Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? ‘different emphases and viewpoints’ ‘Other than that, however, today's two stories have very different emphases.’ ‘It is difficult to assign priority to the problems since each centre's emphases and interests are … Privacy Policy your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the, Madam president, this is a very important report with, EN arvoisa puhemies, mietintö on hyvin tärkeä ja siinä on, For education and housing, the strategies and measures of the different competent authorities put, Koulutus- ja asuntoasioiden osalta toimivaltaisten viranomaisten strategioissa ja toimenpiteissä on, have been able to bring together member states with, yhteinen kauppapolitiikka, jonka avulla olemme pystyneet yhdistämään jäsenvaltiot, jotka, Joitakin näkökohtia haluaisimme kuitenkin, However, there is one thing with which i do agree, only i would expect clear effects and slightly, On kuitenkin yksi asia, josta olen samaa mieltä, mutta odottaisin sen osalta kuitenkin selkeitä seurauksia ja hieman, I welcome the fact that the representatives of different political groups are speaking together on this matter and are, in fact, speaking with one voice, although of course they may have, Olen tyytyväinen siihen, että eri poliittisten ryhmien edustajat tarkastelevat asiaa yhdessä ja ovat itse asiassa yhtä mieltä, vaikka tietenkin heillä voi olla, The results of the interviews were kind of similar, but with very, Haastatteluista saadut tulokset olivat tietyllä tapaa yhdenmukaisia, mutta kuitenkin hyvin, building“works”, break the wall, footings, connect to chimneys and walls switching places, where there are, joka johtaa, rakennuksen” toimii”, rikkoa seinä, anturoiden, yhteyden savupiippujen ja seinät vaihtamalla paikkaa, jos on olemassa, This is very important for us, since social tensions do exist, and there is a social model for europe with, Se on meille erittäin tärkeä, sillä on sosiaalisia jännitteitä, on euroopan sosiaalimalli, jossa on, Therefore we want an employment initiative with a slightly, Sen vuoksi haluamme muuttaa työllisyysaloitteen, Both sides approached the negotiation process with a, Molemmat osapuolet lähtivät neuvotteluprosessiin, At the same time, i would like to see a slightly, Samalla haluaisin, että perustuslain tunnetuksi tekemistä, Table 4 covers hgvs as well as passenger cars and indicates the, Taulukko 4 kattaa sekä raskaat tavarankuljetusajoneuvot että henkilöautot ja osoittaa, I think that it would have been preferable to leave this to the incoming commission, which would perhaps then have placed a slightly, Minusta olisi ollut suotavampaa jättää asia uuden komission päätettäväksi, sillä se olisi kenties, DE mr president, ladies and gentlemen, from the point of view of the committee on budgets, the committee on foreign affairs and the subcommittee on security and defence, i should like to introduce another rather. If you want to know more or withdraw 29, It is recommended to strictly control total pollution discharge, adjust industrial structure, 30, Based on concluding the computation flow of lunar gravity field recovery, the method of dealing with the difficulty of unobservable to farside of lunar are analyzed on. Another method of emphasis in a series of sentences is the placement of a short, emphatic sentence to “punctuate” a crucial point and even add an element of drama. Emphasis definition, special stress laid upon, or importance attached to, anything: The president's statement gave emphasis to the budgetary crisis. The rhythmical and artistic form of the sentence is sacrificed to a passion for emphasis that delights in deferring the point to the close of the period. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. About 1, In contemporary experimental music, the, 3, Differing Styles Different doctrinal and liturgical, 6, They are chiefly associated with his distinctive, 10, Internally "Sike" advocates the Solidarity and mutuality; externally, 19, The examples we will look at have quite different, 20, Those companies that persevered with longer-term planning realized that a mechanism was needed to manage changing, 21, With the exploration direction turning to subtle reservoirs, and more, 22, Recent achievements in ethylene oligomerization by using transition metal complexes as catalysts are reviewed with, 23, To apply DSP to the digital control of magnetic bearing is the. Examples of emphasis in a sentence: 1. And the, 27, Internally' sike " advocates the Solidarity and mutuality; externally, 28, The production technology for wild Cerasus tomentosa Thunb juice drink is introduced, with. Time: 0.0752, Contact That piles up all the emphases and all the climaxes and all the destinies into life here. These emphases in our defense planning have been made at my personal direction after long and thoughtful study. How to use emphasize in a sentence. The variations and emphases that feeling may dictate can be done in the painting stage. His emphasis took the form of simple common sense. Results: 30, Jim decided to find out if playing frisbee in a glass factory was a bad idea. Translations of the phrase DIFFERENT EMPHASES from english to finnish and examples of the use of "DIFFERENT EMPHASES" in a sentence with their translations: ...a very important report with different emphases . “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? His emphases on „pump priming" and deficit spending simply don"t work. : For example, auditors study internal audit reports and results to determine areas for audit emphasis as well as potential cost savings. He then began to read in a good round resonant voice, with clear enunciation and careful attention to his pauses and emphases. Study it so sympathetically that you can follow its hints, and make its emphases. 3. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Emphases in a sentence 1, In contemporary experimental music, the emphases are sometimes reversed. Suomi Näissä tapauksissa, savi muuttuu muokattavaksi ja pehmeä, and required to achieve Emphases; Even more emphases was put on the festival now. More Sentences: 1 2 3 Neighbors "empfindsamkeit" in a sentence , "empfingen" in a sentence , "empha" in a sentence , "emphase" in a sentence , "emphases" in a sentence , "emphasis added" in a sentence , "emphasis circuit" in a sentence , "emphasis mark" in a sentence , "emphasis network" in a sentence , : The government restructured the tax base to place greater emphasis on indirect taxes rather than on the peasant-based taille. The cardinals and the bishops conference come in with different, They generally retained aspects of Five Percenter doctrine with different, Quibbling over a master magician's choice of, The big three do plan to diversify, but their, The SBTC established missions and evangelism as its major, The World Bank indicated a switch towards greater, With Centurion XVII the company placed a new, Some subjects were given increased prominence to reflect Counter-Reformation, Within the movement itself there had always been diverse. Dansk the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. Another word for emphases. The variations and emphases that feeling may dictate can be done in the painting stage. They generally retained aspects of Five Percenter doctrine with different emphases. Its emphases vary according to my own indifferences and ignorance as well as according to my own sympathies and knowledge. The 2005 budget also contains a temporary tax amnesties and an emphasis on the collection of arrears from powerful big business cartels. Norsk Time: 0.0752, Results: 30, In these cases, the clay becomes malleable and soft, which results in, the. Find more ways to say emphases, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 24, According to concerned historical materials, the author of the article discoursed background, 25, In this thesis, a brief introduction is given to the trials of International uniform legislation for the restrictive clause and the, 26, It is introduced in the paper how to improve the information competence of naval equipment. Kokemuksemme tekstiilialalla osoittaa liiankin selvästi, että meillä itse asiassa on. Svenska This basic structural difference leads in turn to radically different, Within the field of religion or area studies, there is a difference between, Our denominational and confessional traditions differ in the respective, I can accept that different cultures have different, All of the essays repeat this same cluster of ideas, developing their implications with different, Other than that, however, today's two stories have very different, It is difficult to assign priority to the problems since each centre's, Like all great styles before it, art nouveau had different, Often the meter seems to fluctuate between triple and duple time, which transforms the rhythmic, Old neoclassical debates over aesthetic unity found themselves recycled as conflicts between New Critical coherence and later, Over the past thirty years, the movement has expanded exponentially to include, Knox, however, modified its use to accord with the doctrinal, The two parties had their own policies and, The field is new, and thus has a variety of names with a variety of, Study it so sympathetically that you can follow its hints, and make its, He then began to read in a good round resonant voice, with clear enunciation and careful attention to his pauses and. How to say emphases in English? Join our early testers! 2. DE arvoisa puhemies, hyvät kollegat, haluan tuoda tähän keskusteluun vielä yhden uuden, In view of these differences, the two parts of this communication relating to the ICAO and the IMO respectively place a. Näiden erojen vuoksi tämän tiedonannon kahdessa osassa, joista toinen koskee icaota ja toinen imoa, It is for that reason that the report, like the commission communication, discusses a wide variety of options, although there is no mistaking the different, Tämän vuoksi mietinnössä käsitellään komission tiedonannon tavoin lukuisia eri vaihtoehtoja, vaikka komissio ja esittelijä ovatkin valinneet omat, However, i would have placed emphasis on quite, However, the policy choice ultimately depends on what emphasis decision-makers put on the, Kuitenkin poliittinen valinta riippuu viime kädessä siitä, miten päätöksen tekijät painottavat, The sterckx, savary and ainardi reports place the emphasis on cooperation and consultation between, Sterckxin, savaryn ja ainardin mietinnöissä painotetaan, The main emphasis is placed on the development of, Secondly, greater emphasis must be placed on geographical differences and, Toiseksi on kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota maantieteellisiin eroihin ja, On the other hand, i also understand how our colleagues in the committee on the environment, public health and consumer policy put a, Toisaalta ymmärrän myös, että kollegamme ympäristöasioiden, kansanterveyden ja kuluttajapolitiikan valiokunnassa painottavat, Why should not architectural studies in milan, for example, be offered with rather, Miksei milanossa voitaisi tarjota esimerkiksi hieman.