Many of our brave warriors would be killed, our women and children left in sorrow, and still we would not stop them. A short distance below we saw nine Indians on the north shore which run out of a thicket. Lewis, in his Statistical View, locates them on James, Big and Little Sioux, Floyd, and Des Moines rivers., an area that includes the district of the pipestone quarry, where Le Sueur placed them. It is closely related to and mutually intelligible with the Lakota language, and both are also more distantly related to the Stoney and Assiniboine languages. Sioux Chief Sitting Bull was a holy man and a great leader. They are numerous, between 2 & 3,000 men, divided into 20 tribes who view their interests as different. Their present number is not definitely known, the Yankton and the Yanktonai being seemingly confused on the different Sioux reservations. A Warrior by the name of Tar ro mo nee spoke: The Dar co tar or Sioux rove & follow the Buffalo, raise no corn or anything else, the woods & prairies affording a sufficiency. Fathers: I do not Speak very well, I am a poor man. But I fear those nations above will not open their ears, and you cannot I fear open them. Specific provisions of the treaty called for educating the tribe to develop skills in agriculture, industrial arts and homemaking. Pryor with young Mr. Dorion, Six Kettles for the Indians to Cook the meat they Killed on the way from their Camp (2 Elk & 6 Deer), about a bucket of Corn & 2 twists of Tobacco to Smoke, intending to Speak to them tomorrow. Our people are naked, we wish a trader to Stop among us, we would be very glad. The Assiniboin, who were an offshoot from the Yanktonai, are mentioned in the Jesuit Relation for 1640 as a tribe; hence the Yanktonai must have been in existence as a tribe before that time. G. Drewyer Killed a Deer. Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe. A lively and informative new podcast for kids that the whole family will enjoy. Dorsey arranged the Dakota-Assiniboin in 4 dialectic groups: Santee, Yankton, Teton, and Assiniboin, the Yankton dialect being spoken also by the Yanktonai, for the 2 tribes were the outgrowth of one original stem. Those men are likely fellows; they Sit together, Camp & Dance together. At nine o'clock the Indians came over the river. I took a Vocabulary of the Sioux language, and a few answers to Some queries I put to Mr. Pierre Dorion respecting the War Situation, Trade &c. & of that people which is divided into 20 tribes, possessing Separate interests. We inquired if any of their Chiefs had gone down with Mr. Dorion, they answered that their Great Chief and many of their brave men had gone down, that the white people had built a house near the Omaha village where they traded. Capt. Yankton Sioux Tribe. Gave to all the Chiefs a Carrot of Tobacco. There were also about 100 under the Fort Totten school, North Dakota, a few under the Crow Creek school, South Dakota, and a few others under the Lower Brule school, South Dakota. [Clark] The son mentioned in this account would have been ½ Yankton. To this Vow they Strictly adhere during their Lives. My Father- I opened my ears and all my young men and we wish you to let Mr. Dorion Stay, and a Pirogue for to take us down in the Spring. President of the United States] and all my warriors also glad. I presume they did not understand the man who spoke to them as he spoke but little of their language. Had a talk with Mr. Dorion, who agreed to Stay and Collect the Chiefs from as many Bands of Sioux as he could this fall & bring about a peace between the Sioux & their neighbors &c. & a Commission to act with a flag. Box 1153Wagner, SD 57380Phone: 1.605.384.3641Fax: 1.605.384.3641. 31st Of August Friday I now think I am a chief agreeable to your word as I am a young man and inexperienced, cannot say much; What the Great Chief has Said is as much as I could Say. The Mandan Chief gave a pair of elegant leggings to the principal man of the Indian party, which is an Indian fashion. Here we Saw a likely young Indian of the Mahar nation. [Gass] I am poor & take pity on me. Three miles above this Bluff we Set the Prairie on fire, to let the Sioux Know we wished to see them. The earliest known European record of the Dakota identified them in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Pryor & 2 more went from the Boat with 2 of the Indians out to their Camp to invite them in to See us, especially the Chiefs. We Sent Sergt. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. North 4th Street They would dance around the fire for Some time and then hoop, & then rest a few minutes. I need help with my genealogy. The Santee migrated north and westward from the Southeast United States, first into Ohio, then to Minnesota. My Fathers- You tell us that you wish us to make peace with the Otos & Missouri. A curious society among this nation, worthy of remark, formed of their active determined young men, with a vow never to give back, let the danger or difficulty be what it may. Concluded at Washington, D.C. April 18, 1856; Ratified by the Senate February 16, 1859. Capt. Both these references would seem to apply as well to the Yanktonai as to the Yankton; it is probable that both are referred to under one general name. To the Grand Chief we gave a flag and the parole & wampum with a hat & Chiefs Coat. The majority of records of individuals were those created by the agencies. The Squaws wore Petticoats & and white Buffalo robes with the black hair turned back over their necks & Shoulders. This is referred to as a common language, Dakota-Lakota, or Sioux. On the River Jacque of 100 yards wide & Deep Containing but little wood. Lewis (1807) estimated their number at 700. *****. The governing body of the Yankton Sioux Tribe is the Tribal Business and Claims Committee. Before the 17th century, the Santee Dakota (Isáŋyathi; "Knife" also known as the Eastern Dakota) lived around Lake Superior with territories in present-day northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. [Clark] I will support him in all your Councils. In the past the Western Dakota have been erroneously classified as Nakota, a branch of the Sioux who moved further west. We Sent over a Pirogue & Mr. Dorion & his Son who was trading with the Indians Came over with Sergt. I am young and Can't Speak. Friday 31st- The Indians remained with us all day, and got our old Frenchman to stay and go with their chief to the city of Washington. About 15 minutes after we had landed several guns were fired by the Indians, which we expected was at the three men behind. One of the 7 primary divisions or subtribes of the Dakota, speaking the same dialect as the Yankton and believed to be the elder tribe. Chairperson, Yankton Sioux Tribal Business and Claims Committee Box 248 Marty, South Dakota 57361 ***** Journal Excerpts: [Clark - writing near modern-day Yankton, South Dakota] 27th August Monday Three miles above this Bluff we Set the Prairie on fire, to let the Sioux Know we wished to see them.