Finally, it is a well-known fact, that Washington was prosperous plantation owner with hundreds of African slaves. Mount Crushmore S 5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b: Mount Crushmore - Presidential Finish S 5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a: Redbeard's Treasure S 5.10b 6a+ 19 VII … The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 9/11 Attacks is a groundbreaking documentary on the controversy SoundCloud. Mount Rushmore is an ugly symbol of white supremacy and Native American genocide. Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. We also sell crushed concrete for driveways, foundations and construction projects. President Donald Trump. According to historian Bernard Sheehan, Jefferson had two policies for Native Americans. ‘But no, the American people are strong and proud and they wll not allow our country and all of its values, history and culture to be taken from them,’ he said, raising his voice. The sculptor was Gutzon Borglum, who was a member of the infamous Ku Klux Klan. Speed Bry-U #89 2x JRDA Open Division Champion 2018 World Cup Gold Medalist. Mount Crushmore has been an industry-leading Rock Supplier since established in 2019. A teaching moment for the Trumpists? that native peoples were not “created equal.” Upon becoming president, Jefferson continued Washington’s agenda of Manifest Destiny in its expansion to the West. It is overdue this nation reckons with this history. The newer treaty set aside the Great Sioux Reservation, which included the Black Hills. All perspective is removed. In 1800, Spain ceded to France what became known as the Louisiana Purchase. Dr. Berumen is an educator and writer. He has written several books on the Native American and Mexican American experience. On the eve of the Fourth of July holiday, Trump’s message was about us versus them, calling those who didn’t support him ‘bad, evil people.’, He tossed red meat to a packed crowd of supporters – a majority of whom were not wearing masks nor practicing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 – telling them ‘we will never abolish the police’ and ‘we stand tall we stand proud and we only kneel to almighty God.’, And announced that he was creating a new monument, called the ‘national garden of American heroes,’ which he described as a ‘vast outdoor park that will features the statues of the greatest American who ever lived.’, The White House sent out the text of the Executive Order establishing the National Garden of American Heroes, It creates a task force to proposes options for the creation and potential locations for the site. History has documented the examples of many men and women, who took the courageous course of dissent and/or opposition to injustice. Your contribution supports independent journalism. His presidency included the Civil War; and the passage of the landmark. We cannot do our ground-breaking report without your support. . Crushmore EP by Lettuce published on 2016-10-20T18:47:09Z. All have flaws and contradictions of morality and character. According to historian Bernard Sheehan, Jefferson had two policies for Native Americans. However, Jefferson had another policy and one that he actually favored over the others. Mount Rushmore is an ugly symbol of white supremacy and Native American genocide. individual rights, and equality of rights for all. President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) is considered the greatest president of the United States by many. Get ready to rumble! It also names the statues of “the greatest Americans who ever lived”, — Mona Salama (@MonaSalama_) July 4, 2020, Trump also vowed to deploy federal law enforcement ‘to protect our monuments, arrest the rioters and prosecute offenders to the furthest extent of the law.’. President Trump’s decision to have his Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore Memorial, in the Black Hills, South Dakota is another example of the Euro-American amnesia regarding Native American genocide. Finally, Jefferson, was a wealthy plantation owner, who used slaves to works his fields and service his household. Please take a moment to consider this. In 1785, the Treaty of Hopewell signed by the U.S. government and the Cherokee prohibited white settlement east of the Blue Ridge Mountains. As a result, he reduced the number of Native Americans to be hung at random to thirty-eight. Of these, three-hundred were sentenced to death. It was is another example how Europeans took it upon themselves to make pompous declarations based on the Doctrine of Discover; and take over the land of indigenous peoples, without their consent or knowledge. Borglum, the elder, was assisted in his artistic endeavors by his son Lincoln Borglum, who apparently did not share his father’s racial beliefs. In 1862, they mounted a rebellion to push out, the mostly Scandinavian and German settlers. He promised Mount Rushmore, which loomed above him – and would serve as a backdrop for fireworks after his speech – would never be touched. gave private companies some two million acres of native land. It was is another example how Europeans took it upon themselves to make pompous declarations based on the Doctrine of Discover; and take over the land of indigenous peoples, without their consent or knowledge. President Trump: “In toppling the heroes of 1776 they seek to dissolve the bonds of love and loyalty That we feel for our country and that we feel for each other… Their goal is not a better America their goal is to end America…”, President Trump: "There is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. In truth, Lincoln ran for president to win over “free-soilers.” These were white settlers that demanded that federal government open up indigenous lands west of the Mississippi River. However, Lincoln was cognizant of public opinion and foreign countries, that he was anxious to win support in the midst of the Civil War. By any measure of law, these native combatants should have been considered prisoners of war, as they had never taken an oath of allegiance to the United States. Jefferson told Secretary of War General Henry Dearborn (at that time Indian affairs fell under the War Department), “If we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, we will never lay it down until that tribe is exterminated or driven beyond the Mississippi.”. But we won't put up a paywall. Jefferson is credited with writing most of the Declaration of Independence. By Nikki Schwab, Senior U.s. Mt. The president also took on ‘cancel culture,’ calling it ‘very definition of totalitarianism.’, He called the left’s version of history a ‘a web of lies.’. But advertising revenues have all but disappeared. The excuse was that they needed this land to build the transcontinental railroad and its tributary track. It is also referred to as the Yellow Revolution due to the presence of yellow ribbons during the demonstrations following the assassination of Filipino senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. ‘This monument will never be desecrated, these heroes will never be defaced, their legacy will never ever be destroyed, their achievements will never be forgotten and Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom,’ the president said in the opening minutes. We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom. "It's my story, it's what happens when someone fights for freedom in America today," Mount Rushmore is an ugly symbol of white supremacy and Native American genocide. There have been many efforts by many, before and now, to eradicate the ugly legacy of racism. 1801-1809), may be have been one of the “best and the brightest” of the founding fathers, but his reputation is tarnished by his merciless military campaigns against Native Americans.