Eventually, Dahlia enacted her plan to make both herself and Freya essentially immortal by casting a spell which protect them from all conventional forms of harm and death and live for centuries; the spell would require that Dahlia and Freya sleep in a state of suspended animation for a full century, after which they would awaken for one single year of activity and aging with access to all of the power they had accrued during their long slumber, making them among the most powerful witches in history. The vampires concocted a plan that would save both Cami's and Rebekah’s lives and put Esther in a less than comfortable situation. She tells the king she will reveal her request at the banquet. While Ahasuerus is in the garden, Haman throws himself at Esther's feet asking for mercy. Dahlia once again used her powers of mind control to gather innocents for Klaus to feed on. Once she made it to the entrance, she realized that the enchantments on the building would strip her of her ability to do magic, and decided to stand outside the door as to not be put at a disadvantage in a fight against Hayley. Esther tells the king about Mordecai being her relative, and the king makes Mordecai his adviser. After Haman is put to death, Ahasuerus gives Haman's estate to Esther. Her penchant for strategies and forming contingencies way ahead of time, easily surpasses Elijah's, she came up with a plan, to make it look like Klaus had killed Aiden and frame him for this act, effectively dividing the family to the point that they were too scattered to create a comprehensive plan, and turning her nephew, Klaus against his maternal half-siblings and Hayley. They then leave and arrive at the compound since Freya was acting as a beacon to bring Dahlia there to kill her. She complimented Hayley on how beautiful Hope is and commented on the fact that the magical enchantments on the safe house were slowly weakening. On the thirteenth day of Adar, the same day that Haman had set for them to be killed, the Jews defend themselves in all parts of the kingdom and rest on the fourteenth day of Adar. Esther[a] is described in all versions[b] of the Book of Esther as the Jewish queen of a Persian king Ahasuerus. However, Hayley was less confident and pointed out that since Esther, Finn, Kol, and Mikael had all managed to be resurrected in one way or another at least once, they shouldn't be so eager to assume that Dahlia wasn't still alive as well. Secondly, Ishtar is a theonym, never an anthroponym unless modified significantly. As the witchy duo worked their magic, Cami decided to take matters into her own hands by confronting Finn (Yusuf Gatewood), the momma’s boy who she thought could help change his mother’s mind. “I’ve done what every good son does,” Klaus started. Afraid that Freya could either intentionally or unintentionally lead Dahlia to them, Rebekah and Hayley asked her to leave, making Freya hurt and upset. Dahlia forcing the Originals to inhale the White Oak Snow. One can assume it was most likely due to the psychological hold Esther had over her sister and this delay is what ultimately allowed Klaus to kill her. Afterwards, Klaus finds Hope in the truck and Dahlia sees the baby. That’s right, Esther was in transition to becoming the creature she despises. Freya then got the idea to magically connect with Dahlia's essence that was left over from her brief possession of him in order to trace the magic to its source to locate her. One day, while toiling in the hovel while Esther picked herbs for her outdoors, Dahlia managed to stealthily infuse potent sage with serpent's blood to give herself and Esther the magical strength necessary to escape their captivity. She tells Freya she's ashamed of her and that she's a wretch for believing that she could go to her family without all of the violence. Her cold brown eyes were an indicator of her cruel, apathetic personality. Dahlia taunts her sister, telling her they can watch together she burns them from the inside out. Dahlia politely informed her that there was nothing Josephine could do for her that she could not do herself, and admitted she regretted that it had to come to this, so Josephine instead requested that she be allowed to play one last song on the violin before she dies.