More choice of course topics. I argued for it when I was chair of the core curriculum committee but nobody listened because Brooklyn College is very proud of its core. I've never been so lost in a class and felt so insulted by someone's teaching methods. No. No its not NYU or Pace University, but with the resources, money, and pressure that this college gets they really try to make the quality of education and time here special. that course that term. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING, YOU HAVE A BETTER SHOT AT LEARNING MORE AT A ZOO. That [the acquisition of knowledge in regards to literature] is a long relationship and classrooms can only provide the beginning, if they can even provide that. May be old and run down at spots but there's always construction everywhere you go. School of Bots is currently known as one of the top chatbot education brands in the world. She doesn't respond to emails fast taking a week plus to respond to and when she does she uses emojis and bitmojis which is highly unprofessional. The idea of the core is a beautiful idea, but we’re at a point in history where students arrive with an ignorance of history that is so disabling to the study of anything, that the one thing they need to do, for an entire year, is study the history of everything; history of science, history of the arts, history itself, political history, social history, every kind of history…When they’ve done that, they’re ready to start studying anything they want to study. Be the first to leave a review! in English in 1998. You can feel very vulnerable in a classroom. I understand that you are fluent in a couple of languages. The survey home works are very long and repetitive and don't teach you anything but this class is still an easy A for effort. ( Log Out /  She literally told me the same exact message she posted through BB. Lower costs and debts4. Project instructions are unclear and she doesn't do anything to assist you in the online environment. Write A Review Robert Cherry. I’d already had a career and was very happy to jump into this one as late as I did…I have never written an academic article and possibly never written an academic sentence in my life and this gives me a different approach. Many people consider it as one of the choices for their computer ... 5 Best Human Resource Management Courses in 2020. Take my advice and GO AWAY FOR COLLEGE. – How does your experience as an author and as a playwright contribute to you being a teacher, a professor? I didn’t see it anywhere. Online courses connect you to the global village. So you either end up failing or by some miracle pass(only after you read and teach yourself the whole textbook)everything else is ok. Flag Teacher. The few lectures we did have, I felt like I have learned more in 3 classes than 2 years in college, DONT TAKE HER! Rate My Professors is the best college professor reviews and ratings source based on student feedback. Online education at the career or vocational level is not only available, it is gaining traction among students who recognize the value of earning their education without sacrificing work, family obligations and more. …There’s the question of how does it inform the way you approach the material. Multiple academic programs available at an affordable cost and the diversity of this campus - you do get the feeling you belong. He teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The staff in the library are so motivating. Wish professor was as accessible as she claims. Kathleen Axen. She gives a Marketing Plan Project that is 40% of your grade and doesn't properly clarify on how to do it. DONT TAKE HER!!!!! – On his focus on developing and maintaining relationships with students and his reputation as a caring mentor… Flexible schedule and environment3. [With] a particular professor of mine, I longed to be invited to tea…When my wife and I lived here we had everybody over (for tea) twice a semester, both classes, three classes. I’ve taught in the Ivy League, I’ve taught in many different colleges and Brooklyn college students are just the nicest and that’s pretty enjoyable for a teacher to be around…All you need as a teacher is somebody who will listen and they do.