It is seen that he is very protective about his mother, but definitely not a mother's boy. It is often mentioned that Nick is something of a ladies' man. He is of average height and has a slim but muscular build. Stokes bracht de eerste drie jaar naar zijn afstuderen door bij het politiekorps in Dallas, alvorens te worden overgeplaatst naar het Dallas misdaadlab.Hij was 1 jaar lang CSI level 1, waarna hij werd overgeplaatst naar het Las Vegas misdaadlab. The box was also rigged with Semtex explosive. Nick was nearly killed when he was incapacitated using ether, put inside an acrylic glass coffin and buried underground while an installed web camera provided visuals of his plight to his coworkers who were initially helpless to save him. During the sixth season of CSI, Nick had a mustache, but soon got rid of it. Despite the ill-advisery of his moustache, it made his character look more rogue and scary to suspects. Because of this Nick has trouble investigating crimes against children. During Season 6 episodes A Bullet Runs Through It (Part 1 and 2) and Dog Eat Dog, Nick had an ill-advised mustache, but soon got rid of it. In season six, Nick grows a moustache then shaves it off. During early episodes of Season 5, 7 and 11 and late episodes of Season 9, he had a shaved head. Nick changed after he was buried alive. Nick meets Jeffrey McKeen again when he is connected to a triple murder. Nick flirts a little with Catherine Willows, his good friend and coworker, who becomes something of an "older sister" figure to him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Other members of the team believe that it is better to maintain an emotional distance. During Season 6, he also had some messy greaser hair. After D.B. Achtergrond. The box was also rigged with Semtex explosive. (, He was injured by a shock wave caused by a car bomb set by Jason McCann. After Grissom left, Nick starts taking classes to become the lab's new "bug guy." After Warrick's death, Nick set up a college fund for his son. Nick has a natural empathy with the people affected by the crimes he investigates. Nick Stokes is back after his honeymoon with Gil Jr. who is now his husband. [1]. Nick's father-in-law Grissom made a brief appearance on a video call with his husband Gil Jr., mother-in-law Sara and grandmother-in-law, Betty Grissom whom joined at the end of The Two Mrs. Grissoms. Nick has a good command of Spanish; he frequently deals with cases involving Hispanics and the Latino community. Having quit the lab, Nick decides to celebrate by getting drunk outside of a liquor store, only to end up in jail after an altercation between him and two police officers. Nicholas "Nick" Stokes is a former Crime Scene Investigator at the Las Vegas Crime Lab. In The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp Nick's parents and younger brother Eddie comes to Las Vegas and visits him. Russell arrived, Nick was demoted; Julie Finlay has now succeeded his position. [1] As a child, he showed athletic and academic potential and played football. Nick's father calls him "Pancho" and Nick, in turn, calls his father "Cisco", both characters from the television show, The Cisco Kid. (Turn, Turn, Turn). Thus informed, Nick's coworkers rushed to his rescue and managed to save him from the brink of death. Later in season 6 Sofia Curtis agrees and surrogates Nick and Gil Jr's. [14] He shares a good-natured relationship with Gil Grissom. Nicholas "Nick" Stokes is a former Crime Scene Investigator at the Las Vegas Crime Lab. children. Sara finds Nick and asks him how many beers he's had tonight. ("Grave Danger") His mother, Jillian Stokes, is a lawyer, and Nick is the youngest of seven children, at least one of whom is male. After he was shot in the left shoulder by Jekyll, when standing off against Alex McCann, he not only emptied the magazine of his gun, but proceeded to scarcely reload, he was eventually calmed by Catherine. In Season 10 he used the call sign Charlie O3 Stokes (. ), broke down and was on the verge of committing suicide when buried alive in a glass coffin (Grave Danger), and broke down once again in when discussing the death of the victim with Raymond Langston, and how he should have seen the danger signs over the year he had known her, and done something to prevent it (Turn, Turn, Turn). (. Nick is one of the CSI team that carries and uses a gun most often. In season five premier Nick and Gil Jr. come back from their honeymoon, Gil Jr. changes his name tag from Grissom to Stokes since he took Nick's last name. He was promoted assistant CSI Supervisor to Catherine Willows who became Supervisor after Grissom left. Stokes spent his first three years out of college in the Dallas police force, then transferred to the Dallas crime lab, spending one year as CSI Level 1 before transferring to the Las Vegas crime lab. Sara reminds him that she will only be a car-ride away and reminds him what Gil Grissom would say to him: "You gotta go where you can do the most good". When Raymond Langston, the newest and least-experienced member of the team, joined the team, Nick acted as his right-hand man, giving him tips and helping with investigations. Nick is promoted to Assistant Supervisor on the Grave Yard shift after Sara advises Catherine that she needs a number two. He also often jokes and laughs with Greg Sanders even when the rookie CSI was still working as a lab technician. In Pilot, Nick Stokes was a CSI level 2 until later in that episode he got promoted to CSI level 3 by