If you want to continue your exam practice, access our full practice tests. No wines are tasted during the exam, and there are no written answers required, just the multiple choice! Questions are randomly selected from our extensive database of example questions (150+ unique questions). Exemple de questions à l’examen du WSET 2 niveau intermédiaire. This represents a score of at least 14/25. The real exam involves 50 multiple choice questions which must be completed within 60 minutes. WSET Level 1 Award in Wines – Online Course, WSET Level 2 Award in Wines – Online Course. These come with: Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Welcome to our level 2 sample exam! A one hour examination, in person - OR - new in 2020, WSET have added the option to take your exam online for Level 2 . Accessing this course requires a login. The exam is comprised of a one hour closed book test where you’ll need to answer 50 multiple choice questions. You are required to score a minimum of 55% percent in order to the exam. Please enter your credentials below! What’s the WSET Level 2 exam like? You are required to score a minimum of 55% percent in order to the exam. A score of 55% percent or great will be required in order to pass the exam. You will have 30 minutes to complete the 25 questions. The real exam involves 50 multiple choice questions which must be completed within 60 minutes. Vous souhaitez tester vos connaissances sur le vin et estimer le niveau de complexité du questionnaire d’examen du WSET niveau 2 (intermédiaire) ? These questions have been created independently of the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET), the governing body … The multi-choice exam practice questions are based on the new 2020 WSET Level 2 Award in Wines syllabus. You will have 30 minutes to complete the 25 questions. Voici un court QCM de 10 questions correspondant à des exercices pratiques inspirés du programme du WSETglobal©. This represents a score of at least 14/25. The 250 questions are split into 5 mock exams each consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions which follow the examination guidance as specified in the WSET Level 2 Specification. … WSET Level 2 in Wines – Sample Quiz Read More »