z.B. This is clearly what's happening. - J.K. Rowling Dreams aren't meant to remain as dreams. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. As university approaches you do become more independent, you begin having to do big kid things. It's wondrous. Well, it doesn't HAVE to be Grindelwald. - A. Dumbledore :-). Did I really want to live in a giant city when I grew up on a gravel road with my closest neighbor 3 miles away? “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” übersetzung ekskluuzivaa am 01.04.2012 | 21:18 “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Quote twins! (via likeigiveabother) Jul 15, 2017. gray-of-the-fallen liked this . Yes, yes, and YES, and a pumpkin pasty with a cherry on top.DID YOU KNOW that I ALMOST wrote a post before Christmas called 'Why I want a Harry Potter Christmas'? Dwelling on my fantasy future self and life is not going to get me there any faster, or even at all. ( Log Out /  Or how interesting I find Quirrell and his Struggle? Somewhere between my Junior year in high school and my Sophomore year in college I lost track of why I wanted to be an editor. Hmmm, I thought the stutter was something he affected so that nobody would suspect him? Hopefully these posts won't just turn into 'and then I cried at this bit. Change ), “Not all those who wander are lost” Tolkien, “It does not do to dwell on dreams…and forget to live” Dumbledore. Don’t take the life you have for granted, because you always will no matter how much you attain. I hate it. I mean, DUH, obviously, but like this: "You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. Deswegen kommt der Spiegel morgen an einen anderen Platz. Oooooh! He moved to Washington and was so happy to have achieved his dream. But, with a new year brings new hope and optimism and frankly…slow amounts of change. Let's just believe it's true anyway :)NEVILLE! Boys are bad at those kinds of things, I feel. DUDE, when I read that I was kind of like 'ohhhh, is Flamel Dumbledore's lover..?' Christmas is the best! It is so important to have goals  and dreams and hopes for yourself, for a better life, but if you have nothing to be happy about now, how will you be happy with more? I had spent so much time just assuming I would become an editor and one day move to New York that I completely forgot who I was outside of that dream. That tumblr person is crazy! Which could be part and parcel of what we learn later. I DON'T CARE WHAT HARRY ASSUMES, I AM CORRECT! Obviously. But see ? I could be wrong. Aw, he's just such a good secondary character. IN SCIENCE! I have a hard time remembering that. "mother's sacrifice" just killed me, Dumbledore. eine Provision vom Händler, Not, like, a marathon of books and movies and maybe a wand to play with (though that would be awesome and... it's been a while *snorts*) but, a Christmas LIKE HARRY. I would support a Flamel and Dumbledore love story too though! If you lose that hope and that passion for what you want most, what do you have? Could I handle being across the country from my family and everyone I loved? I chose this particular one as it is one of favorites, and I have found new inspiration and meaning for it recently. ( Log Out /  I'm a crier, don't judge me. Love this quote. In kindergarten you can’t wait to go to “Big School”, where there are individual desks and you finally get to be a big kid, and do big kid things. ( Log Out /  Aaaaand I'm kind of done. Any of my friends will tell you my first draft of everything is terrible. ( Log Out /  but then he was all wifed up and stuff so I was like naaaaah (I was thinking of Grindelwald, obvs). space-glitter-gay reblogged this from simple-crabman. When he goes into his villain monologue at the end, he doesn't stutter at all. Quirrell's story would be interesting - how did he go from being idealistic to having Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head? Do something, anything, today, right now to push yourself just a little bit further than you were yesterday. It was like a switch - one paragraph I can't stand Hermione, and then the next paragraph, I pretty much love her. That could work.I would LOVE some HP spin offs, like 'Professor McGonagall's summer holiday', 'Snape's Christmas' or something. Like, Ron might get something quidditch-related from Harry and some sweets from Hermione and a box of mince pies and a jumper from his parents, and then they spend the rest of the day playing games together in the Great Hall while eating those mince pies and sweets and wearing their new jumpers. xD. My high school English teacher had dreamed about being a writer since he was a kid, and while he was teaching my sophomore English class, he received a publishing deal with Scholastic in New York. The first reason this bothers me is that I’m not being grateful for the things that I do have. But then, Christmas is when you're a kid, isn't it? Are people ever content or do you always want something else? There is clearly a lot more to say (have I even mentioned the Trolls? If Dumbly's sister is alive in the mirror, then perhaps your version would be there, too. "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Das ist aus Harry Potter & Dumbledore hats gesagt. