No one could quite believe their President had been killed. Required fields are marked *. 3. So why would you do that with a country? The simple answer is that as of the 4th of July 2020, the United States is 244 years old. I can think of no better image of tensions being released in anger and hostility than the combined presence of warlike Mars and erratic Uranus – here occupying the field of experience associated with compromise and negotiation, the 7th house. (The other opposition entailed Saturn and the Moon.) (At this it is usually quite successful – the influence of Jupiter, again.) Real Magic vs The Law of Attraction – Rhonda Byrne’s Birth Chart, How to Read a Birth Chart – A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology. Then there was Watergate: ‘Watergate was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. in 1972 … The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, an impeachment process against the president that led to articles of impeachment, and the resignation of Nixon. The authors stress that this state of affairs is not just since the terrorism of 9/11, but that the defensiveness is inbuilt from the beginning. The articles were debated for more than a year (July 1776 – November 1777) before being sent to the states for ratification on November 15th. If you believe the age of the United States should be counted from when Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ America, landing on the ‘uninhabited’ (if you don’t count the somewhere between 8 million and 112 million Native Americans) shores of North America, then the United States is 527 years old. Whether we accept it or not. America’s 13 colonies with their rag-tag army of men of all ages and professions, under General George Washington, was at war with the greatest army in the world. If you believe the age of the United States should be counted from when the constitution, then the age of the United States is 232-years-old. In such an event we would at least expect Mars (aggression) and Pluto (subversion) to be involved, and so it transpires. Quick Facts Name Leif Eriksson Birth Date c. 970 Death Date c. 1020 Did You Know? He set sail on the evening of August 3, 1492, in three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: James Hardy, "How Old Is the United States of America? Philosopher Noam Chomsky calls America a ‘plutocracy masquerading as formal democracy.’ This is what often makes the rest of the population uneasy. By the time we get to October, when the crash actually happened, we have transiting Mars (often a trigger of some kind, no matter the type of event) making a square to that moon-Pluto conjunction in the second house of finance. The Union won the war, which remains the bloodiest in U.S. history.’, In the aftermath of a transiting Mars opposition to the US ascendant (on March 28th) came the Uranus return (also in the 7th house) on the 30th. What is the birth chart for the USA ? America is also the current ‘superpower’ (which is just how Scorpio rising/moon in Capricorn likes it.) The age of the United States can be measured in many different ways, but the generally accepted consensus is that the United States of America is 244-years-old (and counting). The rest of the association for Scorpio with the eagle are of modern astrology which may have been influenced by New Age beliefs or Theosophy. Maybe so, but there was one great need: Freedom! We’re going to start with the simple and then move onto the complex. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. In its 7 articles, it embodies the doctrine of the separation of powers, the concepts of federalism, and the process of ratification. And yet, much of this heavy-handedness is softened by the eighth house sun in Cancer, which in turn conjuncts Jupiter. This article allows us to see why we are who we are today. Graduate of musical arts. This resolution was then followed by days of debate and backroom dealings and agreements, as Thomas Jefferson prepared the first draft of the Declaration. It wasn’t reformed until the end of the Civil War in June 1865. It should also show the place of birth, date of birth, or the age of the child. Once again, the harsh conditions, aggressive natives, and lack of supplies made life on the continental US very tough (they even resorted to cannibalism to survive at one point), but the settlement was ultimately successful. (And also the way in which Nixon would go on trying to deceive others into thinking that none of this had really been his fault. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were Nixon’s top administration officials. No empire no matter how large, or kingdom no matter how old has ever stood for ever. The vote for the resolution on the afternoon of July 2 was unanimous with one abstention by New York “for lack of instructions.” Unfortunately, no one seems to have recorded the time of that crucial vote. Wiki User. The Real Birth of American Democracy This week, 215 years ago, the lofty ideals of the Constitution passed their first test A broadside version of Washington's Farewell Address, first … On February 8, 1915, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation, a landmark film in the history of cinema, premieres at Clune’s Auditorium in Los Angeles. There is a little of the ‘like attracts like’quality about the North Node – one meets with others who share one’s own views, values, interests. 1499 Amerigo Vespucci finds the South American Coast. The failure of Roanoke Island didn’t deter the British. Added to America’s soft heart is its hard head for commerce. The sun-Jupiter conjunction is in the house of ‘big business’, and America has always prided itself on being a country of rich opportunities to make oneself wealthy – the so-called American Dream with its emphasis on the rewards of mass consumerism. (In fact, more than 25 separate countries have been bombed by the US since the end of the Second World War). ", History Cooperative, August 26, 2019, What Is The Turin Shroud? This is the most informative article I have read about American history. Now, the chart which many astrologers favour – cast for the 4th of July – has Sagittarius rising, and some justify this with the archetypal image of the lone pioneer exploring the rich and expansive New World (indeed, redolent of the Archer.) 0. The information you have provided has just enlightened me to seeing why this Nation finds itself in the crossroads it stands today. The first settlement was established on Roanoke Island in 1587, however, all was not well. And defensive. US president Calvin Coolidge once aptly noted that the ‘business of America is business’. Although the articles of our government speak of equality, opportunity for all, caring for the warfare of it’s people, equal participation in government, including voting rights, It’s only written on paper, but has never been fully practiced. In other words, great power. Hallmark still isn’t coming to the party on this one, but I’d LOVE to see a birthday cake stacked with 13,000+ candles! Our history is intertwined with all these different people, from different lands. Independence Day: Americans Celebrate the Birth of Their Nation July 4, 1776 It's Independence Day! 1. This could be a ration card in India. If you believe the age of the United States should be counted from the Articles of Confederation were ratified, then the United States is 239-years-old. Why is this true narrative of this nation’s evolvement not taught in our schools educational programs? We were free but it would take years of war – with great hardship – to finally defeat our former masters. That potential, in the eyes of many critics, has already been fulfilled. A new restaurant opens every 14.5 hours and the company feeds 68 million people PER DAY – which is larger than the population of Great Britain, France, and South Africa, and more than double the population of Australia. 1497 July. Plus, progressed Neptune was opposing the MC – harsh Neptune aspects to the Midheaven often pertain to a public scandal or deception of some kind. If you want to know what astrology says about the worldwide Coronavirus please click here, 1., 2. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order Mason-Dixon Line The History of Guns, The Louisiana Purchase: America’s Big Expansion, Emancipation Proclamation: Effects, Impacts, and Outcomes, people have stopped celebrating the anniversary of Columbus’ arrival, new restaurant opens every 14.5 hours and the company feeds 68 million people PER DAY, Leisler’s Rebellion: A Scandalous Minister in a Divided Community 1689-1691, Townshend Act of 1767: Definition, Date, and Duties, Diverse Threads in the History of the United States: The Life of Booker T. Washington, The Compromise of 1877: A Political Bargain Seals the Election of 1876, US History Timeline: The Dates of America’s Journey, The First Movie Ever Made: Why and when films were invented, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, The History Of Marketing: From Trade to Tech, 41 Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts.