[Brutto, Brutto che è Bello] Questo gioco del Ca...lcio, Monopoly? -  (Versione 2.0 aggiornata ad aprile 2016) ... scritto da  Fabio (Pinco11)  e da tutto il gruppo degli autori di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo. We'll see after quite a few plays more I guess! I haven't played Summer Pavilion, but I saw the Dice Tower video on it, so I think I can generally see what's going on there. In Azul vs Stained Glass of Sintra, they run about the same. Summer Pavilion - Closer to Azul than Sintra, an Azul with more depth but with the same accessibility as Azul. [Ieri Sera sui Nostri Tavoli] Alma Mater, The Castles of Tuscany, Tranquility, Ohanami e altri 8! L’utente può disattivare i cookie modificando le impostazioni del browser: si avverte che tale disattivazione potrà rallentare o impedire l’accesso a tutto o parte del sito.Per chi avesse desiderio di avere maggiori informazioni, eccovi l'informativa estesa che ho stilato sull'argomento. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Additionally, you score a bonus for having covered all seven spaces of value 1, 2, 3 or 4. Azul: Summer Pavilion is the third game in the Azul series, after the original Spiel des Jahres winner from 2017 and its sequel Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra… I wasn’t sure what to expect from Azul: Summer Pavilion. Questa versione l' ho preferita al punto di acquistarla al volo! It was followed up by Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra and was well received by fans and critics alike. -  (Versione 2.0 aggiornata ad aprile 2016) ... scritto da Agzaroth Tre anni dopo The Great Zimbabwe, la Splotter Spellen torna sulle scene con un nuovo gestionale: Food Chain Magn... scritta da Aledrugo - ( articolo originale postato su La Tana dei Goblin da Aledrugo1977, integrato il 10 ottobre 2011) [Fabio... scritto da Interesse Ludico (Diego) Cioè premetto a lor signori: non ho fatto alcuna partita e non è nemmeno una prima impressione su c... scritto da Chrys Quest'anno provo a inaugurare una novità per il blog, che se verrà ben accolta provvederò a replicare ogni anno... coordinato da Fabio (Pinco11)  con l'aiuto (determinante) degli altri redattori del blog  ( F/\B!O P. , *Ele* , Simone M. , Simarillo... scritto da Fabio (Pinco11) , con l'aiuto degli altri redattori :) Eccoci ancora alle porte del consueto appuntamento annuale con ... [Prime impressioni] Azul: Summer Pavilion. At the turn of the 16th Century, King Manuel I commissioned Portugal’s greatest artisans to construct grandiose buildings. Andru can also be found on the Hairy Game Lords YouTube Channel - https://goo.gl/vSi6FV While building the Summer Pavilion would have taken years to do, a game of Azul: Summer Pavilion typically takes about 30 – 45 minutes. Personally I like the original (on the gray side) a little better than Sintra, mostly because Sintra seems to result in luck issues more often than the original on gray side does. After completing the Palaces of Evora and Sintra, the king sought to build a summer pavilion to honor the most famous members of the royal family. I prefer Sintra, and I know people on both sides of that divide. To play effectively, you need to be constantly monitoring what other player's are telegraphing. Awesome thanks! A fine partita si ottengono punti extra per il completamento di ciascuna rosa dei venti e per l'occupazione di tutti gli 1, 2, 3 o 4 sulla propria scheda. Well how bout that. I think from what you and others have said, Summer Pavilion may be the one I pick up. Azul - brilliantly simple. My perception of Summer Pavilion was that it was actually rather similar to the original. Op zoek naar een leuke kraamhouder voor uw evenement? [Essen e dintorni] Friese, Feld, Walker-Harding, Sylvester e non solo ... [La vedetta di KS] Anno 3 - XXVII Puntata, [La vedetta di KS] Anno 3 - XXXVI Puntata, [La vedetta di KS] Anno 3 - XXXVIII Puntata, La top100 di sempre di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo, La top100 di sempre (revisione 2016) di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo, Recensione e guida strategica - Il trono di Spade, [Anteprima?] Learn something new every day! At the start of each round, draw tiles at random from the bag to refill each of the five, seven, or nine factories with four tiles each. Publishing Guest Posts or Advertising with us. I have played the original and Sintra. Players aren't as punished with spite/hate drafts as the in the original as you can often use the tiles for something (including bringing over to future rounds). Azul Summer Pavilion is the third game with the Azul name and it might be the best yet. While I don't think the spite drafts are as present, but when they hit...they hurt. Azul: Summer Pavilion (or as we have been calling it, ‘Azul 3: The Azul-ening‘, is indeed the third entry in the series. I think the rules aren't complex, but the weight is heavier compared to the original. Così recitano due noti adagi popolari e quelli della, Il nome di questo terzo titolo della serie è. I don't think I will like Summer Pavillion after watching a bit of it. The game isn't overwhelming from a rules perspective, the strategy emerges over a few games. Description. Something's given name doesn't change with regards to singular or plural. Yeah definitely part of what I liked about original Azul is the aesthetic of everything, and I'm not sure what it is by Sintra just doesn't look as appealing to me. Designer: Michael KieslingArtist: Chris QuilliamsPublisher: Next Move GamesPlayers: 2-4Play Time: 30-45 MinutesTImes Played: 6 We’ve completed the Palace of Evora, and we’ve finished the Stained Glass of Sintra, now it’s time for us to tile the floors of the Summer Pavilion. The Azul line of games from designer Michael Kiesling and publisher Next Move Games… Sintra - You want something a bit more complex and strategic. If you completely surround a pillar, statue, or window on your game board with tiles, you get an immediate bonus, taking 1-3 tiles from the central supply spaces and placing them next to your board. