Molly gasped and had tears in her eyes as Fabian and Gideon Prewett walked down the stairs and Fabian said, " Don't look so shocked dear sister, this fine young man here brought us back as your birthday present." #ginny This story will fill in what happened while Harry and Ginny were dating and their post Hogwarts lives. Molly cautiously walked over to them and carefully reached out and touched and upon feeling that they were really there she wrapped them both in her signature bone crushing hug and tearfully thanked both Harry and Ginny for what they had done. As he talked to Mrs. Weasley, Hermione, Ron, and most of the Weasley brothers, he couldn't help but glance at Ginny, and several times catching her looking at him. "Why Harry dear, I wasn't expecting to see you here in Diagon Alley!" It might be soul-bond related or not, but it is out in the forest and is overly strenuous. He tried to ignore the feeling, thinking that it would go away, but for some reason, as he walked in one direction with Hagrid, the tugging sensation was getting stronger, and it kept doing so as he walked further in his current direction. "How are you doing dear?". Fanfiction #ginny #harry #james #lily #sirius. Will Ginny's family accept that she is bonded with Harry, whom they have seen as another son/brother? Harry opened the door and held Ginny's hair back as she got sick again, when it was over she turned around and said weakly, " now I'm feeling better. ... Power of The Soul Bonded by Gin5208 [Reviews - 3] Harry rescues Ginny from the Chamber and starts feeling what she feels from the next day forward. #hinny Ginny und Harry drehen sich um und hörten, was Hermine zu Ron gesagt hat. He called out, grabbing the attention of his family. Harry was devastated and Ginny sat beside him back at Hogwarts showering him with her love for him. Ron Weasley, his best friend, wrote to him that his father had won a contest and that they were going to Egypt for about a month, so he guessed that they're probably here to gather supplies for their trip. he knew Hermione was also going on a trip with her parents in about a week. He also figured that Hermione was also collecting school supplies like he was. The day of Molly's birthday Harry and Ginny had been smiling all day and no one knew why until that evening Molly asked them both about her birthday present from them and Harry said, "Oh, we have your present here, Fabian, Gideon come on down and say hello to your sister!" Some sort of, tugging feeling. The Weasley's all congratulated Harry and Ginny, and Ron surprisingly gave them both a hug and said grinning from ear to ear, " thanks for making me an uncle guys." The tugging in his heart kept trying to pull him towards her, and based on her body language, he could tell that she was feeling something similar. Harry woke up straight away hearing her getting sick he threw on some underwear and his sleep pants and walked over to the bathroom door and asked, "Gin, Baby are you okay?" He thanked her multiple times for everything that she was doing and his love for her only grew even more during that time. Ginny coughed a couple of times before she said, "I don't know what's going on I was feeling great last night and now all of the sudden I'm getting sick." Technically I know that this never happened in the book and movie, but this is simply a fanfic story, so anything can technically happen. Harry asked her half fearfully and half excitedly, "Ginny did you remember to use the protection spell a few nights ago?" #siriusblack 1.5M 134K 87. Sollte es dennoch über einen längeren Zeitraum bestehen bleiben, wende dich bitte mit einer kurzen Problembeschreibung an #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry On the day of their anniversary Harry and Ginny first off went to go see a movie, then they took a romantic stroll through a park in London, and at the end of the day ate dinner at a restaurant in Rome, Italy, then they spent most of the night dancing and then they made love to their favorite song Magic Works by the Weird Sisters. Harry and Ginny: Soul bond Fanfiction [Complete] During the events in the chamber of secrets Ginny and Harry's souls become bonded. Hermione hugged Ginny and congratulated her and Harry Molly squealed and hugged Ginny and Harry and said, "I can't believe I'm going to be a Grandma!" #harrypotter Harry was walking through Diagon Alley, collecting the basic supplies that he would need for Hogwarts, until he receive his letter for whatever else that he needed for school. He couldn't help but stare into her warm chocolate brown eyes, marveling her long, fiery red hair, her beautiful face, splashed with freckles across her cheeks and nose, and her sweet flowery scent that wafted into my direction due to the wind. Sollte das Problem über einen längeren Zeitraum bestehen bleiben, wende dich bitte mit einer kurzen Problembeschreibung an Für Beide war es die erste unvergessene Nacht der Liebe. When The Heart Sings by Crystal Scherer. #romance #ron And will Ron accept the his best friend is bonded with his youngest sister, and thus already married to her? Harry is preparing for his return to Hogwarts for his third year, but while he is in Diagon Alley, he discovers that he is soul bonded with Ginny Weasley, and realizes how he really feels about her. Vor lauter Wut zieht Ginny ihren Zauberstab, rennt in den 2. Suddenly, he started feeling a strange sensation in his heart. At first he did try to kindly turn the offer down, but Hagrid was persistent, and honestly, he really did appreciate the offer. Ginny und Harry verloren diese Nacht ihre Unschuld. #remuslupin Beim Übermitteln der Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Share. "OI, HARRY!" Other than Hagrid, there was also his best friend Hermione Granger, and the entire Weasley Family, who treated him like he was family, and he was definitely treated by them a lot better than by his relatives the Dursley's. As Harry walked to Ginny, he couldn't help but admire the way she looked; she had a pair of black leather boots that went up to her knees, a black skirt that went down to her mid-thighs, and a blue elbow length shirt, with a Hungarian Horntail dragon on it, that seemed to hug her body just right. He continued following the tugging sensation, until he saw the Weasley Family, and Hermione Granger. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal. by ImAProudHufflepuff Follow. A Fanfiction site dedicated to Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. How will the two come together, and face the diffi... #dumbledore The next day Harry and Ginny woke up in each other's arms in their bed literally with the only thing covering them being their bed sheets. Hagrid was one of the few people who really cared about him, and didn't treat him like he was a freak. Harry sieht zu Ginny rüber man sieht richtig, das schon Rauch aus ihren Ohren kommt und sie Ron sofort fertig machen will, da Hermine ja ihre beste Freundin ist. The Battle in the Department of mysteries, Sirius's Funeral and resurrecting the Prewett brothers. Ginny folgte ihm und erfuhr endlich den wahren Grund warum Harry sich von ihr getrennt hatte und das er sie noch immer sehr liebte. #ronweasley Harry was almost squealing with excitement at the possibility that he might become a Father within about eight and a half months. He answered, hugging both of them. The next day after Ginny got sick that morning and after she brushed her teeth they asked Hermione and she gave them a muggle pregnancy test from a local pharmacy and told Ginny how to use it, she did the test and tears formed in her eyes as she smiled and showed it to Harry who saw the little plus sign on the screen his eyes got really big and then he started laughing and crying at the same time as he hugged and kissed Ginny saying I love you over and over again.