - just a couple of gentle jerks). not when i lay on my back i can't lift my left leg at all and when i am standing i can only lift it about 6 to 10 cm of the ground forward. I have all the same symptoms and it is due to this muscle. when you went to physical therapy, did they have a physiatrist?he's a doctor who specializes in rehabilitation medicine and he should make a good assessment of your case..some physiatrists are the heads of PT centers...good luck.. you need to see another dr maybe get a cat scan or mri. However, if your pain is serious or lasts more than a week, see a doctor. Sciatica is compression of the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back, through your hip and buttocks, and down each leg. WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Tyler Wheeler, MD on March 15, 2020. Most of the time, pain in your hip and groin is caused by a problem with the bones or other structures in or around the hip joint. I had a labral tear and arthritis. Trochanteric bursitis is a common type of bursitis that affects the bony point at the edge of the hip, called the greater trochanter. Read on to find out more about potential causes and treatments of hip pain when you stand or walk. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease. Wear flat, comfortable shoes that cushion your feet. The zona orbicularis is a ligament located on the neck of the femur, or…. Excess stress is a common problem for many people. I'M NOT RECOMMENDING ANYONE DO THIS!! Hip pain when you stand or walk often has different causes than other types of hip pain. However, several other conditions can cause similar pain, and require different treatments. I get pain in my groin, hip and sometimes down my leg.