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In Azul: Summer Pavilion, players return to Portugal to accomplish the task that never began. Summer Pavilion è senza dubbio il mio preferito, più riflessivo e sfidante dei precedenti. Sintra - You want something a bit more complex and strategic. N/A Azul Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra + 0 more. It doesn't apply in this case tho? Azul: Summer Pavilion releases at SPIEL 2019 in Essen and will be in retailers shortly after! Just sharing, not criticizing but the plural of 'Azul' is 'Azuis'. Further, well versed players can execute some chains and that's a big fat hit of dopamine. AZUL VS SUMMER PAVILION ANALYSIS. Controlla la disponibilità e il prezzo del gioco che ti interessa! After six rounds, you score a bonus for each of the seven stars that you’ve filled completely. The new floor mechanic just being a point for every tile taken from the center is boring, and post-draft placement takes away a whole lot of the interesting bits of the draft. L'esperimento della scorsa settimana ha avuto buon esi... scritto da Fabio (Pinco11) Eccomi nuovamente a esplorare il web, proponendovi i frutti delle mie peregrinazioni. Sadly, King Manuel I died before construction ever began. ( Wow thanks a lot for the detailed response, Mike! I personally like this one the most. Azul: Summer Pavilion lasts six rounds, and in each round players draft tiles, then place them on their individual player board to score points. Sadly, King Manuel I died before construction ever began.In Azul: Summer Pavilion, players return to Portugal to accomplish the task that never began. Required fields are marked *. Confermo anche io il gradimento per questo titolo.Nell'ordine direi proprio (1) Pavilion (2) Azul base e (3) Sintra. To place a tile on the blue 5, for example, you must discard five blue or wild tiles from next to your player board (with at least one blue being required), placing one blue tile in the blue 5 space and the rest in the discard tower. Learn how your comment data is processed. Both games keep the on brand tile drafting mechanic but change in what you need to build in your personal space. Per chi abbia già giocato ai due titoli precedenti, vado più per sintesi, segnalando che la regola di base sull', Tra i motivi di possibile doglianza posso invece segnalare la scheda centrale, sottilina, nonché i segnalini segnapunti dei giocatori, piccoli e in colori anomali (grigino, legno, bianco e nero), con una tendenza a volar via quando si spostano (con tutto il posto che c'era potevano farli un pelo più grandi, come le caselle punti ...). scritto da Fabio (Pinco11) e dalla redazione   Eccoci con una nuova rubrica, che spero sarà gradita a voi lettori e che potrà aumentare il ... scritto da  LucaCiglione e MagoCharlie Benvenuti in questa nuova rubrica del blog, tesa a scoprire quelle perle ludiche che, seppur co... scritto da Mago Charlie Questo non è proprio un articolo Vetust che vi fa riscoprire o scoprire vecchie glorie (anche se il protagon... scritto da Fabio (Pinco11) Eccoci ancora per una classica carrellata di una manciata di titoli: stavolta nelle mie peregrinazioni sono parti... scritto da Fabio (Pinco11) e da tutti gli impressionanti Ciao a tutti! I was never a big fan of Sintra, though it did grow on me after quite a few plays. Azul: Summer Pavilion lasts six rounds, and in each round players draft tiles, then place them on their individual player board to score points. ). As a master artisan, you must use the finest materials to create the summer pavilion while carefully avoiding wasting supplies. Key to Summer Pavilion’s distinctive take on the formula is the introduction of a new ‘wild’ colour each round. The game requires more strategic, much more planning involving to be really good at. At the turn of the 16th Century, King Manuel I commissioned Portugal’s greatest artisans to construct grandiose buildings. NB: Questo sito/blog non rappresenta una testata giornalistica, in quanto contiene semplicemente opinioni e divagazioni scritte da diversi appassionati dell'hobby del gioco da tavolo, raccolte in un unico sito per ragioni di comodità e utilità pratica, assieme alle loro esperienze pratiche di gioco e/o ai racconti delle visite a fiere del settore. Azul Summer Pavilion is the third installment of the abstract strategy, tile based series from publisher Next Move Games. As a master artisan, you must use the finest materials to create the summer pavilion while carefully avoiding wasting supplies. I played the second game (Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra) once but it didn’t really appeal to me in any way. In una delle puntate in agosto stavo facendo alc... scritto da Fabio (Pinco11) Questa guida è stata aggiornata nel 2020, inserendo nuovi titoli ( per andare alla nuova versione clicca qui... scritto da  Fabio (Pinco11)  e da tutto il gruppo degli autori di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo. If anything it seems more relaxed, for several reasons, for example you don't have to decide where tiles go as you take them, and you can even keep up to 4 tiles between rounds. After completing the Palaces of Evora and Sintra, the king sought to build a summer pavilion to honor the most famous members of the royal family. I know summer Pavilion is only mildly released now, but I've played the Vanillazul, and have been meaning to pick it up. I too think Azul is the best game out of the three. One reason is that the game really rewards forward thinking, definitely more so than previous iterations of the game. It still has the same core drafting mechanism of course, but the distinct windows, the glazier mechanic, and the rather different scoring mechanic come together to make it feel quite a bit different. That's just my two cents after playing 350+ games of Azul, 100+ games of Sintra, and 100+ games of Summer Pavilion. Press J to jump to the feed. Players then take turns drafting tiles. A slight change to the base game but still easy enough to explain and play. I don't own any of them yet, but hopefully I'll get a chance to try the other 2 so I can help make up my mind. Resta a carico dell’utente la presa visione delle normative sulla privacy e sulle condizioni d’uso applicate in tali siti.In questo sito potrebbero essere utilizzati dei marcatori temporanei (cookie) che permettono di fruire di alcuni servizi che il sito offre.