solving his 100th case. Jim Brass hears a shot fired and arrives on the scene to find McKeen still alive and wounded, and a once-again calm Nick stating coldly that "[he] missed.". Nick suffers emotional scars as the show goes on, aforementioned traumas caused changes, making him one of, if not the most traumatized CSIs of the three continuities. In seasons 13 and 14, Nick has bulked up, but still keeps his fitness and speed when it comes to chasing down suspects. He appears extremely softhearted. When he was nine years old, Nick had a traumatic experience, most likely molestation, at the hands of a last-minute replacement babysitter. It turned out Nick was the target of an attack on the CSI team by a man whose daughter was implicated in a murder case. Stokes spent his first three years out of college in the Dallas police force, then transferred to the Dallas crime lab, spending one year as CSI Level 1 before transferring to the Las Vegas crime lab. After D.B. Gil Jr. finds Nick and asks him how many beers he's had tonight. Having quit the lab, Nick decides to celebrate by getting drunk outside of a liquor store, only to end up in jail after an altercation between him and two police officers. Nick colludes with Greg and Hodges to kidnap Henry for his birthday celebrations. [13] Nick returns from a work-related trip to find that he has lost his office to new CSI supervisor D.B. In Season four he proposes to Gil Jr. who accepts and they get married in the season finale. He often flirts with and teases Sara Sidle which highlights their relaxed friendship. Though he is not often seen with Conrad Ecklie, the former day shift supervisor, their relationship is a bumpy one. He played dead on the floor until he was able to pick his gun off the floor, and then he killed Jekyll with a series of tightly grouped shots to his chest. [4] As a result, he often has difficulty investigating crimes committed against children. The deathtrap culminated when fire ants entered Nick's coffin and attacked him. We could adopt or maybe have surrogate children. In Stalker, we see that Gil Jr. is living with Nick who takes care of him when he is injured. I think having little Stokes running around would be fun, plus they'll have grandparents that will spoil them. Nick was shot with a shotgun by Dr. Jekyll. He considered co-worker Warrick Brown a very good friend. Nick suffers emotional scars as the show goes on, aforementioned traumas caused changes, making him one of, if not the most traumatized CSIs of the three continuities., Nightshift Assistant Supervisor (Formerly), Lab Director, San Diego Police Department. Nick is also seen dealing with tarantulas, and is shown taking Grissom's old tarantula under his care. When he turns out to have corrupt cops inside the LVPD on his payroll, the dawning internal investigation brings up memories of Warrick's death for Nick, who announces to Greg and Sara that he intends to quit. He is occasionally seen flirting with Catherine Willows, his good friend and co-worker. This comes through whenever he is chasing a suspect. He has had a variety of hair cuts, such as a mop-top and a shaved head. In seasons 13 and 14, Nick has bulked up, but still keeps his fitness and speed when it comes to chasing down suspects. When he was nine years old, Nick had a traumatic experience, most likely molestation, at the hands of a last-minute replacement babysitter. He hates peanut butter ("The Finger" Season 2 Episode 14) and can't stand the stuff. He in turn decided to share the office space with Greg Sanders and Riley Adams, who are shown unpacking alongside him. Additionally, Grissom's infamous fetal pig in a jar has been placed in there as well, by Hodges. During Season 6 episodes A Bullet Runs Through It (Part 1 and 2) and Dog Eat Dog, Nick had an ill-advised mustache, but soon got rid of it. He got a phone number from a female suspect he interviewed at a wedding in Rashomama. He often jokes with and teases Sara Sidle which highlights their relaxed friendship. ("Revenge is Best Served Cold"), Nick is from Austin, Texas, where he grew up playing football. When he turns out to have corrupt cops inside the LVPD on his payroll, the dawning internal investigation brings up memories of Warrick's death for Nick, who announces to Greg and Sara that he intends to quit. He considered co-worker Warrick Brown a very good friend. (Rashomama). After Warrick died, Nick put together a college fund for his son. In Last Supper Nick travels to Miami, Florida with his husband Gil Jr. to help him capture Gil Jr's. Although Nick was in horrific agony in this ordeal, the ants gave Gil Grissom (who is an insect expert) a vital clue that allowed the team to determine his location. In Chasing the Bus, Nick discovers that Grissom Jr. was on the bus with a kid who's name is Damien who he help save few years prior was injured, along with Damien. He then walks out of the room and appears to be heading out of the building. [1]. I know it'll be weird of them having two dads but we can do it. He in turn decided to share the office space with Greg Sanders and Riley Adams, who are shown unpacking alongside him. Catherine turns down an offer to move into Grissom's office and offers it to Nick. After working with the team, he manages to rescue Kaitlyn Russell from Paul Kimball, a police officer on McKeen's payroll. He played dead on the floor until he was able to pick his gun off the floor, and then he killed Jekyll with a series of tightly grouped shots to his chest.