A voir s’il a sa place dans la panoplie des déclinaisons d’Agricola donc tant il se rapproche de la version familiale de la boite de base. I'm buying Agricola but I'd love to ease into it with my 7 year old with a simpler ruleset. May 2017 Name Description. December 2016 on 01/28/17 July 2017 The rules are clear, and there are lots of illustrations and explanatory bubbles throughout (an illustrated Uwe Rosenberg is your guide), so as long as someone is comfortable reading rules, the game should be easy to pick up. iSlaytheDragon would like to thank Mayfair Games for providing us with a copy of Agricola: Family Edition for review. You can acquire livestock, plough fields, and even take the "family growth" action—sexy! In comparison with the family game of the predecessor, much has changed: the new action each round is fixed, and the game has been simplified by removing stone and vegetables. C'est un vrai Agricola, simplifié mais pas simpliste, le jeu est même excellent entre joueurs ! December 2018 Also, if you want to keep solving the puzzle but you are tired of performing the same actions and moving the same animeeples around repeatedly during early rounds of the game. Sitemap. The player with the most points wins. Europe has overcome the devastating Plague. The art and graphic design on each piece is clear and nearly flawless: it’s easy to see the icons, and the icons explain what each thing does. Players will be doing things like plowing land, planting grain, building fences and stables to house animals, adding on to their houses, and improving their farms. Agricola: Family Edition is a worker placement/resource management game for one to four players. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The full game originally came with a “family mode,” which was essentially the game without the cards, but Mayfair Games has now released a separate Family Edition of Agricola. Similar to Agricola: Die Bauern und das liebe Vieh, there are now buildings (replacing the major improvements) that score points for leftover resources at the end of the game. While I like Agricola’s cards, they add a huge time (and brain) investment, making it a game I have to prepare for in advance in order to play. You are necessarily returned to the main path. October 2017 People are rebuilding their lives. Mon seul regret, c'est qu'il n'ait pas été traduit en Français. Plus light dans le fonctionnement que son ainé, les cartes ont disparues et le décompte de fin de partie a été grandement allégé. Agricola, designed by Uwe Rosenberg, is a worker placement game in which you grow your farm and your family as much as you can over the course of seven years (rounds). A streamlined game experience for the whole family which can be played in 90 minutes or less. Very interactive game ensures that each game will be distinct, No variety in the setup from game to game It's a great choice for you if you're the type who will push for a high score again and again, or who likes to pick apart how different actions work together for maximum advantage. It can seem like a waste of a turn to do so…until you realize that the wood you need to build your house is never going to accumulate for you unless you seize it first, and you need to go first so someone else doesn’t take the action space you need. But you must–must, must, must–feed your family at every harvest. For players who already know, love, and own Agricola, I’m not sure Agricola: Family Edition offers enough that’s distinct to own this game too. I do miss the scoring that rewards diversification (although the scoring scheme here is much simpler). On a turn, you get to take only two actions, one for you and one for the spouse, from all the possibilities you'll find on a farm: collecting resources; building meadows; and so on. Le jeu a été simplifié mais reste malgré tout très intéressant. Agricola is a turn-based game. Sure, you can try the same strategy from game to game, but Agricola is very interactive, and chances are if the other players see you pressing the same lever again and again, they will cut off your access to that lever. In the standard game, I'd say that growing your family is THE dominant strategy, especially playing against newbies. September 2019 is extremely absorbing. March 2017 Une réussite. The only thing I really miss from the full game is Agricola’s necessity to diversify. There are no differences from game to game, and no special solo rules included, so once you discover the optimal strategy, the game loses its interest.) I'm hoping to pick up Agricola this weekend, to evolve the family on from Catan. It's easier to speed through the early turns that way. You can configure your preferences at any time with the link « modify my privacy settings » on the page « Privacy Policy » from the footer of our site. In comparison with the family game of the predecessor, much has changed: the new action each round is fixed, and the game has been simplified by removing stone and vegetables. We will send an email, Facebook Messenger or Webpush when product available. Players are farmers building up their farming infrastructure while also having to feed their families. Every month, all the fun news not to be missed. Je le trouve néanmoins un cran plus simple et donc plus facile à sortir car on ne doit pas commencer à distinguer les cartes pour les 2 versions. (For example, it no longer takes an action to bake bread, nor do players have to spend several moments rearranging fences or counting and recounting their wood every time they make a pasture, nor do they have to manage stone as yet another resource.) Each player starts with two meeples that can each take an action per round. A lot of solo board games...​YouTube:Beyond SolitaireTwitter:@beyondsolitaireInstagram: @beyondsolitaireFacebook: @beyondsolitaire, August 2020 Kickstarter If I were to give Agricola as a gift, this is the edition I would give without hesitation. Compose as many lists as you want and put games aside for later. This product is not sold individually. Un très agréable Agricola, pas trop long mais immersif, bien dosé dans toutes ses étapes et profond dans ses actions . Turn order doesn’t pass naturally from round to round; it has to be wrested from another player by claiming an action space. Agricola: Family Edition is more than just Agricola without the cards. Score. The order in which you choose your actions, the willingness of other players to allow resources to pile up, and when you claim your third action are huge game changers, and you don’t have absolute control over any of this in the multiplayer game. 0, and Excellente édition, parfait pour initier les plus jeunes ou jouer avec des joueurs occasionnels.