This page is for characters introduced in the novel Troubled Blood. But the big question that everyone wants answering is: Was she another victim of the infamous Dennis Creed? These lucky breaks coupled with several later interviews being cut short give it an "edited down" feel, which is odd when it's this book in which she spends the most time taking us through the other more boring cases on Strike and Robin's books - cases that do add a realistic, three-demensional aspect, but contribute nothing to the plot and are so dull you end up skipping the pages. There are far too many characters to count and the author doesn't do the best job at making us care. In season 4, Tara has moved to New Orleans and working as a cage fighter, and is in a relationship with another fighter, Naomi. In season 4 she has rekindled her relationship with Alcide and living with him, sober and reformed. It turns out that his ceiling is cracking because of the ottoman upstairs that is filled with concrete and the body of Margot Bamborough. Consequences of the case and the original investigation remain disturbing, sometimes painful. Eventually Bill's deception becomes apparent and she resolves to kill him per instructions from Russell. A cross-dressing murderer who lures their victims in through a Machiavellian veil of vulnerability and feminine benevolence has turned into a trope used as a kind of double-bluff for the reader who'd only ever expect either a male or female perpetrator, not a blend of both. He is found by Jessica, where she tells him to "drink" and he is healed by her blood. She seems like a kind grandmother and dutiful nurse but is really a. She eventually becomes disheartened over the collateral damage done in her war against the vampires, however, and leaves Marnie's body. Here is what she wrote in Robert Galbraith's blog: A sadistic serial killer active in the 60s and 70s, who was loosely based on real life killers Jerry Brudos and Russell Williams – both master manipulators who took trophies from their victims. Robin for her part is going through a protracted divorce from her husband Matthew, one which should be easy as they have no children and few joint assets, but which Matthew is prolonging out of sheer spite. After Eric kills Russell's consort Talbot in retaliation for Russell murdering Eric's human family centuries ago, Russell becomes hysterical and kills an anchorman on live television to address a statement to the world, in which he announces his view that vampires and humans aren't equals and vampires will rule over them. It is discovered that he is being held prisoner by the Fellowship of the Sun for a ritual execution. After the incident with Eric she leaves the coven, while she still is a waitress at Merlotte's, Sookie reads her mind and finds out that she has abandoned Marnie's witch coven for her and her sons' safety. When Sookie escapes from Russell and bursts into the room to save Bill, Lorena attacks her, but Sookie gets the upper hand and plunges a piece of wood into Lorena's chest, killing her. Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith / Credit: Sphere. She spends a lengthy and very emotional time torturing him in the servants' house on the mansion grounds before allowing werewolves to feed on his blood. I could do a hell of a lot worse. Janice Beattie is revealed to have a whole house full of poisons, be they chemicals, drugs, or naturally poisonous plants. Along with the other healthy vampires, she fights the Hep V Vamps. The review further read that the moral of the book seems to be “never trust a man in a dress.”, Read Also | Nicki Minaj's Mother Revealed She Gave Birth Already? After possessing Lafayette the matter is resolved, and with the help of Jesus she leaves in peace with the spirit of her baby. She murdered Margot because Margot had grown suspicious and was going to have some chocolate, chocolate that Janice had laced with poison, tested. A new detective at the agency who is eventually fired for sexually harassing Robin. Troubled Blood was preceded by the authors’ previous book Lethal White, ... JK Rowling is known for writing very candidly about her character’s personal lives. some of the things Gupta tells Strike are false, as he was misled about them, and he also doesn't mention that he and Margot had a little iciness to their own relationship due to opposing views about giving birth control pills to patients. The last book of the series, Rowling gave the readers an insight into Robin’s marriage. The info-dumping of clues, the confusing astrological parallels and the endless names thrown about makes it nigh on impossible to follow what's going on. She is able to judge the dose of the sedative she gave to Margot Bamborough just finely enough that Margot is incapacitated on the way to the pub, rather than before or after, either of which would have ruined Janice's plan. He manages to escape with Hot Shot and Crystal, and kill Felton in the process, however, as a result of the excessive, untreated bites from attempting to be turned were-panther by the others, he is left on the side of the road badly wounded. The fates of Bill's wife and young daughter, who was not present during his return home, are unclear, although Adele Stackhouse makes reference to the recently deceased previous owner of Bill's family home as the last Compton in Bon Temps. The past is gradually, and often surprisingly re-created. Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott are back to solve another puzzling crime in the fifth installment of JK Rowling's crime series written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. with either leaving Jason alone - or the true death. How are we supposed to feel bad for Margot Bamborough when there's so little given away about her personality? In the last episode of season 4 Debbie, having been abjured by Alcide, turns up in Sookie's house with a shotgun and attempts to shoot Sookie. Bent on seeing her baby one last time, she doesn't find rest and wanders as a spirit, showing herself to Mikey Bellefleur and Lafayette. At Sookie and Lafayette's behest, Pam turns Tara into a vampire. She is thought to have been a victim of Dennis Creed, a serial killer who was active in the area at the time and who was caught a couple of years later, but no trace of Margot was found in Creed's lair and Creed never admitted to the crime. Sookie picks her up from a pool of her own blood, cradling her and screaming for help. It seems unusual for a writer who spends a great deal of time getting location details and their historical significances right, but sometimes Rowling makes it absolutely clear what subjects she believes warrants thorough research, and what subjects do not. Jessica and Jason finally do have sex after she breaks up with Hoyt. Jason later goes to a secret club with Sheriff Andy and Judge Clements, that is revealed to be a fairy safehouse. Troubled Blood is as long as anything by Wilkie Collins, but, happily, Rowling/Galbraith has Collins’s ability to keep the narrative moving while also exploring a rich background in long descriptive and conversational passages.