"If I wasn't so tired I'd go get something for us to eat while we wait, but I am just too tired to move right now." She admired his naked form as he went to Neville's trunk, grinning appreciatively. Harry lay there, fully clothed, filthy, still wearing his glasses, and absolutely fast asleep. 'I thought of you because… I knew if I died for you, they wouldn't be able to touch you… because… because I love you so much.'. 'I wanted to tell you all along, Gin… it wasn't that I didn't trust you… it's just the information would have been so dangerous… I couldn't risk it… I couldn't risk you. ", "Madam Pomfrey is still swamped; she'll get to me when she has the time. She conjured up a teacup for me and it took all she had to do that.". Yep. She moved her hands around to his chest, touching him all over, just to make sure he was truly there. ", Poppy quickly ran a scan on Harry and discovered that he was healed, he just needed some blood replenisher potion, some pain potion, and some dreamless sleep potion would be welcomed. Now, Harry and Hermione must pick up the pieces of their broken lives and try and put it back together. ', 'Ah!' Finally, the portrait of The Fat Lady swam blurrily into her vision. She plodded up more stairs; the Gryffindor common room seemed impossibly far away. She crawled into bed without taking her shoes off before taking the potions from the mediwitch and quickly drinking all three before laying down and sighing. 'I think the skele-gro has done its work…' he murmured to her. Harry was still wrapped around her securely, in exactly the same position they had been in last night. Hermione smiled as they walked past Ginny; Hermione had been in love with Harry since their first year but didn't understand it until her third year at Hogwarts. Although she was an expert at reading him, she had been forever overlooked. - Following on from Deathly Hallows, starting at Harry and Ginny's reunion after The Battle of Hogwarts. I knew if I died for the people I wanted to save, they would be protected… like what my mother did for me. It's two days after the war finally ends, and Ginny decides it's time to do something about Harry. Hermione smiled to show Harry not to worry. Rated T for language and sexual themes. With another snap of his small fingers, a small table appeared in front of them and he set the tray on the table. She giggled. He seemed to decide that it was best not to argue with her at the moment, although he looked rather confused. She had refused to be Harry Potter's weepy ex. she said, smirking naughtily, 'And what do you plan to do, Potter?'. As she ran, Harry shuddered as Ginny tried to hold him. 'You BASTARD, Harry Potter!' She carefully took off his glasses and curled into him, her back pressing against his chest as if it was the most natural thing in the world. All she knew was that she wanted it to stop. ', 'Like what?' Ginny jerked her hand back on contact, shocked to have actually felt him. She could see a partially healed welt surrounding his neck, as if in the position of a necklace. Getting up he went to find Poppy, "Poppy can you please take care of Hermione, she's just about all in. Ginny had experienced all her worst fears in a matter of minutes, and the trauma had made her oddly numb. 'We were looking for horcruxes…', 'Horcruxes?' Or something to that effect, anyway. She had lost all concept of time. 'No more snogging? The genuine gasp of pain stopped her hitting him, and she was suddenly concerned. 'Ok, 'The Boy Who Lived', 'The Chosen One', 'Grand Supreme Saviour of the Universe', or whatever it is they're going to be calling you now... Let's get this over and done with.' ', 'Didn't even have time for a sodding goodbye, did you, oh mighty 'chosen one'! Against the odds. But she knew it was time… they had stolen all the moments they could for now. Harry nodded, and then grimaced himself realizing he didn't feel very good either. From Fanfiction.net to Archive Of Our Own (AO3), Wattpad, Live Journal, and HarryPotterFanficition.com, there are literally thousands of stories written by Potterheads across the globe catered to anyone's taste. She continued to lie there in the bed with his now fading warmth, reluctant to move. she thundered at him, 'Ginny, I'm sorry to dump you, but I need to protect you from the evil wizard who's been stalking me all my life, Ginny, I'm sorry to run off into the middle of God knows where doing God knows what, but I'm off to stalk said dark wizard who's stalking me, Ginny, excuse me but I have to go and FUCKING SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND.' No, she implored him wordlessly, not yet... just a bit longer, please? It was the sort of shock you needed to reflect on by yourself for a while before it became real. Harry's look of confusion at seeing her in his bed went to a smile and then back again so quickly it would have been amusing… had she not been so angry. Hanging from it was a tiny drawstring bag. ', 'Oh yeah, that's all I ever hear!' The little house elf asked. So close she could touch him. Your review has been posted. ', 'At least it didn't give me a maddeningly obvious scar this time. Her broken wrist was extremely painful and all her muscles were starting to tighten up after sitting for so long. 'That's enough of that for now… what am I supposed to do with you in that state!?' She replied with a grin, 'ask someone who hasn't been in love with 'the boy who kept on nearly getting himself killed' for six years.'. She ran her hands up his naked back, feeling the warmth of his bare skin. Soon, he would be awake. Disclaimer: I own not J.K Rowling so there for I own nothing. 'I've always loved you. Harry said softly, tugging her arm towards him. 'Come here, Ginny.' "Dobby happy to help master Harry Potter and Miss Grangy!" Undetectable extension charm… it's a general emergency kit… healing potions, a contact galleon, a portkey…'. She was aware of desperately wanting to wake up, but also being scared of what awaited her when she did. She never would either. Harry didn't react – although knowing him he was just hiding the pain. She had half expected it to leave some lingering after effect – like the way Harry's scar had always connected him to Voldemort… but he really was free now. She pushed into him as their intensity grew, wrapping her arms around his chest and holding tight, never intending to let go. This had been all Ginny had ever hoped for since the start of the war… and so much longer. The grief was creeping up on her now. AU The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead. To her shock, the giggle caught in her throat and the smile died on her lips; she felt overcome with… rage. Your review has been posted. With a pop, Dobby was standing there. Why aren't you in here with me, anyway?" Her heart stopped. Harry said seriously, 'I'm sure Dean is still available you know…', 'Oh, shame. FanFiction | unleash ... but he realizes that he will always have the help of those close to him. Said Harry, making a face. She wasn't sure if this was the exhaustion, shock or the view of the world through a sheen of tears. He was staring at her apologetically. 'Me too…' she said. For Your Love by LisaRene reviews. It was surprisingly effective, practically erasing the bruise on contact. Ginny giggled, but then fell silent and chewed her lip. She had waited a whole year, and it had been so hard not knowing what was happening, and not understanding why he couldn't tell her. He's alive. 'I'm going to have to do something about that smart mouth, Weasley. he cried, clutching at his bruised chest, 'think it's started working…'. She didn't know what to think – whether to still be furious with him for being so flipping stupid, or to swoon into his arms and cry her heart out. This is it… this is the beginning, our first kiss as free people… and slowly, as though he was savouring the moment, his lips met hers with tender assertion. Thankfully they were able to get Professor Snape to Madam Pomfrey and she was able to save him. It wasn't funny really, but somehow the fact he had survived so much seemed utterly ridiculous. He kissed her back in equal measure; furious, passionate, desperate. She couldn't. That stilled her. Hermione who was just at the end of her endurance leaned her head back against Harry and closed her eyes, not bothering to answer. Madam Pomfrey will be over to look at us as soon as she can." Contains lemons. As if instinctively, Harry's arm moved to clasp her securely around the waist. The world moved as if in slow motion; oddly sluggish and distorted. Neither of them spoke about the battle, wanting to preserve the perfection for just a little longer. Said Harry seriously. Harry flinched. Harry's breathing was shallow next to her; she knew he was only lightly sleeping.