6 two-sided character cards. “Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate” is a wonderful re-imaging of the classic board game, “Betrayal at House on the Hill”. 6 prepainted plastic adventurer figures . Happens on load. It added more of a “Dungeon Crawl” feel to the game. Was it a mind flayer’s psionic blast or the whisperings of a deranged ghost that caused your allies to turn traitor? This had no effect on the outcome of the review. Please join our mailing list to receive our monthly newsletter and exclusive Kickstarter extras! 14 street tiles. The accuracy of the fulfillment dates depends solely on the publisher, and not on TGG Games. 14 street tiles. One of your party is outed as being a traitor who is out to do something evil, and it’s up to the rest of the party to stop them!. When the haunt is triggered the traitor player leaves the room and reads up on his or her new abilities and goals for the game while all the other players read about their goals and can strategize together. Never Split the Party… Unless Someone is the Traitor! Players, will adventurer exploring the streets of Baldur’s Gate, you will lay down tiles to build up the area. As you build and explore the iconic city's dark alleys and deadly catacombs, you must work with your fellow adventurers to survive the terrors ahead. You’ll have no choice but to keep your enemies close! The Haunt then triggers if the result of the roll is six or more. 8 dice. Hvis du mener at gjenstanden din er fjernet ved en feiltakelse, kontakt, Denne gjenstanden er inkompatibel med Tabletop Simulator. Have some great artwork, it’s similar to what they have they done in Dungeons & Dragons 5E books, which makes perfect sense, is this is set in the same universe. I played with some friends, and the traitor's tome got stuck on page 1. 8 dice. As you can guess from the title, it’s set inside the Dungeons & Dragons city of Baldur’s Gate. • 2 haunt books (Traitor’s Tome and Secrets of Survival) 2 haunt books (Traitor’s Tome, and Secrets of Survival) 42 tiles, including: 13 building tiles. 30 plastic clips. Du må logge inn eller opprette en konto for å gjøre det. • 1 rulebook BETRAYAL AT BALDURS GATE; INFO ; REVIEWS; contents. If you are having issues reaching the publisher directly, please reach out to us. 6 two-sided character cards . BETRAYAL AT BALDURS GATE; INFO ; REVIEWS; Never Split the Party… Unless Someone is the Traitor! Taking place in the D&D city of Baldur’s Gate, you and up to 5 other players explore the famous city and its (in)famous Catacombs, searching for items and treasures, while dodging thieves, beasts, and other manor of things that go “Bump!” in the night. Just the right size font. It is, in my opinion, a better game. One other minor issue: players who make the mistake of generating the stat rings for their character and then changing their mind and flipping over the card to the character on the other side will wind up with two sets of stat rings and a huge mess. As you’re exploring, you will, collect items, find omens, and run into events that help form their story. • 1 Elfsong Tavern start tile We had the same issue as pyro334439 tonight, with the Traitor's Tome getting stuck on page 1. Tournament Fishing (Essential Edition) launching on Kickstarter Q4, 2020! There are three tile colors, representing Buildings, Streets, and Catacombs, but the Building and Streets are placed on the same level of the board, meaning there are only two “floors” in. Global shipping options from a variety of carriers! Based on the award-winning Betrayal at House on the Hill board game, in Betrayal at Baldur's Gate you'll return to Baldur's Gate again and again thanks to the fifty included scenarios only to discover it's never the same game twice.