View the profiles of people named George Eaton. Viewer response was swift, with even dance legend Debbie Allen offering a video rebuttal on social media that was posted with the hashtag #boysdancetoo. Male dancers protested outside the studio while Lara Spencer formally apologized Monday on "Good Morning America" for her recent comment mocking Prince George's interest in ballet. However, the article did not include the rest of Sir Roger's statement that "it's not necessarily an empire of Jews; that's such nonsense". It’s an important lesson about the natural skepticism we ought to, by now, direct at social-media shame-storms in general. That isn’t nearly enough. His rationale — Gosh, people might criticize me for either ... A liberal magazine misrepresented his words and got him fired. Did she or didn’t she? I was particularly distressed by the behaviour of the Minister who sacked me on the strength of the NS article, without asking me whether it accurately represented anything that I had said. Sir Roger is quoted accurately in the article: "Anybody who doesn't think there's a Soros empire in Hungary has not observed the facts". No charge. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The conservative lost his job. George Ross Eaton (born 12 November 1945) is a Canadian former racing driver who is a member of the prominent Eaton family. So, what crime would you charge, Mr. President? The New Statesman has finally issued an apology to Roger Scruton after George Eaton’s hatchet-job interview which got Scruton fired after wilfully taking a number of his quotes out of context. The segment that followed included male dancers Travis Wall, Fabrice Calmels and Robbie Fairchild sharing their experiences. Wed 27th March, interview given to George Eaton in Roger’s own room in Albany. They say “we apologise for this, and regret any distress that this has caused Sir Roger.”, Of course the “distress” caused to Scruton was losing his job, meanwhile Eaton is back at work, albeit after a demotion to ‘Assistant Editor’. The New Statesman deputy editor, George Eaton, who wrote the article, later exacerbated the situation by posting a picture on Instagram of himself posing with … No doubt he’ll be popping out the champagne again now…, New Statesman editor Jason Cowley took to the airwaves today on PoliticsLive to denounce Corbyn and stand by his paper’s decision to endorse no party during the election, encouraging tactical voting favouring female anti-Tory candidates instead. and throughout Europe really, an attempt to silence the conservative voice. Yet Scruton has not been made whole. Outspoken, but reasonable in my view. He is Senior Online Editor of the New Statesman, a position he was appointed to in February 2020.He was previously political editor from 2014 to 2018, joint deputy editor from 2018 to 2019, and an Assistant Editor from 2019 to 2020. Wed 10th April Interview published online on The New Statesman with inaccurate and distorted Tweets which wholly misrepresented the interview. Coons’s comments. Britain’s The New Statesman, roughly the equivalent of The New Republic, has issued a correction and an apology for how it twisted the words of philosopher and polymath Sir Roger Scruton in a now-notorious interview published on April 10. By way of rectification we provide here a link to a transcript of the interview and the original article so that readers can learn for themselves what Professor Scruton actually said in full. If John Roberts Isn’t A Conservative, What Is He, Exactly? The magazine denied requests from Sir Roger and everyone else to make available a tape or full transcript of the interview. I am grateful to the New Statesman at least for this, that these distressing events have awoken me to the true moral crisis of the Party to which, despite everything, I still belong.”, The New Statesman has finally issued an apology to Roger Scruton after George Eaton’s hatchet-job interview which got Scruton fired after wilfully taking a number of his quotes out of context. It hoped that time would be such a balm that everyone would gradually forget about its atrocious misrepresentations. But she also misrepresented history. Some Conservative MPs led by James Gray and Ian Duncan Smith call for Roger to be reinstated. @LaraSpencer apologizes for her comments about boys and dance and sits down with 3 celebrated ballet dancers: "It has been a true education for me." END. Eaton remains employed by The New Statesman, albeit with the title “assistant editor” rather than “deputy editor.” A previous statement by Eaton in which he said he stood by the “accuracy” of his original story has disappeared from The New Statesman’s website. How a character assassination unfolded on Twitter. In the fight for justice, moderation is a virtue, Camden’s Success Was Achieved by De-Unionizing, Not Defunding. If a thief steals your watch and gets caught red-handed, he doesn’t get to keep the goods found in his pocket. George Eaton posted this picture of himself drinking champagne to celebrate the sacking of the "right-wing racist and homophobe Roger Scruton." It became obvious that the full interview provided little or no evidence for Eaton’s charges that Scruton was a homophobe and a racist. Eaton provides us with a perfect example of how to smear someone by wrenching words out of context. He has not been restored to his post, or a similar one, though the likely next prime minister, Boris Johnson, supports the idea. In late July 2016, Hillary Clinton, in an effort to divert attention from the email scandal that was haunting her presidential bid, directed her campaign to peddle a political narrative that Russia’s suspected hacking and leaking of Democratic Party emails was in ... Mr. Biden, you have a history of cultivating disturbingly close relationships with white supremacists. I am pleased that the words I actually spoke are now available. After flirting with Corbynism, the New Statesman is keen to reassert itself as a mainstream publication…, Nowhere is this more clear than in the case of Grace Blakeley – Corbyn outrider, television regular, and until recently the New Statesman’s economics commentator. Back in April, I wrote about how The New Statesman writer George Eaton savaged the conservative British philosopher Roger Scruton with an interview. Sections of Scruton’s unedited comments morning were played this morning on the Today Programme with the caveat that “we don’t know whether that recording was stolen or not.” Cut straight to the juicy bits with Guido…. Roger Scruton: An apology for thinking. For weeks, Joe Biden has refused to answer whether he intends to blow up the United States Supreme Court on the preposterous grounds that, if he does, journalists will write about it. . Harris claimed at the VP debate that Abraham Lincoln refused to nominate a candidate for Chief Justice in October 1864 because "Honest Abe ... A for-profit media company funded by major Democratic donors Reid Hoffman and Laurene Powell Jobs has created hundreds of millions of impressions on voters in key House races through Facebook ads disguised as local news articles, according to a review of financial records. Now it seems the tables have turned…, Sir Roger Scruton has now issued his own press statement after the New Statesman finally issued an apology to him yesterday over George Eaton’s hatchet job. 10th April onwards, many letters of support sent directly to Roger and many also sent to James Brokenshire, dismayed at his decision and lack of support for Roger. “I am pleased to have resolved my complaint against the New Statesman.