One, there's a category for "Mammals and Marsupials." Or that a crowd of sloths is referred to as a bed? CHAMBERLAIN] ALGONQUIAN ANIMAL-NAMES 675 Jack" of the English of the Canadian Northwest. Abenaki is an Algonquian language, related to other languages like Lenape and Ojibwe. © 2017 | All rights reserved One of the first words that comes to mind when you think of Canada, moose is derived from the Eastern Abenaki word mos or the the Narragansett word moòs or moosu, variously translated as “twig eater” or “he who strips off (leaves and bark).”, Muskellunge This book, written by a nun named Juliana Barnes, covered the topics of hunting, fishing, and coats of arms, and it also included the first-ever list of collective nouns for every type of animal one could possibly imagine. There are many different Native American tribes. While some animals' collective names have become quite well-known over the years, most are still fairly obscure, and some are just downright strange. Algonquin Gods Gluskap. This led to the creation of the collective term "mutation. Among the colonists, it was referred to as the Rose Moon, for the roses that were June bloomers. Note: The CBC does not necessarily endorse any of the views posted. Raccoon rather than the names on this list, since most of these terms are archaic and aren't very widely known. You'll never have to guess as to which group name is correct again. In most instances, you'll want to use "a group of . Thanks, quite informative,l do appreciate, would you kindly do one for sounds, made by animals? Marsupials are members of the mammalian infraclass Marsupialia; they are mammals by definition. The following is a list of words used by the Croatoan compiled by Scott Dawson. This moon was also called the Green Corn Moon or Full Grain Moon because the crops grew tall during this time of year. Official 100 Baby Names of 2018. During medieval times, it was a common belief that thrushes shed their legs and regrew them every 10 years. Really makes me question the accuracy when category 1 is "mammals and marsupials", and the first two animals listed are "albatross" and "alligator"... Now I don't need to think of what they are called cause I know it all! Since the fields were traditionally reaped in late September or early October, hunters could easily see fox and other game animals that emerged to forage among the fallen grains. Some referred to it as the Full Snow Moon, but the majority of tribes attributed that name to the February full moon. She is now an editor for a non-fiction publishing house. For example, did you know that a collection of crows is called a murder? Some examples include: Animal group names date back to medieval times when a list of collective terms for animals first appeared in The Book of Saint Albans, printed in 1486. They lived in most of the Canadian territory below the Hudson Bay and between the Atlantic Ocean and the Rocky Mountains. Another name this celestial body garnered was the Full Sap Moon, denoting the season when maple trees were tapped. To Native Americans inhabiting what is now the Northern and Eastern United States, each month’s full moon played a unique role in keeping track of the seasons, and was given a special name for the entirety of the month in which it appeared. These animals found in Canada have names rooted in Indigenous languages. The moon has been featured in poetry, songs and folklore, and has also played a vital role in helping Native Americans track the seasons – as well as the equally vital role of helping them sustain their lives. Several tribes referred to it as the Full Red Moon because as the moon began rising, it took on a reddish hue, as though seen through a humid haze. If I left anything out, please let me know in the comments below. By submitting your comments, you acknowledge that CBC has the right to reproduce, broadcast and publicize those comments or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever. There’s some ambiguity about the origin of the word woodchuck but it’s usually attributed to the Ojibway otchig or the Cree otchok or wuchak. According to another interpretation, the name Full Beaver Moon arises from the fact that beavers were now briskly preparing for winter. The name of this full moon was devised by Native Americans, since it denoted when the harvest of corn – as well as many tribes’ staple foods such as pumpkins, squash, beans and rice – was to take place. Originally, these nouns were used primarily as hunting terms, but they have since extended into the everyday vernacular. These Fraser River residents, get their name from the Halkomelem word suk-kegh, which means “red fish.”