Because Javert is such a looming presence on campus, people get really good at avoiding him. But if people break the honor code multiple times and then get “raped”, they should still be expelled for not keeping the honor code (it is completely separate)! Damn the imperfections, it's perfectly marvelous. The actors praised Hooper for his method and provide brief interviews throughout the video. ), "Fate truly shines down on you, Jean Valjean." "A healing angel to brace the arm of the injured sinner who had walked to his own death.". Valjean rests for another moment, then drags himself to his feet. He says. Marius recovers, traumatized by the death of his friends. If you are truly penitent you won’t care about having an honor code investigation and you won’t persist in your sin. At least one person makes subtle ad hominem statements to minimize the author. He asks, looking directly at Valjean again, and there's something different about how his gaze sits on Valjean's features- not as a superior, as he had thought in M-sur-Mer, nor as a lower-than-human life form, like in the bagne. (C major). Valjean glances at the kettle before fixing Javert with a look. Cosette, the dearest of his life, who knows nothing of his life before Fantine; Toussaint, who knows even less than that. In a shipyard in Paris, prisoners serve their time doing manual labor. ), He's returning to the Seine, seeking Javert, who hadn't been waiting when he had emerged, still stinking and filth-crusted, from the Pontmercy residence, shoulders aching but lighter now without the weight of the boy on his back. It wasn't that he was choosing to sing like that, he just couldn't do anything else" and that Jackman acted well but "could have done with a nobler voice".[121]. Patron-Minette... "Thénardier," Javert growls suddenly. We have lost sight of the individual and the complexities of their lives, instead prioritizing a set of rules and implementing a one-size-fits-all approach to “honor.”. I didn’t like the fact that students are encouraged to tell on each other, and that “spies” are everywhere. Both of them fall silent again. He is a French police officer, fiercely dedicated to upholding the laws and punishing sin. [57][58], In January 2012, the press reported that the role of Éponine had officially been offered to Taylor Swift. Show Mercy to each other. Thank you, and now it’s going on my Facebook, I hope my friends who graduated from the Y and those who didn’t, those who are LDS and those who are not, will read this and maybe help BYU and the church be open to the real conversation that needs to happen here. You have murdered your own virtue, you have raped your own spirit. Yes, we need to be empathetic and love others but mercy comes to those that are humble and repent. 1980 Original French Version – This song did not appear, nor did any of the Prologue. Val Jean stole bread because his family was starving (and he stole silver from the priest because of his desperate circumstances). Thank you for putting it into words. Everything in the film, songs included, is cranked to 11, the melodrama of it all soaring. It repeats the first bar of the theme from "Do You Hear the People Sing?" Javert clears his throat. The characters who sing solos or duets are: The "Overture" is the opening song and a dramatic instrumental introduction that establishes the setting as Toulon, France, 1815. He remembers. They should do what they feel is best and we all should, too. My hold was lifted and President Oaks told me later, “Someone in the Standards Office was trying to magnify their calling a little too much.” He stopped the Standards Office from being a “Collection Agency” for any company that happened to complain at that time. He starts to open his mouth, to call out, and he thinks he sees a flash of moonlight glinting off a silver button before the shadow wobbles, straightens, faces the gaping darkness- and pitches itself off the edge.