Reformation is an expansion to Coup, a copy of Coup is required to play. This is the promotional character for the Coup (Resistance universe) - the Inquisitor The Inquisitor replaces the Ambassador, and it gives the player two options: You can either draw one card for swapping purposes (a bit like the Ambassador), or you can attack someone. Pay 2 coins, select a target. Holder of this token cannot be targeted except by Coup. It also provides the necessary tools for team-play via Factions (Loyalists vs Reformists), and enough cards to support up to 10 players. Alternatively, if you and your friends play Coup with standard playing cards, this list will allow you to change up the game immensely, without shelling out the extra coinage for the real thing. Last modified 06/26/2016, Constructive guideline to rule book writing. Draw 1 card from the Court, return any 1 card to Court.

The idea is to give you a better idea of what roles are available in the massive Rebellion expansion, helping you decide if it’s worth the extra cost to upgrade. Take 1 card from all targets. Complete list of Coup characters and player aid from the classic deck, promos and Rebellion G54 expansion. Pay 3 coins; choose a player to lose 1 influence.

All other players must give Priest 1 coin (if able). If successfully countered or challenged, target keeps the 3 coins. Successful challenge results in loss of another influence. (Randomly chosen by the Inquisitor) Reactive Skill: Everytime a player loses a life due to Coup or Assassinate, guess the role the player is about to reveal, if correct when target player currently has 2 Life, gain 3 Gold from the Treasury, if target player currently has 1 Life, gain 2 Gold instead, if guess is wrong, lose 1 Gold to the Treasury regardless of the number of Life the target player has.
Take the 2 Treaty tokens. Reformation also includes the Inquisitor variant, and additional role cards to expand play up to 10 players.
Pay 4 coins to Treasury to make a target lose 1 influence.

Players are allowed to take the money off of the Treasury Reserve at any time as long as they are not a Duke. Play Popular Canadian Card Games like Texas Hold'em, We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Otherwise, player pays 5 coins, and target loses 1 influence. Unsuccessful challenge results in challenger losing 1 influence. Steal up to 3 coins from the wealthiest target, giving them to the poorest player. Interesting article right on the subject. Reformation also includes the Inquisitor variant, and additional role cards to expand play up to 10 players. Draw 2 cards from Court, return any 2 cards to the Court.

Gnomi Gold Expansion | Indietabletop says: […] deny the fact transparent cards are not used very often. Draw 1 card from the Court, then if desired, pay 1 coin to draw another. Complete list of Coup characters and player aid from the classic deck, promos and Rebellion G54 expansion. Before we get started, here’s a quick key to reading the influence tables…. Our editorial pick for 2019. Counter/Block: Describes what effects the role can counter or block. Player selects 1 target. Draw 2 cards from the Court, then return any two cards to the Court. Take up to 5 coins from Treasury to double your current coins. The target can pay 2 coins to player to end player’s turn. X. Jester: Take 1 card from Court and 1 from a target. $.post('', {action: 'wpt_view_count', id: '172'});

Player Aid / Influence: Effect when using the card (or deceptively claiming to have the card) on your turn. Take 1 coin from Treasury, then take a second action of the player’s choice.

Return any 1 card to court and target. Any other player may then pay 3 coins to force the target to lose 1 influence. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Very impressive blog. Take 1 coin and the Peacekeeper token. Return any 1 card to court and target. All other players must pay 1 coin each time they claim that role. Claim all the coins of a player who is eliminated from the game. The new character card that is included in Coup: Reformation is the Inquisitor. … A good rule to combat this is that for 1 coin, the person who has just been inquisitored can swap out their card. Reformation adds Allegiances - players are either in support of the government (Loyalists) or the resistance (Reformists). Steal up to 2 coins from a chosen target. Successful challenge results in loss of second influence. Coup: Reformation Reformation is perfect for avid fans of the game.