In yoga, we don’t see the mind being in any one particular place because in yoga we see a human being as five sheaths or five layers of bodies. Now when you say ‘intelligence’, when you say ‘mind’, I believe you are referring to intelligence, if you are talking about the thought process that essentially happens in the neurons in your brain, which we know. – If it does combine – then the object and mind substance would form a chaotic, immiscible mixture that can’t mix properly because objects have no perception and the mind’s substance does have perception – they oppose each other – so where’s the middle? If you pinch 1 arm, only that arm feels the pain. Right now, your great grandfather’s nose is sitting on your face because something in the body remembers. The whole Creation is just intelligence. – If the mind were 1 pervasive substance – same scenario as the pinching. The mind’s perception is not that of the eyes. So, based on this is the science of yoga. The MinD protein is one of three proteins encoded by the minB operon and also a part of the ParA family of ATPases. The “mind” in yogic terminology is the simple ability/function of the brain to be able to think. Subscribe now. Then when I came down, I just checked out, in eighteen hours all the oceans on the planet will be frozen solid rock; it will be frozen into solid ice in just eighteen hours time. When I say this, people will always think, generally the thought is memory means it’s in your head. He was extremely intelligent and very well learned – so he relied on his thinking mind a lot. It is a peripheral membrane ATPase involved in plasmid partitioning. They will just do what they have to do because they have their own intelligence. So the Buddha asks Ananda does your mind have a substance or not? Part 1, What the "Finger Pointing to the Moon" analogy really means - from Zen Buddhism, the Buddha in the Shurangama Sutra. So if the mind is hidden within the eyes, how come you don’t see your own eyes from the inside out? Get weekly updates on the newest articles, quotes and newsletters right in your mailbox. If you just get it right, you get a sixer in your house. 1:177, ”Even if you cannot see your heart, liver, spleen, and stomach, still, the growing of your nails and hair, the twist of your sinews, and the throb of your pulse should be clearly understood. I was, you know like about six weeks ago, I was in a open helicopter, we were just at about 4,500 feet, everybody knows every thousand feet, so much temperature drops, so you prepare for that and go. And if it has no substance, how can it come together with things? So here, the Buddha teaches Ananda about how to find his own True Nature, his own True Mind by first asking Ananda where he thinks it is – because if you don’t know where it is, then you won’t be able to open your enlightenment: “There is a samadhi called the King of the Foremost Shurangama at the Great Buddha’s Summit Replete with the Myriad Practices; it is a path wonderfully adorned and the single door through which the Tathagatas of the ten directions gained transcendence.