The gallowglasses of the Mac Cárthaigh Riabhaigh are recorded as having attacked Mallow in County Cork as late as 1645. For the most part, their power rested on their fleets of galleys and their notorious Gallowglass warriors. Of kerns and gallowglasses is supplied. Secondly, Scotland had been the first to feel the might and tactics of the invading Normans who were now plaguing Ireland with their armour and armoured cavalry after 1180. In a time when Irish Gaelic foot soldiers were comprised of poor and untrained peasants, the Gallowglass were a welcome force that were able to tip the scales in the favor of those who employed them. But the Galloglas were most often employed to guard the raiding parties and to form the front ranks of an army on the battlefield, although in a charge they would usually throw their javelins before falling back to let the light infantry, or their kerns, take advantage of the gaps in the enemy’s lines before they broke them. [Online] Available at:, Unknown. By 1471 William, son of Colla MacDowell, is reported slain as he was returning home from Leinster service. In fact “Ruairi (Ruaidri), son of Ranald, styled himself as dominus de Kyntire in a charter of lands in Kintyre. From the eighth century, their plundering raids terrorized much of the known world, reaching as far as America, North Africa and Constantinople. By the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries galloglaigh were settled all over Ireland and were in the service of both the Anglo-Norman nobility and the Gaelic chiefs of Munster and Leinster. Medieval Battles & Axes. From this period date the first Vikings’ fortified settlements. HistoryNet. 16" x 5" (Just the head, not including sockets) Retail $275.00 . The favourite weapon of these warriors was a six foot long, razor-sharp, double-sided battle- axe, called the ‘Sparth’, which was a development of the Viking axes … Add to cart. Nice thing to try it in Buhurt, yeah? The Iron Maiden: This Medieval Torture Device Was Used as Recently as 2003! After the combined Irish defeat at the Battle of Kinsale in 1601, recruitment of gallowglasses waned, although Scottish Highland mercenaries continued to come to Ireland until the 1640s (notably Alasdair Mac Colla). They would lend their axes to any man who paid sufficiently. Um Ihre Versandkosten ersparen, können wir es ohne Holz Axt Welle versenden. The Galloglas were a mercenary warrior elite among Gaelic-Norse clans residing in the Western Isles of Scotland (or Hebrides) and Scottish Highlands from the mid 13th century to the end of the 16th century. Galloglass. All edges are rounded according to HMBIA and IMCF standards. An allegiance of a Gallowglass sept to a certain lord was “passed down” from generation to generation, and often lasted for decades. 20th Century. Gaelic slaves were considered as thralls, and had little to no rights. At these schools they would have learned from experienced professionals how to use their weapons more effectively. The Scots invented the 5 foot long sparth axe which was deadly against armour when wielded by a man brave enough to stand up close to charging horsemen. Both sides employed several battalions of Gallowglass mercenaries, many of which fell on the field of battle. Irish Gallowglass Axe, forged replica, 16th Century; Irish Gallowglass Axe, forged replica, 16th Century. In return for military service, gallowglass contingents were given land and settled in Irish lordships, where they were entitled to receive supplies from the local population. Price: $289.47. From India. Sparth Axe. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Her dowry consisted of at least 1,200 gallowglass fighters. In time there came to be many native Irish gallowglass as the term came to mean a type of warrior rather than an ethnic designation. Galloglas Hebridean and west Highland Mercenary Warrior Kindreds in Mediaeval Ireland – Tuckwell Press, Scotland, Copyright Clan MacDougall Society of North America 1996-2020. 7.5" x 10.5" Retail $195.00 . The Innse-Gall had adopted their Gaelic language and customs, but had still retained the fearlessness and fighting prowess of their Viking forebears. (Albrecht Dürer (1521) / Public domain ), In time, Gallowglass warriors spread throughout the Scottish Highlands and through Ireland. The horsemen had two horses apiece, some three, the second bearing the 'knave' or his attendant. To them, it was known as the Suðreyjar, or “Southern Islands”, a term that helped them distinguish them from the “Northern Islands” - Shetland and Orkney Islands, which they also ruled. These young men acted as squires of sort, and would carry weapons and attend to the warriors’ needs. They fought under the Irish General Eoin Roe O'Neill at the Battle of Benburb when O'Neill had an overwhelming victory in 1646. The selection of weapons that the Galloglas wielded meant that they could use most tactics on the battlefield. Depiction of a medieval Gallowglass claymore sword. In these rocky windswept islands, life is a toil. And even then, they fought on - in true mercenary fashion. Those that did not go to these schools would have been those who had acquired enough prestige to be trained at the expense, and often at the court, of the Irish kings. 12" along the edge . Die Welle ist aus Eichenholz. At least some of these were likely Galloglas. Galloglass: 1250-1600, Osprey Publishing Ltd. In a paper entitled "A Description of the Power of Irishmen", written early in the 16th century, the Irish forces of Leinster are numbered at 522 horse, 5 battalions of gallowglass (gallóglaigh) and 1432 kerne, and those of the other provinces were in like proportion. Numerous sources report that the Gallowglasses were notoriously brave, and would rather die in battle than yield to the enemy. Again it was a case of a Scots mercenary fighting for an Irish King against an Anglo-Norman force – a perfect situation in which to employ the special skills of the Galloglas. These warriors had a personal retinue - similarly to a Norman knight. Irish axe of Gallowglass | BuhurtTech Legendary sparth axe of the Galloglass warriors. or Best Offer. C $175.21. The lives of its Gaelicnatives were faced with sudden change - as Norse immigrants became increasingly present on their shores. the MacSweeneys, the MacDonalds, the MacSheehys, the MacRorys, the MacCabes, the MacDougalls and the MacDowalls (using modern spellings). For the large part, these Norsemen didn’t come peacefully. Of these last two it is very difficult to distinguish between the records mentioning MacDougalls and MacDowalls because their names were identical in Gaelic though the two were separate and lived in Argyll and Galloway respectively. ( Sémhur (left) / Yorkshirian (right) / CC BY-SA 3.0). Along with two young men as support and friends on top to assist or fight this could easily have numbered over 5,000 current and future gallowglasses coming into the area.[4]. Die in the battle and go to Valhalla, like ancestors. In 1569 Turlough O'Neill married Lady Agnes MacDonald of Kintyre. We can make it sharp or blunt for re-enactment purposes. With information from: 10" along the edge . The word óglach comes from Old Irish oac (meaning "youth") and Old Irish lóeg (meaning "calf" but later becoming a word for a hero). Retail $325.00 Adams Axe . Drawing of Irish Gallowglass and three kern (right). Renowned for their ferocity and bravery, their custom was to always fight to the death rather than withdraw when facing superior opposition. A claidheamh-mór was also a favorite choice of these warriors. Clan MacDougall Society of North America. They were the poor and oppressed, and the Norsemen often raided the interior capturing slaves. [citation needed], People of the American Civil War by state, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,, In 1169-1170 these Anglo-Normans from England had conquered much of eastern Ireland with only 100 armoured horsemen. These were followed by MacDonnells, MacCabes and several other groups settled by powerful Irish nobles in different areas. A carving of a Norse-Gael (Gallowglass) warrior. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The first recorded of Gallowglass arrival in Ireland was in 1259, when the King of Connacht was provided with one hundred and sixty of these soldiers.