Total casualties in the rising were about 800. The French Revolution consisted of the overthrow of Louis XVI and the introduction of the National Assembly. We’re taught from early ages that revolutionaries founded the country and system we all live in. Louis-Philippe had shown more energy and personal courage than his Bourbon predecessor Charles X had during the July Revolution two years before. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In his later novel Les Misérables, first published in 1862, Hugo depicts the period leading up to the rebellion, and follows the lives and interactions of several characters over a 20-year period. A republican, is virtue, perseverance; is devotion personified…[he] is Leonidas dying at Thermopylae, at the head of his 300 Spartans; he is also the 72 heroes who defended during 48 hours the approaches of the Cloître Saint-Merry, from 60,000 men, and who… threw themselves onto bayonets to obtain a glorious death. The novel is one of the few works of literature that discusses the June Rebellion and the events leading up to it. Most others (34%) were shopkeepers or clerks. The latter campaign received great praise from Napoleon, who said Lamarque had "performed wonders, and even surpassed my hopes". In most wars, the revolutionaries are just as guilty as the state they’re revolting against. Be Skeptical of Revolutionaries. The Prime Minister Casimir Perier fell sick and died on 16 May and the Napoleonic General and liberal politician Jean Maximilien Lamarque died on 1 June. The secret societies planned to provoke riots similar to those that had led to the 1830 July Revolution against the ministers of Charles X. Background. Hugo headed north up the Rue Montmartre, then turned right onto the Passage du Saumon, and at last turning before the Rue du Bout du Monde (World’s End Street). During the 1848 Revolution, Friedrich Engels published a retrospective article called The June Revolution: The Course of the Paris Uprising, in which he analysed the tactical errors which led to the failure of the 1832 uprising, and drew lessons for the 1848 revolt. It was organised like an army, divided into sections of twenty members each (to evade the law that forbade the association of more than twenty persons), with a president and vice president for each section. But after some observation, I have a controversial opinion on the revolutionaries: while they are revolting against an unjust system, they’re not much worth our sympathy. In the movie, these young men form a small conspiracy to launch a revolution in Paris in 1832—one which ultimately fails, but which the adaptations paint in a glorious and sympathetic light. The republicans were led by secret societies formed of the most determined members of their movement. Louis-Philippe’s regime was finally overthrown in the French Revolution of 1848, though the subsequent French Second Republic was short-lived. He is an alumnus of Praxis and a FEE Eugene S. Thorpe Fellow. This event inspired French novelist and poet, Victor Hugo, for his 1862 novel Les Misérables, depicting the aftermath of the French Revolution. Ghostbusters and Gremlins released simultaneously (1984), Follow Tantric Romantics and Passionate Lives on Any group that claims to fight for freedom without also respecting individual dignity is lying. Halfway down the alley, the grilles at either end were slammed shut. Lamarque served with distinction in many of Napoleon's campaigns. Republicans used the trials to build support for their cause, emphasising the trial of Charles Jeanne, one of the leaders who proudly defended his actions. The government which had come to power in a revolution distanced itself from its own revolutionary past, most famously removing from view Delacroix’s painting Liberty Leading the People, which had been commissioned to commemorate the events of 1830. Les Misérables Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. It’s notable that their plans for what comes after the revolution aren’t mentioned—only lofty ideals like “every man will be a king”. Revolution seems like such a romantic thing. The conservative Perier had been given a grand state funeral. In the film adaptation, we see that the heart of this revolution is planned by young men of middle class or even noble birth. Cries were heard that the rioters would sup at the Tuileries Palace that evening. The monarchy of Louis Philippe, which had become the government of the middle class, was now attacked from two opposite sides at once. Please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author and mention that this article was originally published on They should know better. Set during the French Revolution, this tale depicts the vast suffering of France’s lower classes, and highlights a former prisoner’s attempts to bring love and justice back into daily life. In any fight between incumbents and underdogs, our first instinct is to sympathize with the upriser. Several rebels took the opportunity to deliver republican speeches at their trial. We need a signTo rally the peopleTo call them to armsTo bring them in line!”