Quran Memorization class for adults ( They started from Baqarah 2 years ago, and they are now in the middle of Maidah) between Maghrib and Isha, From 7 to Isha, there is lessons from the book Sifat Salatul Nabiy (a book describing how the Prophet {peace be upon him} used to pray and the proper way of doing so, From 7 to Isha, there is Hadith class in which you get the explanation of Hadith and can also choose to memorize the Hadith. Ameen! So do not hesitate to visit! May Allah grant us all long lives, success and May he grant us all Jannah. Children's Qur'anic Classes from 10 am- 4 pm. Welcome to the Masjid Sidiki website where you will find information varying from the prayer times to all the various programs offered in the Masjid. The Masjid is open everyday and you will always most likely meet someone there that can help you or direct you to someone who can. A brief summary of the class schedule is found below. The Ustadh usually teaches a book on this day and on Saturday between Maghrib and Isha. Masjid Sidiki Channel September 29 at 9:00 AM ما تيسر من سورة الأنبياء برواية روح عن يعقوب الحضرمي USTADH ABDUL RASHID RECITING SURATUL ANBIYA Currently the book Ahkaam al-Jana'ez is being treated which teaches how to pray for the dead. Most of these classes are free and are all taught by our very own Sheikh, Abdul Rashid. Alhamdulillah, the Masjid offers classes practically everyday on topics ranging from Fiqh to Qur'an. the biggest certificate [al-quran] || by ustadh abdul rashid 08/14/2020 Welcome to the Masjid Sidiki website where you will find information varying from the prayer times to all the various programs offered in the Masjid. For more detailed information, look at the Course Description or Contact Us section. Ustadh Abdul Rashid is the Director of all Islamic Programs at Masjid Sidiki and teaches the majority of the classes himself.