It is based on the 1999 novel Silmido by Baek Dong-ho, which in turn is based on the true story of Unit 684. Silmido (Silmi Island) is an uninhabited island in the Yellow Sea, off the west coast of South Korea.

Sebuah penghianatan dan rasa nasionalis yang dicampur adukkan. After then, the hellish training continues but, there is no more mission. Sol Kyung-gu Huh Joon-ho Ahn Sung-ki Jung Jae-young Im Won-hee Kang Shin-il Jo Min-jun Kang Seong-jin, 684 - Eine Einheit kämpft um ihr Leben, シルミド, 135 mins   W4GRB.average_rating=new Array(); Sign up, Why ? Il primo tempo è tutto enfatico e militaresco, vediamo tante inquadrature di gruppo con durissimi addestramenti, punizioni corporali e montaggi d'allenamento che sembrano quasi una propaganda per unirsi all esercito Coreano, mentre è netto il cambio di tono nel secondo tempo dove arriva un pesante dramma da tragedia che rallenta e impantana la trama…. O MY GOSH!!!!! In revenge, the South Korean military assembled a team of 31 criminals on the island of Silmido to kill Kim Il-sung for a suicide mission to redeem their honor, but was cancelled, leaving them frustrated. Latest Updates. © Letterboxd Limited. Based on a true story. Tapi ya kasihan juga.

It lies within the borders of Incheon metropolitan city, and is about 5 kilometres southwest of Incheon International Airport.

In revenge, the South Korean military assembled a team of 31 criminals on the island of Silmido to kill Kim Il-sung for a suicide mission to redeem their honor, but was cancelled, leaving them frustrated. Ketika para narapidana dengan hukuman hati dikumpulkan dan dilatih untuk menjadi tentara demi misi membunuh pemimpin Korea Utara. When KIM Shin-jo, the only member who was captured alive, was asked "What was the purpose of infiltration?" It was gritty, realistic, the characters were sympathetic, except for the state officials in Seoul and the final scene is heartbreaking. Nel 68 un gruppo di Criminali invece che essere giustiziato viene addestrato per assassinare il leader della Corea del nord. As someone who didn't know the true story this was based off, I enjoyed the film more than I expected once I saw what type of film it was.

One of the best Korean movies...and Korean movies are the best of the best...hollywood is shit compaired to them ! Those Hollywood films don't give a proper meaning nor doesn't give us the thrills such as in Korean ones! { The movie unveil a very strange and powerful true story of modern Korea. This list is based on movies I have watched.…, This is a collection of war/political conflict films set after the advent of gunpowder-based warfare. Within each year…, **this is just movies ----- inspired by all the lists like this for other sites because they’re my fav way….

i liked only hollywood movies to watch and underestimated korean movie, but now after watching many good korean movies, hollywood movies are mostly a joke, i mean they show technology etc, but korean prefer strong script,good plot and great casts. It's not a film to re-watch, either.

When KIM Shin-jo, the only member who was captured alive, was asked "What was the purpose of infiltration?" link to original creator platform.

Silmido (2003) In 1968, the South Korean government recruits 31 criminals to train for a secret mission to kill North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung. When they arrive at the island, Jae-hyun gives them the classified national duty, which is to explode the North Korean presidential palace and behead KIM Il-sung, the North Korean president. About | Privacy policy | Contact | Deals | Partners.

Cast (in credits order) Sung-Ki Ahn. The first hour is wall to wall training scenes, followed by forty minutes of standing around, waiting,…, 극 안에서 갈등해야 할 집단들이 중간중간 어? Tapi ya kasihan juga. The movie unveil a very strange and powerful true story of modern Korea. on a live TV program, he shouted "I came to slit the throat of President PARK Chung-hee!" Vietnamese.

[CDATA[ I don't know why people don't watch and appreciate Korean movies ! The government keep empowering a few criminals to kill the leader of North Korea, but in the end, while politics changes, they decide to cancel their mission and wipe them out from the history.This is the best example I can imagine following the book Sapiens and how stupid is the idea of the nation, flag, mission and etc, and how easily we can play a role in this stupid game. On August 23, 1971 twenty three men headed to the presidential office of Cheong Wae Dae to revolt against their own president, Park Chung-hee. Silmido was the first Korean film to attract more than 10 million viewers in the country's cinemas. 그들이 국가권력에 의한 피해자인 것은 맞지만, 애초에 영화에서 처럼 사살명령이 내려온것도 아니고 부당한 처우에 반기를 든것이다.

Based on the true story of Unit 684, a unit created in April 1968 to retaliate against North Korea following the North’s attempt to assassinate President Park Chung-hee in Seoul on January 21, 1968.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. This is an impressive all-star cast of Korean work horse actors who have all pulled serious roles and carried a lot of box-office weight. Mobile site. Everyone should watch it. //]]>. Dilema sih nonton film ini, karena konfliknya. I didn't mind the training montages as a lot of other people seem to. ‘실미도’ Directed by Kang Woo-suk. Jane in order to sneak into North Korea. A firefight began when the commandos were just 800 yards from the Blue House (the South Korean Presidential Palace). They are the human killing machines, with strong comradeship and respect for each other. 9.5. On January 21, 1968, 13 North Korean spies broke through the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and got within a few meters of the Presidential Residence. Retrieved from 두산백과:,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 August 2020, at 13:38. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t make for an entertaining film. Directed by Woo-Suk Kang. W4GRB.user_rating[1]=0; Silmido lies just offshore of the larger, inhabited island of Muuido, which is connected to the mainland by ferry. W4GRB.query_url[1]="/index.php?title=Special:W4GRB\x26bid=1\x26pid="[1]+"\x26stamp="+new Date().getTime();

iliekater Jun 28 2009 5:24 pm

Un dramma di guerra che costruisce e presenta molto bene i personaggi, nonostante siano tutti criminali siamo dalla loro parte e soffriamo per loro, un rapporto tra i protagonisti che diventa sempre piu stretto e intimo ed è interessante come la disciplina militare trasforma i personaggi.

on a live TV program, he shouted "I came to slit the throat of President PARK Chung-hee!"