. The main strategic deficit, he argued, was the failure to march immediately on the town hall. They constructed barricades in the narrow streets around the Rue Saint-Martin and Rue Saint-Denis. In the 1830 July Revolution, the elected Chamber of Deputies had established a constitutional monarchy and replaced Charles X of the House of Bourbon by the more liberal Louis-Philippe. According to Albert Boime, “after the uprising at the funeral of Lamarque in June 1832 it was never again openly displayed for fear of setting a bad example.” A man named Michael Geoffroy was charged with starting the rebellion by waving the red flag. He also advocated French support for independence struggles in Poland and Italy. So naturally, when we watch the musical and film adaptations of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, then, we’re going to root for the young “freedom fighters” like the young leader Enjolras, Courfeyrac, and our hero Marius Pontmercy. At this point Louis-Philippe decided to show himself in the streets to confirm that he was still in control of the capital. All about Les Halles were barricades. ( Log Out /  I recently rewatched the great 2011 film adaption of this movie, and I frequently dip back into the film’s excellent song soundtrack. Whatever these lofty ideals mean in practice (also unclear), it is clear that characters like Enjolras see themselves as the revolution’s leaders. But if we can look more critically at *both* those in power and those who want to overthrow the power, we may find a third way beyond revolution. It began in 1789 and lasted until 1799. Les Miserables: Les Miserables was written by the French author Victor Hugo. This angered republicans who saw one king replaced by another. Returning to Paris from Saint Cloud he met with his ministers and generals at the Tuileries to declare a state of siege, before riding through the area affected by the rising, to the applause of national guards and soldiers. The Gardens were deserted and the park-keeper had to unlock the gates to let Hugo out, but instead of hurrying home, he followed the sounds through the empty streets, unaware that half of Paris had already fallen to the mob. Menu. He also advocated French support for independence struggles in Poland and Italy. Groups of demonstrators took charge of the cortege and directed it to the Place de la Bastille. Like many revolutionaries, these ne’er do wells promise glory to martyrs and a “freedom” which they fail to define clearly. During the climactic battle the main characters all come together and many of them are killed. and portrayed as a sub-group of the Rights of Man Society. The crowds are diverse yet united in their passion for the victorious les bleus. It’s hard to call a movement “humanitarian” that tells its members that their “little lives don’t count at all.” This is textbook collectivism of a kind that leads to a stupid number of deaths. This was followed by an insurrection in the Bourbon heartland of the Vendée led by Caroline, Duchess of Berry, mother of Henri, Count of Chambord, the Legitimist claimant to the throne as “Henri V”. The novel begins in the year of Napoleon Bonaparte’s final defeat and climaxes with the battles of the June Rebellion. The epidemic soon claimed two famous victims. Check out my video on how to … Were their revolution successful, these young men who planned the revolution would—like all revolutionaries—become the enforcers of the revolutionary way. Subsequent identification of rebels revealed that most (66%) were working class, a high proportion being construction workers. These also happen to be some of the reasons why in most wars, the revolutionaries are just as guilty as the state they’re revolting against: Who cares about your lonely soul?We strive towards a larger goalOur little lives don’t count at all!”. Only individuals can exercise freedom because only individuals can act, and if individuals are only to be treated as cannon fodder for a “larger goal” of social re-engineering, then the revolution is certainly not about freedom. An outspoken republican activist in the 19th century, Hugo unquestionably favoured the revolutionaries. The June Rebellion, or the Paris Uprising of 1832 (French: Insurrection républicaine à Paris en juin 1832), was an unsuccessful, anti-monarchist insurrection of Parisian republicans, 5-6 June 1832. ... Marius, a war veteran during the battles of post-French Revolution, falls for Cosette, but their lives change forever when the war turns more gruesome than expected. On the morning of 6 June the last rebels were surrounded at the intersection of rue Saint-Martin and Saint-Merry. ( Log Out /  Please, enable JavaScript and reload the page to enjoy our modern features. A pamphlet published in 1836 compared the defeat of the republicans to the heroic resistance of the 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae. Whether for cynical reasons (like having less power in the current regime) or forgivable ones (wanting to make a better world), Enjolras, Marius, and the rest are after power. This force pacified the peripheral districts of the capital. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The subsequent uprising made the approximately 3,000 insurgents masters of much of the eastern and central districts of Paris for one night; between the Chatelet, the Arsenal and the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. In the 1830 July Revolution, the elected Chamber of Deputies had established a constitutional monarchy and replaced Charles X of the House of Bourbon by the more liberal Louis-Philippe. When the king appeared in public his supporters greeted him with cheers. During the night of June 5-6, the 20,000 part-time militia of the Paris National Guard were reinforced by about 40,000 regular army troops under the command of Marshal de Lobau. The opening scene of this very contemporary, very now story called Les Misérables shows throngs of people spilling onto the streets of Paris, celebrating France’s 2018 World Cup victory against Croatia. A large number of weapons were confiscated in later raids, and there were fears that military law would be imposed.