| (intransitive) To move slowly and quietly in a particular direction. Seemingly overnight, the Radiohead: Creep video was in heavy rotation on MTV and Radiohead quickly became a fan favorite stateside. The song My Iron Lung compared Creep to a life support system for the band. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. superalloy turbine blades helps to make them resistant to creep? As the rivers creep farther down the delta, they become more and more sluggish, and their bifurcations and interlacings more complicated. You creep up yander by the fence, so you can see the boogerman ef he tries for to git away, an' I'll roost aroun' in the bushes. All Rights Reserved. To play, when Squidward is not looking, click the left mouse button and hold it down to make SpongeBob creep ever closer to the present. Autumn had begun to creep over New England, promising to transform the landscape into the backdrop that Jackson Parrish so loved. The mere sight of snakes makes my flesh creep. (intransitive) To move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground. slanderous reports, vain jests, wanton speeches, creep into the heart! Waiting until nightfall, he changed into clothing more suited for the Qatwali society and covered his face with a hood to creep into the city. Strain creep, stress relaxation and hysteresis graphs control the viscoelastic behavior of the model. How soon do slanderous reports, vain jests, wanton speeches, creep into the heart ! gully erosion, and also hinder soil creep. A coal seam with a soft pavement and a hard roof is the most subject to a " creep.". As the ranks of the clergy slowly filled, questions arose which the Reformation had not settled, and it was natural that the old system with which the country was familiar should creep in again. Its graceful pale green fronds are 1 to 2 feet long and 5 to 9 inches broad, twice or thrice divided, and carried upon roots which creep just under the ground. Every business develops time wasting methods that creep into daily productivity. Why, with it I could creep about the ship, kill these brigands one by one perhaps. The key here will be to actually make him or her laugh, rather than creep her or him out. 2. Then I saw a figure get out of the car and creep around toward the back of the house. darinmex 19155 Fear crept into my heart and settled there. creep errors that have crept into the transcription are the fault of the present publisher. Experience proves, however, that it revels in cool rich loam and leaf soil, and flowers profusely when with these are associated broken sandstone, over which the rhizomes creep and flower. It is very easy to experience what is commonly referred to as "carb creep," where you are eating foods with hidden carbohydrates in them. When I cried he gave me a dog daisy, told me not to tell my mom and to creep round the back way. Other times, if you are in a position where you feel you have no control, anger may creep into your thoughts and drive your actions. That sneaky, low life creep. Anyone who only takes in 800 calories a day is bound to lose weight, but when you begin eating normal meals again, chances are the weight will creep back on. A comfy old slipper of a pub- a Dickensian haunt, with low doors in wooden panels for you to creep through. Further, he set his face against the Tantra system, and against the animistic superstitions which had been allowed to creep into life again. The sight of snakes makes my flesh creep. Because of the variety of curvy body types, it is hard to find styles that do not creep up around the thigh area, hug your derrière too tightly or fit uncomfortably around the waist. Jay O . 89 51 They gazed at each other until she felt red creep up her neck. Monoblepharis has oogonia with single oospheres and antheridia developing a few amoeboid uniciliate antherozoids; these creep to the opening of the oogonium and then swim in. Movement along the San Andreas can occur either in sudden jolts or in a slow, steady motion called creep. I wonder if the man she's talking to is her creep of a husband. hayastan 560360 The traffic crept along at a snail's pace. They gazed at each other until she felt red creep up her neck. These forms are termed the stock-mothers; they creep into the buds of the vine, and, as these develop intofthe young leaves, insert their proboscis into the upper side. Some, like many Cephalopods and the Pteropods, are pelagic or free-swimming; others creep or lie on the sea bottom. Little bodies in particular love to creep closer to the birthday child as presents are being opened. of their having been originally told by the poet himself instead of being put in the mouth of his hero, we feel that inaccuracies of this kind are apt to creep in wherever a fictitious story is thrown into the form of an autobiography. Others believe that God inspired human beings to write it, thereby allowing errors to, Dana says that this is a major issue to which the main parties have turned a blind eye and that it has been allowed to, At temperatures outside of a furnace, steel doesn't have any appreciable, As Gilman points out, in a short story this would be the moment where she'd realize that the idol of her dreams was in fact a lewd, So they're just going to treat you like any jumped-up, The principal limitation on the use of lead as a structural material is not its low tensile strength but its susceptibility to, But even with highly accurate atomic clocks, certain errors, We went through several alleyways this morning, and people would just, With the help of a mechanical ascender, guides and novice climbers, At the other end, even though mistakes began to, Seal and caulk around vents, pipes, and windows where daddy-long-legs and insects can, This only compounded matters and meant that even more zits began to, The production that set the New York and London stages astir will, Again and again loneliness and dissatisfaction would, In the wishful shelter of ignorance or amnesia, an abiding melancholy tends to, It distorts more and more every day of the month, every year, due to the slow effects of fault, I have no idea, and I usually consider myself a strong woman, but somehow this, Ketton stone, a machinable oolitic limestone, was sampled and tested by Buro Happold for, The handwriting clearly belonged to an unstable, conniving, furtive, shallow, The far more disturbing aspect is the sneering tone of accusation that can, I worked like a beaver to get it out, and yet the disease appeared to, I was so amazed and my eyes so confused that finally I had to pull off the freeway and, Sometimes, when Josie knew know no one would notice, she'd, This time, instead of just women in general, he has decided to add his own boring relationship to increase the, The bimodality can depend on an appropriate thermal or, The great gate fronting to the north was about four feet high, and almost two feet wide, through which I could easily, For extremely high temperatures, single crystal alloys are used to minimize, When these skipping particles land, they may knock into other particles and cause them to move as well, in a process known as, In pantomime, Chief Joyi would fling his spear and, It has similar properties to Spectra including superior resistance to flex fatigue and UV degradation but also exhibits, Although yan is still widely used, wan is starting to, A combination of yo-yo dieting and a stressful couple of years saw Vanda's weight continually, The burger and beer gut he once sported during his Westlife days could, In the 1980s, the narrative was the end of stagflation and middle-class tax bracket, But there is nothing subversive or cool about being a grabby, Cannas are one of the garden's biggest show-offs so take care of them as the first frosts, Anyone who has noticed how often one's Social Insurance Number is requested will recognize function, The collodion on a negative, or a coat of varnish, may, A couple of weeks ago I advised an ante-post interest in Barathea Blazer at 12-1 and Peter Harris's colt is likely to, Jennings will consult on cement chemistry, cementitious composite microstructural characterization, concrete durability, and mechanisms of, Metals under constant stress at elevated temperatures can, Our sales division promised our client a feature in our software that is currently not feasible for us to implement, which will certainly lead to feature, The culprit behind the whopping tax bill is bracket, Indexation helps protect Saskatchewan taxpayers from bracket, We are a lot happier than we were the last time we played Accies and although it's forgotten about events last season, Particles are transported by winds through suspension, saltation, and, Something ironically vulgar, sordidly tragic has seemed to, She was just about to move away and turn in, when she saw the foc'sle door open and a man, It struck, mellow, clear, and they were about to, It wavered in patches, it seemed to stir and, Bowen's answer was to hand his weapon over to Kilbride and to, Houlagou did not speak for a little, and into his set face seemed to, Don't you realize that they have watched man, Oncet or twice I got out o' the fork, thinkin' I ked, When I pick up my marbles I look around for either an Elysium field or a slag heap but instead a, A broad-gauge train of cars speeding over the way where he found it toilsome to.