Of course not, we humans aren’t clairvoyant (though we like to think we are). And while your favorite TV show may be something you want to watch, listening to a person who needs you to listen will be much more rewarding to your life. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. They are so concerned with how they come across and how to get brownie points quickly. Always remind yourself of that so you can stay open to beneficial relationships. They are opportunists and a lot of the times, this puts them on edge and very touchy with others. – Thinking you know how someone is going to act or react. A happy girl is a beautiful one for smiling is one of the most beautiful acts in this world. Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you. There is a magic in the way her laughter sounded like music and her hugs felt like the sun, man, she was beautiful both inside and out. In other words, if you are in a relationship where you’ve had the lust or the love, but no longer have the like, then it’s time to get out. When you know your purpose in life, thing suddenly fall into place and you feel beautiful. That will help you get into and maintain healthier relationships. I am beautiful, I believe that I am so I know that I am and I will become beautiful. The bottom line is that you shouldn’t have to pretend to be someone you are not in your relationships, including the relationship with yourself. LOL. Yes, Jerry Springer has a crazy talk show with crazy people, but he’s not crazy himself. You can only become the best person you can when you believe that you can so do believe. Remember all the things they’ve done for you and all the great memories you have. If you don’t look at someone and need them because you love them, then you need to re-evaluate how you view love. Here’s The Difference Between Mature Love And Immature Love. When you check in with yourself, your needs, your feelings, and your goals, you can create some boundaries that help you express what you need from your relationships and what you will not put up with. Get so many accomplishments that when people look at you they forget what beauty is. It is important to know how ugly you can get in order to achieve your true beauty. When you don’t like the person you are with, it doesn’t matter how much history you have or how much love you have shared, your relationship is going to cause more strain than benefit to your life. They help you maintain happiness in your relationship because you are not putting up with things that stress you out or make you upset. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. This is really the basis of assumptions in a relationship. Think about the things that you could do if you believe in yourself, in the beauty inside of you. What is important is the way that you carry yourself in tough situations, in hard ones. – Not allowing other people to abuse you. Look at all the people who are still in your life, and then realize how special they must be to you when you think of this quote. I have a friend who I’ve been friends with since we were in kindergarten. Discover and share You Are Important To Me Quotes. Nobody outside of your immediate family and circle of friends really cares very much about you because you don’t impact their lives. And sometimes the people gossiping are ones I've never interacted with at all, and they have no reason to do so. It hurts them too much they say and they are not willing to risk feeling any more pain by letting love into their life. It wouldn’t. 17. When you can both do that, you can keep any relationship moving forward and avoid watching it sink. Don’t define your relationships by the last encounter you had with someone. We also live in a culture where appearance, whether physical, financial, or status, is all important. If you feel you have to be someone else in order to gain respect or love from someone, then that is not a real relationship. All you can do is stop growing outside of the relationship and get stuck in a state of being obsessed with each other or dependent on each other, which drains your confidence and affects you negatively. Remember that beauty is not just on the outside but on the inside too, in the kindness hidden within you. Do you love her because you think she is beautiful or is she beautiful because you are in love with her? If someone speaks gossip to me, I assume they will also speak it about me. When you can just love without expectations, every relationship becomes so much better. Here are 20 quotes that will hopefully stop and make you think why you fell in love with this person in the first place, why you want to be the best version of yourself in this relationship, and any reason that you aren't. – Thinking you know what other people meant when they said something. When the boss yanks you into the office and threatens to fire you for it, they really are gossiping about you. Answered by Aslan on 11/14/2014 1:12 AM Do not narrow your box, beauty comes in so many forms you can ever think about. That’s because people and circumstances change, which means the relationship dynamics need to change too. You are not a problem that needs solving, you were never a mistake, so be proud of yourself. A relationship is not about trying to get what someone else has or make somebody inaccessible to everyone else. She only lived 15 minutes away! People who have experience sadness, defeat, grief and the like are the most beautiful ones. Ask Yourself Some Important Relationship Questions. – Not allowing other people to talk down to you. Older people can teach us what matters most in life, and from William Shatner to every grandparent in the world, strong relationships will fall at the top of that list. Do not worry about what they may think about you, just enjoy yourself in what you are doing. I think if you say people dont talk about you, are are either naive, a man, or you are lying. Make sure all your relationships are for the right reasons. For the vast majority of us, namely, those who aren’t rich and famous, this self-consciousness, and the anxiety that is associated with it, is painfully misplaced. Are you suspicious of everyone? Thank you. – What you are willing to do for other people. Just be yourself and they will see who you are. That's mostly just petty nonsense, though, such that even if they're cackling about you, it won't harm you. Join us and get daily loads of quotes related to personal development, relationship, money, success and more! Everyone has beauty of their own, something that is unique to them, something only they have. 23. Updated: February 9, 2020. So tell yourself that you are beautiful, that you are going to be the best person there is and you will be. If you want someone in your life, and you are doing everything in your power to steal them away from someone else, then you are doing it for the wrong reason. Your flaws and imperfections are actually the things that make you more beautiful than ever. You are beautiful no matter what other people might tell you, no matter what they say. Don’t Settle For Just Anyone In Your Life. It’s hard to move through hurt or pain and forgive. Boundaries tell other people what you will or will not take from them. Moreover, you don’t measure what you do or say to them and then base how loving you are off that. They are stalked by the paparazzi, web sites chronicle their every step, and, thanks to smartphones, anyone can be caught in the act at any moment. The true scale of beauty is how much you are willing to sacrifice for other people. Keep on smiling because smiles are one of the things that make people beautiful.