Ein Problem am Diskurs ist, dass es keine strikte Trennung von bestimmten Sphären gibt. He was the son of a small trader named Pheru. And of course it certainly covers a wide range of religions, as was its purpose. The mosque is known as the Blue Mosque because of blue tiles surrounding the walls of interior design. Copyright. A Sikh devout kneels in front of the Sikh Golden Temple which is regarded as the most tangibly spiritual place in India. Guru Amar Das did not consider anyone of his sons fit for Guruship and chose instead his son-in-law (Guru) Ram Das to succeed him. Der nachfolgende Guru Har Gobind betonte daraufhin die Notwendigkeit, sich gegen religiöse und politische Intoleranz zur Wehr zu setzen. The assassination triggered the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Guru Amar Das constructed "Baoli" at Goindwal Sahib having eighty-four steps and made it a Sikh pilgrimage centre for the first time in the history of Sikhism. Kapur Singh subdued all local administrators around Delhi who were not behaving well towards their people. Beg attacked the Ram Rauni fort at Amritsar and besieged the Sikhs there. [93] Thus Kapur Singh became Nawab Kapur Singh. "[179] The hagiographical Janamsakhis were not written by Nanak, but by later followers without regard for historical accuracy, and contain numerous legends and myths created to show respect for Nanak. Being the leader of the Khalsa Nawab Kapur Singh was given an additional responsibility by Mata Sundari, the wife of Guru Gobind Singh sent Kapur Singh the young Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and told him that Ahluwalia was like a son to her and that the Nawab should raise him like an ideal Sikh. Lakhpat Rai, after this incident, committed himself to destroying the Sikhs.[135]. It was built by the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik to enshrine the outcrop of bedrock believed to be the place where Abraham offered up his son in sacrifice (Genesis 22:1-18; the Koran, Sura Al-Saffat 37:102-110). Die Inhalte sind nach Autoren, Themen und Melodiefolgen geordnet.
I feel very grateful to you for sharing these sights with me. [283], Sikhism is the fifth-largest amongst the major world religions, and one of the youngest. Arvind Mandair (2008), Shared Idioms, Sacred Symbols, and the Articulation of Identities in South Asia (Editor: Kelly Pemberton), Routledge. He to whom the Guru takes kindly is shown the path. The point remains the same: it is a place where believers can encounter God in a special way. The entire city is a sacred space and it is regarded as the spiritual capital of India. Yet the time is remembered by Sikh historians as the "Heroic Century". This is mainly to describe the rise of Sikhs to political power against large odds. Andererseits spannt er immer wieder einen Bogen zur postulierten Kontingenz der „Geschichte“ der Sikhs, die auf den ersten Guru Nanak zurückgeht. One Formless Being Thanks for sharing. He popularised and expanded the institution of Guru ka Langar that had been started by Guru Nanak. These contributions however carry little importance in the Sikh religion, given that they had been excommunicated. Die Frage des Fleischverzehrs wird in der Sikh-Religion kontrovers diskutiert. Here, Guru Amar Das propagated the Sikh faith in a vigorous, systematic and planned manner. [174] The Sikhs in the name of Kapur Singh accepted it. The Sikhs served the Singhs in the train and then turned to the injured. The new Governor, Taimur, son of Ahmed Shah Abdali, despised the Sikhs. Sikh soldiers of the Indian Legion guarding the Atlantic Wall in France in March 1944. Guru Ram Das ji instructed the GurSikhs to have no association with Baba Prithi Chand and his followers. This joint effort added life to the photo essay. [16] The months leading up to the partition of India in 1947, saw heavy conflict in the Punjab between Sikhs and Muslims, which saw the effective religious migration of Punjabi Sikhs and Hindus from West Punjab and mirrored a similar religious migration of Punjabi Muslims from East Punjab. [122] Nawab Kapur Singh told the sheriff to inform the Governor that, the sheriff of God, the True Emperor, came and did what he was commanded to do.

This route through the Old City of Jerusalem is revered by Christian pilgrims as the route taken by Jesus as he was led to his crucifixion. [46], According to Guru Nanak the supreme purpose of human life is to reconnect with Akal ('The Timeless One;), however, egotism is the biggest barrier in doing this. The first Sikh Holy Scripture was compiled and edited by the Fifth Guru, Guru Arjan in AD 1604, although some of the earlier gurus are also known to have documented their revelations. [97] Women in Sikhism have been in positions of leadership, including leading in wars and issued orders or hukamnamas. Es wird daher größter Wert auf eine tugendhafte Lebensführung gelegt. Page 145, The Encyclopedia of Sikhism, H. S. Singha, Page 170, The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies, Pashaura Singh, Louis E. Fenech, https://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php?title=Mina_(Sikhism)&oldid=114657. Guru Ji strengthened the tradition of 'Guru ka Langar' and made it compulsory for the visitor to the Guru to eat first, saying that 'Pehle Pangat Phir Sangat' (first visit the Langar then go to the Guru). It is based on the teachings of the Tao Te Ching, a short tract written in the 6th century BC in China. The text played a significant role in Sikh history, but in modern times parts of the text have seen antipathy and discussion among Sikhs.[135]. Die religiösen Einsichten der Sikh-Religion sind im Guru Granth Sahib in metaphorischer Poesie festgehalten. [40] The coin described Lohgarh: "Struck in the City of Peace, illustrating the beauty of civic life, and the ornament of the blessed throne." Copyright. Canadian policeman William Hopkinson shot and killed by Mewa Singh who is later sentenced to death. Ahmed Shah Abdali came again in October 1759 to loot Delhi. Jane Bingham (2007), Sikhism, Atlas of World Faiths. Minas did not believe in the authority of the Sikh Gurus after Guru Arjan Dev Ji, but had their own lineage of Gurus. He continued to preach the principle of equality for women, the prohibition of Sati and the practise of Langar.

Lehrer der Religion predigen ihren Anhängern, dass sie ein normales Leben führen sollen, was für Sikhs ebenso das Erlangen von Reichtum beinhalten kann. ", Māyā, defined as a temporary illusion or "unreality", is one of the core deviations from the pursuit of God and salvation: where worldly attractions which give only illusory temporary satisfaction and pain which distract the process of the devotion of God. Gleichwohl nahmen Sikhs im Verlaufe der Geschichte an zahlreichen kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen teil und sahen das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung als menschliches Grundrecht an. [113] The Gurmukhī script was standardised by Guru Angad, the second Guru of the Sikhs, for use in the Sikh scriptures and is thought to have been influenced by the Śāradā and Devanāgarī scripts. Historisch blieb unklar, was genau sich am Gründungstag abspielte.
Ram Rai thus pleased Aurangzeb, but displeased Guru Har Rai who excommunicated his elder son. Photo: Muslim Harji, Montreal, PQ, Canada. Each took over and ruled a different region of the Punjab. [55]Guru Nanak states that "the body takes birth because of karma, but salvation is attained through grace. Later Jassa Singh Ahluwalia was adopted by Nawab Kapoor Singh,[127] then the leader of the Sikh nation. [250] These leaders, however, were largely ignored. The Sikhs disciplined and brought to justice all the Nawabs who were harassing their non-Muslim population.