. Here is a year’s worth of full moon monikers, according to the Farmer’s Almanac, along with their meanings. Collective names are not unique to animals. Native American name generator . The Algonquian Native Americans are the most extensive and numerous North American groups with hundreds of original tribes speaking several related dialects of the language group, Algonkian. This moon was named after the wolf packs that would hungrily howl near Native American villages, amidst the frigid, deep mid winter snows. Thanks, and true I have never heard majority of these collective names. Click below to see the top 100 names of 2018 When the Full Beaver Moon lit up the sky, it signified the time to set beaver traps before swamps froze, to guarantee a sufficient supply of warm winter furs. This full moon was also referred to as the Frost Moon. The naming of this moon is attributed to fishing tribes since sturgeon, a large fish inhabiting the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, were most plentifully caught during this month. January – … These rotund rodents are found throughout Canada, from coast to coast. And if you do, just say "a group of . Your friends (and even teachers) might give you weird looks if you use these terms when speaking. The list of English words with Indigenous origins is long and varied and includes dwellings, food, nature, sporting goods and more. Christian settlers referred to this moon as the Moon before Yule. But here's a couple notes. Because this month was known for the heaviest snowfalls, native Northern and Eastern tribes referred to February’s full moon as the Full Snow Moon. The full moon is more than just another pretty face, or the subject of really bad poetry where it’s rhymed with June. We reserve the right to close comments at any time. . Occasionally, it was called the Old Moon or the Moon After Yule. Possibly because winter was looming close, the Hunter’s Moon received the special honor of acting as a significant feast day in Western Europe, as well as among numerous Native American tribes. In Mohegan it’s skonks, in Lenape it’s škakw, in Wampanoag it’s squnck, and in Abenaki it’s segankw. Here is a look at the names of a few animals, commonly found in Canada, whose roots can be traced back to Indigenous words: Caribou ", A group of iguanas is referred to as "a slaughter. From caucus (origin: Algonquian) to hurricane (origin: Taino) to shack (origin: Nahuatl), so many words from First Nations, Native American, Central American and South American Indigenous languages have made their way into English and become so commonplace, that their origins often go unrecognized. We have included twenty basic Algonquin words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. Later, European settlers followed suit, devising some of their own lunar names. Native American Vocabulary: Algonquin Words Welcome to our Algonquin vocabulary page! I am going to print out the list and try to learn them, see how many I am going to remember off head. ", Rahans, CC-BY-SA-4.0 via Wikimedia Commons, A group of nuns is referred to as "a superfluity. English is a strange language, and nothing is stranger than the variety of collective nouns assigned to groups of particular animals. Settlers referred to it as the Lenten Moon, and regarded it as the last full moon of wintertime. These names were used by the Algonquin tribes populating the region from New England to Lake Superior. These names were used by the Algonquin tribes populating the region from New England to Lake Superior. It was also known as the Hot Moon, for the beginning of summer heat. Please note that comments are moderated and published according to our submission guidelines. This is the month when leaves started falling and game animals were fattened and ready for hunting and eating – and the time for accumulating provisions for the long winter ahead. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted. !. Some of these animals are solitary, so it is ironic that they have group names dedicated to their kind when they are rarely found in groups. Often in the news for its bold foray into urban areas, coyote is derived from the Nahuatl word coyotl. Comments are welcome while open. It was also known as the Full Crust Moon, because the snow would develop a crust from thawing during the daytime and freezing when night fell. The more northerly tribes called this moon the Full Crow Moon, when cawing crows heralded winter’s end. It was also known as the Full Hay Moon, after the July hay harvest. Generally benevolent, but often whimsical. This moon’s name is derived from the herb moss pink, also known as wild ground phlox, which was one of the earliest and most prevalent flowers to bloom in the springtime. The tribe should be differentiated from the Algonquian language family, Coastal tribes named it the Full Fish Moon, since this was the time of year when shad would swim upstream to reproduce. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. Andacon———–Evergreens Apis —————-Sit Down Artamockes ——-Blue Jay (bird) Asanamawqueo ——Loon (Bird) Ascopo ———— Sweet Bay (tree) Chachaquises —- Woodpecker Chaham ———–Shad …