This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You start on the fourth step on each track, but you don’t gain any bonuses, benefits, or landmarks. The phenomenon that was/is Wingspan was still cresting in early August when Jamey Stegmaier announced that the game with code name “Clay” was going to start taking pre-orders in early September and shipping in October.Tapestry was a civ game that could be played in 90-120 minutes by 1-4 players; the game would include the by-now-expected Automa bot. I like the new tapestry cards, although the number added is small enough that it doesn’t make a big difference. My wife and I get a kick out of the game and the imbalance is more interesting than frustrating. On that note I've found that Futurists are often the first to perform an income phase each era to get the additional income. The new tapestry cards on average seemed less situational than the base game tapestry cards, and introduce some non-trap ways to interact with conquering tiles controlled by other players (including cards useful both on attack and defense). Wow this is one hell of an effort! Goes hand in hand with I think what others are saying here, that there's definitely a difference when you compare people new to the game to those who are more experienced players. The OP's data confirms this with some of the civilizations being played more than twice as often as some of the others. Come discuss games like Codenames, Arkham Horror, Terra Mystica, and all your other favorite games! Their power varies depending on the player count and when you draw them (you can acquire additional civs in the late game if you invent Radio among other methods). It would be interesting to see a 4 player game with very experienced players where they are aware of the Futurist's weaknesses and then exploit them. Perhaps Architects are powerful in a game with beginners, but overall they're really only so-so. And the data doesn't even go into the Tapestry cards, which seem to be the bigger offenders. To this effect I shared the initial form, before I even received my own copy, and over the past 50+ days you all have helped me log 1351 separate games, as of me starting to write this (more games have likely been added since), and I wanted to share the results with you! Overall, there’s a bit more interaction between players, between the powers of a couple of the civilizations and the new tapestry cards that interact with conquest. More data will definitely come in once the game hits retail, but without a question for experience level, most of that data will be useless if you're trying to balance the game for expert-level play. Add to this the proven track record of the Automa, and Tapestry was an insta-buy for me…. I'd be curious if the Futurist player would still be able to pull out a win., (Sorry about making you go to BGG, I would have had a bitch of a time reformatting it for reddit). When it comes to play balance, the two biggest complaints have been about the variance in Tapestry cards and civ powers. The link to the Google Sheet containing the results: Most of the adjustments consist of gaining or losing 1-2 resources. The Futurists mysteriously begin their civilization with significant advancements. I think Architects are an odd case in that if played perfectly, their top end performance is amazing (see the Theorycrafting table in the BGG post). Any why? I agree some of the stuff is luck, but I had a better time with the game than I thought. Before their copies had even arrived, some locals had already decided to sell theirs off after the initial reviews from the US. Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game, Vampire: the Masquerade and World of Darkness, Review – Wheel of Judgment (Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying) – Strange Assembly, Podcast Episode 291 – Trifecta – Strange Assembly, Review – Celestial Realms (Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying) – Strange Assembly, Review – Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying (Fifth Edition by Fantasy Flight Games), Podcast Episode 289 + Video – Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden – Strange Assembly, Review – Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, Reivew – Tapestry: Plans and Ploys – Strange Assembly. There are no new terrain tiles, but there are new space tiles – the Monolith, mentioned above, and several tiles that provide ongoing benefits (all of the space tiles in the base game provided one-time benefits). I hadn't played Terra Mystic prior to Tapestry, but I have now. Is Tapestry a true civ game, or is it just an engine builder with a thin veneer of civviness? Review – Celestial Realms (Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying). That doesn’t stop Terra Mystica from sitting in BGG’s top 20. I agree that this isn't (yet) ideal data for Stonemeier to do an official re-tweak on the game balance, but for the same reason it makes Stonemeier's official data considerably worse. I did the draw 2 and pick 1 for the very first tapestry cards per era and then pick 1 tapestry card every other time. They could have used cards for Advancements, which would have maybe made it feel like you actually got something tangible (as in, say, Through the Ages) but tracks accomplish the same thing more cheaply and also make it easier to see the game state more clearly in terms of who’s ahead of whom. It mitigated a lot of luck and didnt take that much time. Try it before you buy it, but try it. You would have gone all-in on a game about birds? On the downside, how much synergy there is between your landmark and your civilization may introduce structural variance in scoring potential.