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. Omg Neville. I absolutely like your erised better- not nearly so sadtastic. On another Dumbledore note, can we please guess what Dumbledore saw in the Mirror of Erised? I just want to know it will be okay and I’ll find myself and get all I want out of life, but I don’t know if that’s possible. Perhaps.) He has already published two books and is in the process of his third, which is the first book in a trilogy. I’m much more comfortable fixing writing. ( Log Out /  Harry Potter’s dream was to have a loving family. Christmas at Hogwarts is the SHIT! It’s miserable. It sounds so wonderfully stress-free!Dude, Neville goes through the biggest transformation in these books. I love morphing writing into something amazing. Do people ever find themselves and what they want to do with their lives? I hate Percy so much, but *sniiiiiiiff* the Weasleys! And the crackers - I want wizard crackers so bad! Even if the original essay has nothing to do with the topic, it doesn’t matter. And then I cry through, like, the entire second half of book six and pretty much ALL of book seven. Subsisting on Books, Films and TV. WE PICKED THE SAME QUOTE. It might be because the movie is pretty much all about Hogwarts, I think? But that doesn’t mean there aren’t things here for me that will make me happy. And I realized…it just didn’t seem fair of me, so unsure of what I wanted, to apply for this internship and possibly be taking it from someone who really wanted it. XD, Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält desired ggf. Although Hermione bought the boys presents, but they totally didn't buy her anything! It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. I don't know if I can cope! Like, the bit where she tells Harry he's a great wizard, and he's all like 'naaah, you're SO smart!' It’s figuring out what I want to be that’s the hard part. Everybody gets everybody else a sweet gift, and THAT'S IT. WHICH IS WHY I LOVE HIM BECAUSE I TOTALLY DO THAT. My English teacher had put in a good word for me, and his editor seemed excited, but somehow I wasn’t. And then there's that pesky mention of Flamel's really old wife, too. Bahaha, yes, probably. They take very hard work and sometimes a lifetime of dedication. It is completely stress free! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. And occasionally Cake. Not a scar, no visible sign... to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. Also, lol to Dumbly. Who said it: Albus Dumbledore I guess maybe the connotations of "partner" have changed since JKR wrote this in the early 90s? ( Log Out /  This is a thought...). I LOVE how each book is really descriptive of Halloween and Christmas! Then you get to High school and still do not feel like a big kid, or do big kid things, or have individual desks, or permission to leave for lunch. I think that Dumbledore probably sees family too, though it's never explicitly stated. It was hard to compile my thoughts and not write a billion words on it. – You finally get to leave for lunch and have individual desks. — Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Cause awwwww. Little Neville. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”~Dumbledore. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I LOVE when he tells Malfoy that he's worth ten of him, because OMG so so so true! That would be nice. I love Neville. (like 99% of tumblr. I love the Christmas scenes, too. Or... You know, they're boys and stuff? 07298v liked this . “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live” by gbacques I finally started reading the Harry Potter series from the beginning–I know I took a while, let’s not get into it–and being a great admirer of Rowling and having been so inspired by her writing, I plan on taking a quote from each of the books as I finish them and making a post about it. I think it's eventually like assumed that he saw his family reunited or something? In kindergarten you can’t wait to go to “Big School”, where there are individual desks and you finally get to be a big kid, and do big kid things. Secondly, this leads me to forget just how far I’ve come. He's so sweet.We do find out later about what Dumbledore saw in the mirror, right? You won’t lose anything, the time will pass, make it worthwhile. "Your mother died to save you. I have not.) But this is just an EXTRA reason :)Ok, so I know what you're thinking about and I cried neither at the fourth or fifth books, no. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Also no one can hate Neville. Noch mehr News, Trends & Tipps - bequem per Mail! ( Log Out /  Hence the crying! I just couldn't even deal! ( Log Out /  "Of course it's happening in your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real." And it is The Sad. If I’m not moving backwards and I’m working to get farther, I should be proud of that instead of dwelling on how far I still have to go. This is problematic for a few reasons. He had none. ( Log Out /  And also that she's awesome. Though, it wont hurt dreaming, after all, the more you dream the more determined you will be to achieve it . My love for English and writing was strong, but even stronger is my love for correcting writing. It Does Not Do to Dwell on Dreams and Forget to Live, “Give us life again ’cause we just wanna be whole”. They’d make a big deal if I started jogging, going out a lot, even if I became more organised and dedicated to my studies. But boy, university will be better…I swear. It isn’t always easy to change our ways though. In my experience, conscious choice and gratitude are key. Get all the details, meaning, context, and even a pretentious factor for good measure. He's the best. But maybe, say, the heads of house are all like unmarried and live there and then everyone commutes by Floo? His parents died when he was a toddler. He didn't realise that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Ich denke, in der deutschen Version hat er zu Harry gesagt: Es tut nicht gut, nur seinen Träumen nachzuhängen und dabei vergessen zu leben. Laura, I was wondering that too - so do they all live at school? Awwwww, Neville...I maaay have looked up the mirror thing and YES we find out, or at least we find out what HARRY thinks it is. I am not who I was at the beginning of 2014 or 2013 or 2012 and I’m slowly becoming accepting of who I am. When Harry reads the back of the chocolate frog card and gets to the part that says ..."With his partner, Nicholas Flamel", my immediate thought was about Dumbledore/Flamel being in love. Your thoughts on what Dumbledore would have seen in the mirror reminds me of something that I meant to mention in my post but sadly forgot.